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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don't Want to be the Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 106
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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don’t Want to be the Billionaire’s Wife Chapter 106
Chapter 106: One Arrow, Multiple Targets
Although Amy was temporarily at a disadvantage, she had no intention of giving up on her plan to continue offending Martina.
She not only refused to give up, but also the idea of
causing embarrassment to Martina was becoming more and more intense, to the point where she couldn’t wait to find an
opportunity to make Martina feel completely humiliated.
Ideally, she wanted Martina to completely leave their circle and never appear in this
place again.
Amy found a seat but her thoughts kept swirling in his mind.
Just then, someone happened to approach Amy, seemingly a suitor of her.
This man had a decent appearance, not exceptionally handsome but with symmetrical
facial features. However, his eyes were filled with a sinister aura.
It was not hard to notice that the ambition hidden in his eyes, and this ambition
included a strong desire to possess Amy in front of him.
His name was Rick Timber, also a remarkable figure in the city, coming from a well–off family. His father was the boss of a big
Rick’s encounter with Amy was completely accidental, but it was precisely because of
that incident that Rick couldn’t forget about Amy.
From that point on, he went all out to chase after Amy relentlessly.
Before, Rick had always thought that he had no chance because he had been harshly rejected by Amy before. But now, he felt
like an opportunity had arrived.

Seeing Rick’s presence, Amy’s expression kept the same; instead, it became even more-
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
It wasn’t surprising at all that he was invited, considering Rick’s family background. It’s just that Amy had been so focused on
Martina before that she didn’t notice the existence of
Listening to Amy’s not particularly polite attitude, Rick didn’t get angry at all; instead, he

was very obsequious.
“Miss Paloma, I’ve heard about what happened earlier. I wish I had arrived a little earlier
to assist you,” he said.
Rick was good at expressing his inner thoughts, but whether he would dare to actually
do so remained uncertain. After all, the Rodríguez family had a significant influence and
was surely more powerful than the Timber family.
There was a glass of alcohol in front of Amy, and she was about to finish it i when Rick took it away.
Amy glared at him with clear displeasure, almost on the verge of engaging in a physical altercation. If it weren’t for the necessity
of upholding her family’s reputation, she might have actually taken action.
And Rick, acting as if nothing had happened, said, “Miss Paloma, you shouldn’t drink
excessively considering your health. I understand that you’re probably not feeling well now,
but I can help you.”
Amy finally looked at him in the eyes. “You say you can help me, but how can you help

me?” she asked.
Rick smiled faintly, and the sense of aggression in his eyes seemed to intensify.
“Of course, I can assist Miss Paloma in resolving difficulties and dealing with the
person who bullied you. I have my own arrangements,” he replied.
Perhaps because of Rick’s identity, or perhaps because Amy wanted to try a desperate measure, she asked with a mixture of
belief and doubt, “What do you intend to do?”
She didn’t even inquire why Rick wanted to help her like this because she knew that his willingness to help was driven by his
feelings for her.
Rick’s smile broadened as he sensed that Amy’s eyes finally acknowledged his true
“Of course...to make her suffer endlessly and let you vent all your grievances,” he said. Amy’s mind was filled with thoughts, and
she couldn’t shake the feeling that something. was off about Rick’s smile at that moment.
But upon further consideration, if it could really prevent Martina from ever turning the tables, it would be a good thing for her too.
She wouldn’t have to worry at all.
Amy picked up a glass of juice from the side and took a sip, taking in Rick’s words. “Well, to a pleasant collaboration,” they
clinked their glasses.

Rick took the glass that Amy had already sipped from and pressed his lips against the spot where her lip print remained. He
emptied the glass, perhaps feeling that the drink was particularly sweet because Amy had already tasted it.
He took out his phone, his gaze filled with aggression as he stared at Amy for a while. “So, Miss Paloma, can you add me on
Snapchat? I’ve added you many times already.”
Perhaps Amy used to pretend she didn’t see Rick’s message, but now, in order to turn this possibility into reality, she reluctantly
added him.
As Rick confidently left the place, a flash of disgust quickly crossed Amy’s face..Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

People always liked the unattainable, while the ones they obtained were not cherished. These words fit Amy perfectly, as if they
were tailor–made for her.
After Rick departed, he precisely located Martina in the crowd, engaged in
with Elena and others.
Even Rick couldn’t help but be stunned at the moment he saw Martina. He hadn’t expected her to be so beautiful. It was their
first encounter.
But snapping out of his daze, Rick quickly realized that no matter w .com fast updatehat, he would stand unwaveringly in
front of Amy, as if it was the only way to demonstrate his loyalty.
Rick had already thought out a plan of action in his mind. For a woman, faithfulness was the most important thing to protect.
What would happen if Martina lost her faithfulness
because of this?
People said Martina shamelessly clung to Benjamin, who was high above. Benjamin
was also Rick’s idol.
This time, Rick intended to take a risky approach to ruin Martina, even if it meant
finding the right opportunity during this banquet.
The crucial point was that one arrow could hit multiple targets. He could also preserve the innocence of his idol while preventing
Amy from feeling upset, and even earn the favor
of her. It was truly a three–in–one achievement.
At this moment, Martina could faintly sense a scorching gaze directed towards her, occasionally looking her way. But when she
tried to search for it, she couldn’t find it at all.
Elena, curious, asked Martina, “Hey, what are you looking at? Did you spot a handsome. guy at the banquet? Remember to
share it with me!”

Martina smiled and shook her head, “No, it’s nothing. I just feel a bit strange.”
Elena, with her easygoing personality, remained unfazed, as usual. “Oh, someone must. have fallen for your stunning looks
again, but it doesn’t matter. Let’s ignore them! Later, I’ll introduce you to the people in my family and let them meet you. They are
all eager to see you with their own eyes.”