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Flirting With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 1434
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But it was summer vacation, so Alison was very afraid of running into her former classmates.

Fortunately, apart from those few boys, she didn't see her former classmates.

The bus soon came. Luis got on the bus first. He went to the back row by the window and sat on the aisle seat.

Alison tapped the bus pass, walked over, and sat on the window seat The bus slowly started. The road was crowded. Everything outside was familiar and unfamiliar to Alison.

She didn't like this town.

Luckily, she didn't have to live here anymore.

"Do you want to listen to music?" When she was lost in thought, Alison's shoulder was touched.

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She tilted her head and saw a wireless earphone handed over by Luis.

Alison pursed her lips, took the earphone, and put it on.

Hearing the light music, Alison was surprised. She hadn't expected that Luis liked listening to such kind of music.

The wind was comfortable, and Alison soon felt a little sleepy.

She glanced at Luis on her side. His eyes were closed. It seemed that he was asleep.

They had to spend another two hours on the bus, which would go through different districts.

The car stopped many times on the way. More and more people got on.

Alison soon closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Luis didn’t sleep. Feeling something on his shoulder, he immediately opened his eyes.

He tilted his head and saw Alison sleeping. The cap messed her hair, and the wind made the hair beside her cheeks dance.

Luis raised his eyebrows, took off her cap, tucked her hair behind her ears, and put the cap gently back on her head.

Meanwhile, Alison didn't wake up.

Luis lowered his head and looked at her hands in her lap. His pretty eyes moved slightly as he put his hand on hers.

Worried that he would wake her up, he moved gently.

His heart beat fast as he touched Alison's soft hands. He remembered how wonderful it felt when he held her hand half an hour ago.

Luis smiled slightly, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

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The car suddenly braked. Luis woke up, opened his eyes, and subconsciously covered Alison's forehead.

Alison also opened her eyes in a daze.

Seeing Luis, she said hoarsely, "Luis, have we arrived?" "Not yet. Just go back to sleep." He pressed her head back onto his shoulder.

Alison drooped her eyes and quickly fell asleep.

Luis watched her and clucked softly.

She was quite careless.

Looking sideways at Alison, who was leaning on his shoulder, Luis couldn't help touching her soft cheek.

But he forced himself to stop doing that.

Luis withdrew his hand. He becmuch bolder, directly holding Alison's hand.