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Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies by Sherri Roman

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68 What She Had Done in the Past

“I’m fine.” Charlotte touched the head of Anna and turned her

eyes to Ben. “What were you looking at just now?”

Ben turned over the laptop and said in a childish voice, “I’ve checked all the kindergartens you’ve

recommended to me before and finally selected the most suitable one.”

Hearing this, David laughed and lifted Ben up high, which made him exclaim.

Ben laughed and begged for mercy. The two of them were playing fun.

David put Ben down, rubbed his hair, and said, “You don’t have to worry so much at such a young age.

Your mother will definitely choose the most suitable kindergarten for you.”

Ben immediately agreed.

Seeing this, Charlotte quickly said, “Of course, since you have chosen it, it will be better. Thank you for

helping me lighten the workload.””

Chapter 68 What She Had Done in the Past


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She glanced at the kindergarten marked by Ben. It was

indeed a good one in all aspects, so she simply nodded and

said, “Since you like it, let’s choose this one.”

Only then did Ben smile. “Anna and I promise to study hard.”

Charlotte quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, she did not notice why Ben chose this kindergarten, and Ben breathed a sigh of relief


On the other side, Joe returned to the villa and found the nanny who used to work at home. He asked

seriously, “Has Mia done anything for me that I don’t know all these years?”

The nanny started. She hadn’t expected Joe to spend so much. effort inviting her over just to ask this


Although she was confused, the nanny still told him everything she knew over the years.

“When she is still at home, she will personally sort out the recipes every day and prepare a cup of

coffee for you.”

“Except that, your daily diet, clothes, and going out will be checked by her, especially the safety of the

car. She will

definitely follow the driver to check it in person before she can rest assured.”

“She went to ask a famous doctor to prepare your antidote.

and stomach medicine, and it has always been that doctor…”


Joe interrupted the nanny and his face darkened.

She was stunned. “But there are still many things that I

haven’t said…”

She had been with them for three years and had witnessed how much effort Charlotte had put in and

how Joe had ignored her. Now that she finally had the chance and wanted to clarify everything to Joe

to let him know what he had


However, Joe had no intention of listening anymore.

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Jack had to make a gesture to the nanny, asking her to leave first.

Ever since they divorced, Joe rarely came to this villa. After all, it was a place where they had lived for

three years. Mia had left too many traces here.

Joe had always thought that it was because he hated her that he didn’t come here, but now it seemed

that he didn’t want to think of her from here.

After all, she was the only one in his well-organized life who had disrupted his trajectory and exceeded

his control.

He hated this kind of feeling.

“Let’s go.”

Joe glanced at the villa and said to Jack.

Jack nodded in agreement. Then, he heard Joe say, “I remember that David used to like hanging out in

nightclubs the most and had many ex-girlfriends?”

“There seems to be such a rumor,” Jack replied hesitantly.

Joe sneered and said, “That’s good. Help him find out if there are any his children wandering outside. If

there aren’t, go find those ex-girlfriends and let them have a good chat with him.”