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Flirting With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 100
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Scarlett had to say that Justin really loved Alexis. He knew well what Alexis liked and disliked.

Scarlett thought Justin was actually trying to show her how much he loved Alexis instead of asking for her advice today...

Scarlett was taken by Justin to see three houses. To be honest, Alexis must like any of them. They just differed in size and location.

"Which house do you think is the best?" Hearing his words, Scarlett lifted her leg and took two steps forward to the balcony. "I think Riverland Garden is the best." Justin gave a rare smile. too." Scarlett raised her eyebrows. "So you are going to buy it?" Justin nodded his head, so they went back to the sales office of Riverland Garden.

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Justin paid over 36 million dollars for the house outright in cash and wrote only Alexis' non the deed of the house.

The estate agent thought Scarlett was Alexis and kept praising Justin for loving her so much.

Scarlett smiled. "I'm just his friend. | am not Alexis. She is my best friend." The estate agent hurriedly apologized. Scarlett said with a smile, "That's OK. We misled you." She said and glanced at Justin. "I'm going to sit over there." Justin nodded. "Okay." Just as Scarlett cto the lounge area, Alexander walked in with a girl.

Scarlett did not know the girl. She had never seen that girl before, but it was none of her business. And she did not feel like saying hello to Alexander.

Alexander saw Scarlett as soon as he entered the sales office. He was accompanying his cousin Sofia Jones t o buy a house today. He didn't expect to meet Scarlett here! Sofia had already picked a house and chere to sign the contract. Scarlett stood a bit far away, and she seemed to ignore Alexander, so he decided not to say hello to her.

Alexander led Sofia to an estate agent. Just as they sat down, he heard an estate agent keep praising the man at the table for loving his girlfriend so much and buying her a house in case. She said that they must be a loving couple.

Alexander snorted. It was not a rare thing. It was common for generous young men born with a silver spoon to buy houses for their women.

The man at the table kept a low profile. Maybe he bought a house for his mistress.

Of course, that was what Alexander thought before he recognized that man. When he saw that the man was Justin, he was shocked.

Seeing Alexander's shocked look, Sofia thought there was something wrong with the house she was going t o buy. "Alexander, what's wrong?" Alexander shook his head. "Nothing. You sign the contract here. | suddenly have an emergency. | have to go out and make a phone call." "Oh. Okay. Go ahead!" Before Sofia finished speaking, Alexander had already walked far away.

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Alexander's family founded companies in show business, so he naturally paid attention to fashion and gossip.

Of course, he knew who Justin was! Justin was the new young chairman of Future Technologies. A few months ago, rumor had it that Scarlett was dating Justin just after her divorce with Raymond.

At that time, Alexander thought it was unlikely. After all, Justin was a famous workaholic. It had been seven or eight years since Justin founded his company. And Alexander had never heard that Justin dated s women.

At that time, someone investigated Justin thoroughly and explained in detail why Scarlett and Justin could not be a couple with reasonable evidence.

Alexander was convinced back then. But today, he knew he was wrong! Scarlett and Justin bought a house for their marriage today. Weren't they in love? Alexander's first reaction was to call Raymond. He has known Raymond for thirty years. Raymond himself did not realize how weird he had been recently.

Obviously, Raymond felt like going back together with Scarlett now. But it was undoubted that Scarlett fell in love with another man!