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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don't Want to be the Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 109
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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don’t Want to be the Billionaire’s Wife Chapter 109
Chapter 109: Effects of Drugs
Martina could clearly see that Elena’s eyes were red with tears, on the verge of falling.
She reached out and wiped away Elena’s tears with effort. “Don’t cry, I’m fine, okay? I’m just a bit tired... I want to go home. Can
we discuss anything tomorrow?”
Elena keenly sensed that something was off with Martina’s body, possibly due to the
recent fright she experienced.
Even though she had countless questions to ask, she could only nod in agreement and then apologize to Benjamin, “I’m sorry,
Benjamin. It’s my fault. I will explain everything to
Benjamin didn’t say anything and silently carried Martina away from there. His purpose for coming here was Martina, so if she
wanted to leave, he had no intention of staying.
Many wealthy people present witnessed this scene. Regardless of age or gender, everyone had a look of fear on their faces.
“That man just now... was it Mr. Benjamin Walker, the CEO of the Walker family?” Soon, they received confirmation from others,
as there were quite a few who had seen Benjamin before.
Although Benjamin was usually eccentric and people were afraid to take pictures, their memory still remained.
With the affirmation from many people, another wave of discussion ensued.
“Who is that woman? How can she be so intimate with Benjamin, who is like a god–like
“And what happened just now? The Rodríguez family seems to be in some turmoil

How could Rick not know that his plan had failed? His gaze was not that stable, afraid of being caught with any evidence, and he
subconsciously wanted to leave quickly.
But at that moment, Alejandro seemed to have a sudden surge of sixth sense, and his eyes, as if capable of killing, landed
abruptly on Rick.
Rick’s heart instantly skipped a beat and thought, “No...”
Alejandro made a subtle gesture and whispered something to the bodyguard beside
“Please, everyone, there’s no need to panic. It was just a minor incident,” he stabilized the situation and said. “In a little while, the

Rodríguez family will present a gift. I hope everyone can stay alert and refrain from speaking recklessly in front of others. Als
person who caused the disturbance has been under control, so please don’t worry
While Alejandro said these words on the surface, he immediately gave instructions to the bodyguard, “Make sure that person
suffers, but don’t let him die. There’s no need to
treat his injuries either.”
The implication was to make that muscular man completely disabled, not just
physically but also as a man.
As Elena watched, a shudder ran through her. She couldn’t recall the last instance when she had witnessed her brother
displaying anger.
The last time Alejandro had been angry seemed to be when they were children. Back then, when Elena was being bullied,
Alejandro got angry and taught that person a lesson.
But this time, Alejandro was angry for Martina. Elena didn’t feel jealous, just puzzled.
However, regardless of the reason, she hoped to investigate this matter as soon as
Otherwise, everyone would want to bully her best friend, as if Elena didn’t exist.

Amy disappointedly touched the rim of her glass, took out her phone, and deleted Rick since he was a useless person. There
was no need to keep him around, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.
Inside the car, Benjamin’s gaze was visibly flustered.
Simon’s hands were still stained with some blood, but he drove the car competently.
As time passed, Martina’s body temperature rose higher and higher, and even her consciousness became somewhat unclear.
Her two icy–cold hands were moving aimlessly,
which indicated that something was definitely not right!
Benjamin really wanted to take Martina home, but it was clear that he couldn’t do that
He immediately ordered, “Go to the hospital.”
Martina furrowed her brows tightly, opened her eyes in a dazed state, and saw
Benjamin’s handsome face, which didn’t look good at the moment.
She was so scared that she trembled and hid in Benjamin’s arms.
“Benjamin...” Once again, she unconsciously called out Benjamin’s name.
Benjamin seemed to hear the sound of his heart breaking. He had wanted nothing -more than to kill that bastard just now.
If it weren’t for Martina’s words still echoing in his ears, he would have killed that

person on the spot.
In the hospital, after the doctor’s examination, it was finally determined that Martina had inhaled some drugs. It was a type of
substance that served as an aphrodisi
Normally, inhaling a small amount of this drug wouldn’t be a problem, but someone
deliberately increased the dosage..Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Even though Martina hadn’t spent much time in the restroom, she still inhaled a significant amount. Now her whole body was
uncomfortably overwhelmed by the effects of the drug. The simplest solution was to find a man.
Benjamin could have easily taken Martina home to heal her in the simplest way, which
might have helped mend their relationship. However, he watched as Martina, in order to
suppress her most primal impulse, cruelly pinched herself as if she were punishing herself.
No matter what, she refused to let herself completely sink into it. How could Benjamin
bear to take advantage of her in such a vulnerable state?
Martina’s voice trembled, and her body became increasingly weak. “Benjamin... I... I feel
so terrible...”
The corners of Benjamin’s eyes turned slightly bloodshot as he wanted to get closer to
Martina suddenly realized something and scolded, “Don’t come near, if you come closer... I won’t be able to control myself!”
Benjamin paused his steps. “Martina...”
Martina kept adjusting her breathing. “Please, leave this room. The farther, the better. I
can... manage on my own...” .com fast update
Under Martina’s tearful plea, Benjamin ultimately couldn’t take that step.
He exited the door of the private ward and immediately instructed the doctor to
proceed with the second option.
The second option was to use another medication to counteract the effects, although it would be particularly painful and far from
the comfort of directly finding a man.
The doctor repeatedly asked Benjamin if he was sure, and as Benjamin nodded, the

doctor administered the medication to Martina’s arm.
“Ah!!” a painful scream came from the ward. This night, Benjamin was destined to stay
Benjamin couldn’t bear to watch Martina suffer, yet he had no way to truly prevent it.
The anger in his heart was gradually rising, reaching a point of being completely out of
After more than three hours in the hospital, Martina’s temperature finally began to drop, and the aftereffects disappeared.
Benjamin finally breathed a sigh of relief and carefully wiped Martina’s body warm, damp towel.
It was hard to imagine that such a noble person could stoop so low for the sake of a