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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don't Want to be the Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 101
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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don’t Want to be the Billionaire’s Wife Chapter 101
Chapter 101: Was There a Need to Be So Anxious?
Leslie had already driven off with Martina and Elena. There was no choice.
Instead of letting Martina and the others go directly, it was better to go along with
them. Even if they really got into trouble, at least Leslie could still have a chance to survive. But if he didn’t go along, then he
would definitely be a dead person. Leslie was well aware of which option was the best for him.
At the same time, things became quite awkward for Simon.
After calling for a while, he was eventually hung up on. Just when he was still contemplating whether or not to inform Benjamin,
he didn’t expect Benjamin to end the meeting earlier.
A chilling sensation crept up on Simon from behind. Without even turning around, he instinctively knew that the person standing
there had to be his boss.
Benjamin appeared to be aware of what had transpired beforehand and directly took Simon’s phone.
Simon’s forehead was immediately covered in much sweat from the pressure. He tried to explain nervously, “Bo...Boss
Even before Simon had a chance to speak, Benjamin had already seen the call records and asked, “What did Leslie say?”
Simon had a strong urge to inquire whether they were going to proceed with the business deal. It was a matter that could be
resolved in a few minutes, so was there a need to be so anxious? However, he didn’t dare to utter those words. Otherwise, the
boss would definitely vent his anger on him.
Anyway, Simon had no choice but to tell the truth to Benjamin, “Boss, Miss Martinez has gone Miss Rodríguez’s home.”
“Today is Mr. Alejandro Rodríguez’s birthday, and they are holding a banquet. I guess Miss Martinez accompanied Miss
Rodríguez to attend,” Simon continued. ” Actually, you also received an invitation from the Rodríguez family, but you rejected it,
and I —”

Without waiting for Simon to finish speaking, Benjamin impatiently took out his phone. “Prepare the car, we’re going to the
Rodríguez family house.”
Simon didn’t say anything but pondered to himself: It was true that whenever Miss Martinez was involved, the boss seemed to
change completely. Miss Martinez held the utmost importance in his eyes, surpassing everything else.
At the same time, Martina and Elena got out of the car together when they arrived.
Elena was wearing a red dress that looked particularly striking, exuding a seductive and alluring charm.

On the other hand, Martina exuded a captivating charm through her innocence,
combining an alluring and adorable appeal.
Whatever Martina did, it left people with an unparalleled sensation, captivating their attention and causing them to gaze at her
unconsciously, unable to look away. She
possessed a rare beauty that set her apart from the rest of the world, radiating an aura of enchantment that was impossible to
In stark contrast to Elena, Martina embodied a different type of charm, yet there existed an unspoken connection between the
two of them. It was as if they shared a secret language, an understanding that transcended words. This unspoken bond between
them intrigued onlookers, drawing them further into the enigmatic allure that surrounded the pair.
Fortunately, Martina had experienced similar situations many times before, so she could still hold her emotions steady.
Elena occasionally looked towards Martina beside her, her eyes filled with pride and fondness. That was her bestie, who could
openly stand by her side and attend the banquet at her home.
Actually, if possible, Elena really wished Martina could stay with her at home all the time, but it seemed a bit improper.
Elena even considered introducing Martina to her brother before. If both of them were single, they seemed like a good match.
However, the current situation made Elena temporarily disMiss Martinezch thoughts, as it would undoubtedly lead to a disastrous
The two of them continued walking inside, occasionally hearing murmurs and discussions from the people nearby.

There were both men and women among the onlookers, all casting various glances towards them.
“Who are these two girls? They look really gorgeous.”
“Could they be daughters from the wealthy families? Maybe one of them is even from the Rodríguez family? I heard the daughter
from the Rodríguez family is just as stunning!”
However, some women’s comments sounded rather unkind.
“I bet they’re just the so–called girlfriends of some wealthy men, trying to play the role of celebrities! It’s probably game over for
the rest of us...”
Martina paid no attention to those words, but Elena got angry and wanted to argue with those people.
Fortunately, Martina held her back, preventing any further incidents.
Martina never liked wasting time on irrelevant people and their nonsense. Instead, she preferred to rest her mind during such
Although Elena was angry, she still restrained herself from interfering, considering Martina’s dignity. At most, she muttered a few
words, “A bunch of idiots. They’re nothing more than a bunch of mentally ill people, spewing nonsense and spreading baseless

rumors. It’s laughable how they think their words hold any weight or credibility. Clearly, they
have nothing better to do than to engage in petty gossip and try to bring others down. It’s
pathetic, really.
Martina smiled gently, soothing Elena’s emotions.” Calm down, dear. You are not like
them. It’s not worth letting yourself be affected by insignificant people and ruining your
“Don’t forget, the most important thing for us today is to make sure your brother has a
wonderful evening. Do you want to spoil his mood? Everyone here is a guest.”Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

In the end, Elena was convinced and said, “Okay, Okay, Okay, You are right! I am at your
command. ”
“Let’s quickly go inside, so we don’t encounter another group of idiots intentionally
wasting everyone’s time with their show–off. They’re not worth it.” .com fast updateAs she spoke, Elena
remembered something important. “By the way, did you inform Benjamin in advance that
you were coming with me?”
Previously, Elena was so caught up in her excitement that she forgot about this
important thing. Now, upon careful consideration, she came to the realization that if she
pushed Benjamin too far, it could potentially unleash a storm in their household. His temper
was as volatile as an enraged wolf, and it was wiser to exercise caution and seek his
approval rather than acting impulsively.
Martina rolled her eyes. “Of course, I already told him in advance. If I waited for your
reminder, we would be all dead people.”
Elena smiled awkwardly. “Indeed, you always thinks ahead. Alright, let’s go in quickly.”
Elena was clearly in high spirits that day. With great enthusiasm, she exclaimed, “You’ve
been on my brother’s mind nonstop. He’s been talking about you and is eager to meet you.”
“He’s been curious to see just how extraordinary you must be for me to praise you every day. However, my words alone don’t
carry much persuasive power. But, I believe if my brother sees you, he will definitely like you very much!”
Elena had great confidence in the person she chose and liked.
Upon hearing Elena’s playful and endearing words, Martina responded, “I’m curious about what you’ve been telling your brother
about me. I don’t believe I’m as amazing as you make me out to be. If your brother gets the wrong impression of me, it would be

my fault.”
Eleria waved
here there
somewhat anxious..