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Flirting With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 153
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Libby cried loudly just now. Reporters had always been on the shore. Hearing her cries, those reporters, who had been waiting all night to break the news, pointed their cameras at her.

They were a bit far away from Alexis. Moreover, photos and videos were not very clear under the dim night lighting, but the sound was very clear.

Alexis took the phone and played the video. The reporters on the shore immediately understood what was going on.

Alexander held Libby down from the yacht, and many reporters surrounded them.

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Libby jumped into the sea on a cold day. Fortunately, she was fished out, but she froze and shivered in Alexander's arms.

Scarlett passed by her in the end, and Scarlett's look made her not dare to look up. She swore confidently just now, but now she completely seemed to be an ostrich who curled up in Alexander's arms.

It was painstaking for paparazzi to work outside in winter. Today was the annual meeting of Crain Vision Entertainment Company. They waited for the whole night on the shore. Luckily there was a piece of news. No one was willing to give it up.

But the Smith family took charge of the Sunrigal Corporation. Among the national film and entertainment corporations, both the Sunrigal Corporation and the Slooworld Corporation were the most famous corporations.

Therefore, Alexander was o f high status and what he said worked.

The reporters who were originally gathered dispersed.

Alexander carried Libby to the car, found a blanket from the back seat, and threw it on her angrily, "Wipe yourself!" Libby began to cry after getting into the car, "Scarlett has gone too far!" Alexander said angrily, "Shut up. If you pissoff, I'll kick you off now and let those paparazzi surround you!" Libby trembled and glanced at him secretly. Seeing his stern face, she didn't dare to cry so loudly anymore.

She was very humiliated tonight. If Alexander drove her off, the Jones family would be even more disgraced! Since Libby had already been taken away by Alexander, Scarlett didn't want to continue to be over here anymore.

She glanced at Alexis, "I'm going back." "Ah, it's still early. Why are you going back so early?" After glancing at the reporters on the shore, Scarlett said, "I'm sleepy." Alexis curled her lips, "Okay. I'll take you to the car." "No, thank you. There are many paparazzi outside." Alexis took a look and said, "It's Libby's fault!" Scarlett raised her eyebrows and laughed, "Bye." Saying that, she waved her hand and turned to leave. "Do you mean what happened at Mr. Jones' birthday party three years ago?" Just as Scarlett left, Raymond, who had been staring a t her, followed her up.

Hearing his voice, Scarlett turned her head to look at him. She didn't answer his question but said, "The shore is full of reporters and paparazzi. | don't want to see the news about us tomorrow." Raymond stopped and took two steps back, "Did Libby push you into the water three years ago?" Scarlett was satisfied with his words, but didn't want him to mention the previous incident.

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But since he asked about that, she had no intention of hiding it from him. She had never been willing to be aggrieved, so she said, "Yes. But to be precise, your sister and Miss Jones pushedinto the swimming pool." If it weren't for Raymond, she wouldn't have let them g o back then.

Unfortunately, her compromise didn't work.

That night she was wet to the skin. When she appeared in front of him, he just gave her a cold look.

‘Tsk. When | think about it now, | still feel that he was very heartless." Raymond didn't expect her to say that. He and Scarlett had just been married for less than a year by then. Mr.

Jones happened to have a birthday party back then. H e and Alexander were good friends. Breanna was Alexander's auntie. Breanna asked Alexander to hand him an invitation, so he had to attend the party.

In fact, he didn't want to go there with Scarlett. But Tiffany tricked Scarlett into going there. Therefore, Scarlett also attended the party.

At that time, he thought that Scarlett had deliberately gone to seduce himself, so when he saw her at the birthday party, he subconsciously loathed her.