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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don't Want to be the Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 143
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Chapter 143: Witnessing with her own eyes
If it weren’t for Benjamin’s condition, Martina would never have followed him. It completely went against her nature. go.”
Benjamin’s smile was faint. “Of course, it’s everyone’s idea. It’s okay, if you don’t want to After all, it was work–related, and
Martina didn’t want to hold Benjamin back because of her. Since it was just having a meal, and it was requested by people from
his company, she didn’t mind going.
Anyway, she would try to be as inconspicuous as possible. She would just focus on eating and act like she couldn’t hear or see
anything else.
Martina agreed, “Alright, since it’s everyone’s idea, I don’t want to be the one to cause
any changes. Let’s go have a meal. I happen to be a little hungry.”
In truth, Martina said this on purpose. She just didn’t want to delay Benjamin’s work
Simon chuckled behind them, suddenly feeling that Miss Martinez didn’t seem as
heartless as she appeared at the beginning.
No, it wasn’t accurate to say she was heartless. The most significant change was that
she seemed to be less resistant and dissatisfied with the boss than she was initially.
He held the belief that with the passage of time, there would be even more changes.
Meanwhile, in the meeting room, Camille specifically asked Pierre to stay.
Pierre initially thought it was because his explanation earlier had caused dissatisfaction with his boss, and he was thinking about
how to resolve it.
Suddenly, Camille spoke up, “Pierre, you are the person I trust the most.”
Pierre quickly nodded, “Yes, boss. Absolutely.”

He thought to himself, “She must be preparing to scold someone, so she’s laying the groundwork beforehand, right?”
However, the next thing Camille said made Pierre surprised.
“So, tell me, who is the woman staying by Mr. Walker’s side? What’s their relationship?”
Camille asked.
Pierre paused. If he hadn’t heard this with his own ears, he probably wouldn’t have believed it! Was this his boss? The boss, who
was typically so decisive and no–nonsense, was now seeking gossip?
But regardless, Pierre quickly answered truthfully, “Boss, I don’t know much, but th one thing I know. Do you know about the
woman who used to be by Mr. Walker’s si
Camille furrowed her eyebrows, her thoughts swirling non–stop!
Finally, she settled on a conclusion, “You mean... the particularly shameless woman from before? The one who stuck by Mr.
Walker’s side and couldn’t be chased away?”
It seemed that the extent of Martina’s infatuation from before had already become widely known and notorious!
No wonder Martina had undergone such a significant transformation. Under such pressure and circumstances, people naturally
underwent a reversal. It was either becoming the person others talked about or making a change–those were the only two
Pierre nodded, but his expression became a bit odd. “Although that’s how it seems,there’s something we got wrong.”
“Based on the current situation, Mr. Walker is deeply concerned about Miss Martinez. He cares to the extent of repeatedly
lowering his own status for her.”
“As for Miss Martinez who was originally in the dust, she is the complete opposite of the rumors!”
“From my observations these past few days, Miss Martinez is extremely important to Mr. Walker!”
Receiving such a conclusion, Camille’s mood instantly turned gloomy. “How could this be?”
Her fiery red lips moved, revealing a deep sense of jealousy in her eyes.

She had worked so hard to get this opportunity to be close to Benjamin, so why did it turn out like this?
Based on the information Camille had gathered before, there was no other woman around Benjamin. That’s why she dared to

take the risk, knowing that even if she failed in love, she still had her career.
But who could have expected that things would change so quickly? This was a huge blow to her.
Camille fell into silence, not knowing what to say for a long time.
After a while, Pierre urged. “Boss, should we still go for a meal? Simon messaged me just now saying they are already waiting in
the lobby on the first floor.”
Camille quickly snapped out of her thoughts, clenching her teeth and fists. “Alright, I’ll go and see for myself what’s so
extraordinary about that woman!”
If there was any doubt before, Pierre now fully understood why his boss cared so much about Benjamin.
So, even the boss was captivated by Mr. Walker’s charisma and was starting to have feelings for him?
Pierre couldn’t think of any other possibility.
This was simply awe–inspiring; no wonder he was Mr. Walker–he was truly extraordinary!
In Pierre’s eyes, Camille used to be like a powerful woman, showing no interest in any man. Now he realized that it wasn’t that
Camille wasn’t interested in other men; it’s just that she had her eyes set on someone like Mr. Walker, which made her indifferent
to others.
As someone close to Camille, Pierre offered a reminder, “Boss, I think you shouldn’t overthink it. Mr. Walker is really good to
Miss Martinez. Sometimes, feelings that shouldn’t exist should be erased as soon as possible, so that we don’t end up hurting
ourselves in the end...”
Camille couldn’t possibly take the advice. Even if it meant facing death, she wanted to see it with her own eyes!
At the restaurant, Simon pulled out chairs thoughtfully for Martina and Benjamin and sat himself in the farthest seat. Camille and
Pierre sat on the other side. It was a private room, free from any disturbances.
As soon as they entered, Camille spotted the woman sitting beside Benjamin..

Even though they were both women, Camille instantly felt the difference between them. Most importantly, she could clearly
sense that Martina was deliberately trying to lower her own presence. Despite that, Martina couldn’t be ignored; instead, she
exuded an even more captivating aura.
People were curious about beautiful things, and Camille was no exception.
Benjamin thoughtfully helped her put on a napkin. At that moment, Camille felt like she could hear her own heart shattering into
pieces. Her heart was in complete disarray, and she couldn’t put it back together.
It was true that it was one thing to imagine it, and another to witness it with her own.eyes!