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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don't Want to be the Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 103
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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don’t Want to be the Billionaire’s Wife Chapter 103
Chapter 103: How Did You Invite Her In?
Alejandro, who was around 29 years old, was indeed a few years older than Martina.
He was also a prominent figure in the business world, although he might have paled in comparison to Benjamin. However, he
was definitely not someone to be underestimated. Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been so many people coming to celebrate his
birthday today.
Elena’s actions spoke volumes about her strong reliance and idolization of Alejandro, even if she didn’t express it verbally.
Despite it being their first meeting, Martina could discern the deep admiration Elena held for Alejandro. Therefore, she didn’t find
it surprising at that moment.
It was just that the unexpected incident earlier made Martina somewhat uncomfortable. It was completely beyond her
Martina thought Alejandro wouldn’t react to Elena’s words, but unexpectedly, he actually started seriously contemplating.
“Indeed. Miss Martinez is even more gorgeous than how she was described to me. Truly a remarkable beauty among all
women,” he said in awe.
Martina felt a bit awkward with such praise, and her face became slightly red. “Thank you for your compliment, but if you
continue to describe me like that, I will feel
Alejandro’s mood got even better. He waved to Elena. “You’re late by quite a bit. Didn’t we agree that you would arrive before 8
o’clock? It’s already half–past eight now.”
Elena made a playful grimace in front of her older brother, finally showing a little bit of a girl’s demeanor. “Well, it’s because of
bringing along my bestie that we were delayed a bit, right? Don’t say it like that. Are you really going to dwell on this little bit of
Alejandro checked the time and indeed, it was already late, even more than 10 minutes past the agreed time. “For now, come
with me outside. I can’t handle them alone.”

Although Elena felt some dissatisfaction in her heart, she didn’t dare to refuse directly. She could only nod and agree, taking
Martina along with them at the same time.

The three of them hurriedly went down the stairs.
It must be acknowledged that their pairing was truly remarkable. They possessed a -presence that instantly garnered admiration.
Even those who were initially confident couldn’t help but feel a loss of confidence in their presence, especially the crowd that had
been discussing Martina and Elena earlier. When they witnessed the two of them entering the scene together with today’s
protagonist, they were beyond surprised and even a bit apprehensive. They could only secretly speculate about the identities
and relationships of these two women.
Why were they treated like this? It was the dream of so many people, wasn’t it?
“These two women seem really mysterious. I hope they didn’t overhear what I said
“If they did hear it, please don’t secretly hold a grudge against me. That would be a
It was not just one person thinking like this. Perhaps it was because those with impure
thoughts could only come up with impure ideas themselves.
In reality, Martina and Elena didn’t even remember who these people were or what they
were saying. Other people’s gossip was just that–gossip. In the end, it had nothing to do
with them.
Some people might be driven by jealousy, while others might just be foolish.
If Martina and Elena were to pay attention to every single person and their opinions, wouldn’t they be wasting their precious
Obviously, this was clearly not Martina’s style!.

Just when Elena was feeling pleased that those people finally dared not spread unfounded rumors, suddenly right before her
eyes, she saw a figure that she wasn’t
particularly willing to see again.
The woman was also dressed in a black evening gown, looking equally well–dressed.
However, whether it was a coincidence or not, the woman’s dress was nearly identical
to Martina’s, with the only noticeable difference being their hair styling. The dresses they
wore were exactly the same.
Fully aware of the dress’s rarity, Elena never expected anyone else to possess it, let alone coincidentally wear it at that moment.
Much to her surprise, the woman adorning the same dress as Martina was none other than Amy Paloma, someone who had

clashed with Martina.
A displeased expression immediately appeared on Elena’s face. If it weren’t for the fact
that there were still so many guests present, she would probably have lost her temper long
“Why is she here, Alejandro? Don’t you know I can’t stand her?“Elena had harbored a
dislike for Amy long time ago, not just because of Martina. Martina’s presence only intensified Elena’s aversion towards Amy.
In reality, their relationship had never been good. If it weren’t for the need to maintain the relationship between the two families,
Elena would have likely expressed her disdain for Amy directly and openly. .com fast update
Before Alejandro could respond, Martina preemptively spoke up, advising, “Elena, just don’t. No matter what, today is still your
brother’s birthday, and Amy is the daughter of the
Paloma family. Even if you have genuine dissatisfaction, you can’t show it too openly, or else it will easily give others

Upon being presented with Martina’s clear and perceptive analysis of the situation, Alejandro’s perception of her underwent yet
another profound change. He started to view her in a new light, appreciating her intelligence and ability to assess the
She was not just a stunning beauty, but had a clear mind, able to discern connections
and handle any dangerous situation with ease.
In Alejandro’s view, cooperating with someone like her would undoubtedly lead to a win-
win outcome.
If he were to have a wife in the future, having someone like her by his side seemed like
a great choice.
She would not only be a perfect wife but also offer valuable assistance in his work.
Alejandro also agreed, saying, “Elena, today is an important occasion. Don’t act like a
child. I know you dislike her, but we still have to maintain appearances, or else it will surely be the subject of gossip.”
Elena didn’t have much to say in response, but she pouted with an annoyed expression, “Fine, fine, you two talk so much and
you’re right. I’ll keep quiet, alright?”
After saying that, Elena muttered quietly, “Anyway, Paloma better not seek for trouble
like before, or I’ll make sure she regrets it. This is my territory after all.”
Martina was well aware that Elena was actually standing up for her, which only
deepened the warmth in her heart. She quietly held Elena’s hand, openly expressing her true
feelings from the depths of her heart.