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Flirting With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 1436
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"Benny will be there." Although Alison was shy, she didn’t reject such social events. She felt lonely in the past because no one was willing to invite her to parties.

Now that Luis invited her, she was more reluctant to refuse. "Can I join in?" Luis asked in return, "Why not?" Then he looked at Haya and said, "You don’t need to prepare dinner for us. You can go hearlier today.” Haya felt happy and said, "Alright, | will prepare smidnight snacks, so you can eat safter you cback." "Thank you.” Luis said that Haya could go hearlier today. If Alison wanted to have dinner at home, she needed to make it by herself.

Now that his attitude was so determined, she didn't refuse again.

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They rested for a while and were about to set off. Alison had changed her clothes.

Originally, she wanted to wear a dress. However, it was Luis' friend's birthday party, and the others might all be boys. If so, she would feel embarrassed in a dress.

She thought about it and chose a pair of suspender trousers and a white shirt with the print of a cat finally. After she dried her hair, she wore a bun.

"Luis, what does your friend like? It's impolite if | have no gift for him." Alison thought of that before she set off. Suddenly, she realized that it was unseemly for her to go to Luis' friend's birthday party.

"No need. He doesn’t lack anything." He glanced at her. Usually, she looked childish. She wore a pair of suspender trousers today and looked more childish like a girl who was a freshman in middle school.

Luis felt guilty somehow. It was rare for him. He looked away and said, "Let's go." Alison followed him. The car was waiting for them outside the door.

Along the way, she felt uneasy.

She had only met Luis' friend once. What was worse, she was in a sorry state at that tbecause of Oliva and the others.

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The more she thought about it, the more nervous she was. "Is it appropriate for you to takethere?" "Don't think too much. Blaze askedto take you out to relieve boredom." He thought of something and added, "Do you want to go somewhere before the new term begins?" He accompanied her to go to her hometown, so she was not that aloof toward him.

Hearing that, she didn't shake her head as usual but said, "Yes." He felt surprised and asked, "Where do you want to go?" She compressed her lips and said," | want to go to the seaside." She had never gone to the seaside.

"Which seaside do you want to go to?" He looked at her with gusto.

"It doesn't matter. | will be happy as long as | can go to the seaside." She just wanted to go to see the sea and didn't care about which one it was.

Seeing that she was so serious, he understood her meaning. "I see. | will tell Blaze tonight." "Blaze has been busy recently." Luis snorted, "I knew it. | will take you to the seaside." "Really?" Her eyes lit up. She looked at him in surprise.

Looking at her, he softened his tone involuntarily and said, "I promise." 'She is so easy to be satisfied.