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Flirting With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 75
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Scarlett woke up late. She had a good day yesterday. But when she came home after dinner, she ran into the insolent Gale, and
she had a quarrel with Raymond, so her good mood was ruined. She stayed awake so late last night that she didn’t hear the
6:00 a.m. alarm.It was after 7:00, almost 8:00.Scarlett took a glance at her phone, got out of bed, washed up, made herself a
simple sandwich, and poured herself a glass of milk. She was eating her breakfast while scrolling through Twitter.There was
nothing special, no news about her on Twitter.After drinking the milk, Scarlett got up and took her yoga mat out. Then she went
downstairs to feed the goldfish.It was not particularly cold November in Juanton. It was close to nine o’clock. The sun was up.
The wind was a little chilly, but not too cold.After feeding the fish, Scarlett went upstairs. She planned to do two hours of yoga.
Suddenly, her cell phone rang.It was Zack.Scarlett raised her eyebrows. She didn’t expect Zack t o find out about Julie in such a

short time.”Good morning, Mr. Calton.””Good morning, Ms. Reed. There was a thing about Ms. Woods last night. I thought I’d
better keep you informed.”Scarlett frowned. She wondered, “Mr. Calton, what was that?””Here’s the thing. Yesterday after I left
you, I found an opportunity to put a bug on Julie’s phone. Last night, Julie went to a bar. When it was late, she followed Mr. Smith
and Mr. James out, but they refused to give her a ride. Then she got into the car of a man named ‘Chap I””Hmm.” Scarlett
responded, and she waited for Zack to continue the story with patience.Zack went on, “Last night Ms. Woods and Chap went t o
the Salla Hotel and spent the night there. This morning when I was listening to the wiretaps,
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I heard Julie mention you to Chap.”A man and a woman went to a hotel. Any adult understood what they were doing
there.Scarlett never expected Julie to be such an open woman. But it had nothing to do with her. She just didn’t understand why
Julie mentioned her to that man. “What did she say to that man?””Ms. Reed, you’re smart.” Zack chuckled.Then he played a
piece of recording to Scarlett.The sound was tinny at first. After a few seconds, Scarlett heard people talking.After listening to the
recording, Scarlett was silent for a moment, “Mr. Calton, do you know who this Chap is?””If you want to know about him, I can
help you investigate this man.”Scarlett smiled, “Okay, I’ll pay you later.””Ms. Reed, you are a very decisive woman, and I always
admire women like you. I’m sure I’ll find out everything you want in three days. I won’t bother you. I’ll call you
later.””OK.”.nε.ôScarlett hung up the phone. After looking down at the phone in her hand for a while, she walked
upstairs to d o her yoga.Just finishing yoga, Katherine called to remind her that she was supposed to have lunch with Ethen at
noon.Scarlett surely remembered the appointment. She took a quick shower and changed her clothes. Then she spent about
half an hour putting on light make-u p. Everything was ready. She went out.When she arrived at the restaurant, Katherine was
already there waiting for her.When the secretary saw Scarlett’s car, she walked up and called, “Ms. Reed.”Scarlett nodded and
smiled at her, taking off her sunglasses, “Has Ethen arrived?”