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Flirting With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 1421
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The car drove away. Alison was still leaning against the car window and looking out.

Luis was afraid that she would bump her head, so he pulled her. "Okay." Alison lost her balance and accidentally hit his shoulder.

Luis had the scent of lemons. Alison rested her head on his shoulder for a moment before she reacted. "Sorry." Luis glanced down at her. "Sit still. You're drunk." Alison straightened her back. The car stopped. She looked at Luis and said, "I'm not drunk. | just feel hot." She continued after a pause, "Well, I'm a little dizzy." Luis pushed open the car door. "Here we are. Don't move." "So soon." Alison looked out the car window and found that she was home. She touched the car door, found the handle, and quickly pushed the door open.

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She held on to the door and struggled to get out of the car. "Luis, why is the sky spinning?" Luis caround the car and stopped her from falling. "You're drunk." "Really?" Alison didn't believe it, but as she looked down at her feet, she felt the ground spinning too.

"You seem to be right, Luis." Luis closed the car door and supported Alison, but she couldn't stand up. He looked at her for a moment and said, "Put your arms around my neck." Although Alison was drunk, she was quite obedient. Hearing what Luis said, she hugged his neck. "Okay." The next moment, Luis bent down and picked her up, Alison blinked at him. "I can walk by myself." "Don't move. Don't blme if you fall." Seeing her try to wriggle free, Luis couldn't help frowning.

Instantly, Alison didn't dare to struggle and stared at Luis.

She was drunk. Although not completely confused, she becmuch bolder.

Looking at Luis, she reached out to touch him. "You always purse your lips like this. Don't you feel it's uncomfortable?" She wouldn't have the guts to look at Luis and touch him like this if she were sober.

Luis felt her warm finger on his lips. He subconsciously pursed his lips but kissed Alison's finger by mistake.

He stiffened, looking down at Alison in his arms. She seemed to have realized that she had done something wrong, bowing her head. "I didn't mean to do it." Luis gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Don't move." "What's going on?" Luis had just carried Alison up to the second floor when they heard Blaze’s voice.

Seeing Blaze, Alison was a little embarrassed and tried to get out of Luis’ arms.

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Luis tutted, walked to the sofa, put her down, and looked at Blaze. "She is drunk because she had a little wine." Alison fell onto the sofa.

Seeing this. Blaze chuckled, went into the kitchen, and brought a glass of honey water. "You're a lightweight.” Alison found herself unable to sit steadily, so she had to lean back on the sofa. As she heard what Blaze said, her face beceven hotter.

"Drink shoney water.” Blaze handed the water over. Alison saw double, so she failed to touch the glass several times. "Thank you, Blaze." She took the glass and took a sip of the water.

Blaze looked at her, feeling that she was cute while drunk. Alison was drinking honey water slowly with her head down as if she were drinking good wine.

After a while, Blaze turned to look at Luis." You had never gone to parties with your classmates before, right?" Hearing this, Luis, who was drinking water, lowered his head. "Benny invited me."