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Flirting With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 1402
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Alison looked sideways at Luis and whispered, "Luis, what did Mrs. Petersen ask you?" Luis looked at her and said, "Nothing. She only mentioned the online video." Feeling that Luis was in a bad mood, Alison responded but did not press the question.

The video online had been removed this afternoon. Although the original video had been deleted, a lot of people had saved and spread it, so this incident was now sensational.

The couple had posted a video online to apologize, but those who knew Luis and Alison still suspected that the two of them were in a relationship in private.

Because of this, Luis did not even have the mood to play basketball today, but he would have to attend the final exam tomorrow.

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He left with Alison after school. As soon as they were out, a few girls from the vocational high school walked to them and asked, "Are you Alison?" The girl who asked the question glanced at Luis but then looked at Alison.

Alison was silent because, at first sight, she knew that the girl who was here with a ferocious face must have a bad intention.

Luis pulled Alison to his back and looked at the girl, saying, "Get out of our way." Karen had been unhappy after Luis refused her confession a short tago.

Unexpectedly, last night, she saw the video in which Luis and Alison were like close lovers in the shopping mall.

In her view, she had good looks and big breasts, so how was she not better than Alison? So unhappy, she asked his good friend Sara in No.l High School to make an appointment with Alison for her sake, hoping to warn her to stay away from Luis. But to her surprise, Sara called her at noon, saying that Luis had thrown away the slip of paper with the meeting address on it, so Alison would probably not go meet her.

Furious, Karen had cto stop Alison with her friends immediately after school.

But she had not expected Luis to go hwith Alison after school! She had suspected that Luis and Alison were in a relationship. Now, when she saw the two of them standing together, she was sure they were dating! She had rushed at Alison with anger, but unexpectedly, Luis had protected her once she asked the question.

She had not done anything yet! She said furiously, "Do you have to treatlike this, Luis? | just want to know what your taste is like and what kind of girl you like!" Although she said so, her gaze at Alison was not friendly at all.

Alison felt it and glanced at Luis, wishing to explain it, but Luis looked back and she saw his eyes, which made her hold her tongue.

Standing next to her, Alexa pulled her and shook her head at her, signaling her to keep silent.

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Alison had to purse her lips and remain standing behind Luis.

"I have no relation to you, so you have no right to askwhat kind of girl | like or who | want to be with!" Luis added, "If you cto her again, then I'll have to ask my dad to go to your dad." Karen was most afraid of her dad.

Unfortunately, her family's company relied on the Shaw family.

If Raymond went to her dad, she would be in serious trouble.

No matter how angry she was, she did not dare to let her dad know the thing.

She glared at Alison standing behind Luis." You're so fortunate, Alison! But since so many people like Luis, | want to see how long you can keep him away from others!" After that, she snorted and glanced at Luis for the last tbefore turning around to leave with her friends.