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Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies by Sherri Roman

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 Won’t You Help Us?

In order to make the children completely relax, Mia especially took them to the beach to play for five

days before bringing them back.

It was until the plane landed that Mia turned on her mobile phone. Before leaving, she had told David,

Frank, and Tom that if there was an emergency, they could call her satellite phone, so she was not in a


Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned on her phone, countless text messages and calls flooded in.

Ignoring those unimportant people, the only ones who called. most left were Joe and the White Family.

She didn’t even need to think to know why Joe was calling because she had missed several meetings

with him during this period of time.

But this project was not hers to talk about at the very beginning. Even without her, it could still progress

smoothly. Mia crossed his name casually and looked at the names of the White Family with great


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Ever since she went to the White Family last time and forced Levi to sign the IOU, the people of the

White Family had wanted to blacklist her and never contact her again. How could they suddenly

contact her now?

Just as she was thinking, a phone call came in. It was from Diana.

Mia hesitated for a moment and picked up the phone. Diana’s sharp voice almost broke through the

phone and pierced her


“Mia White!”

Before she could continue, Mia hung up the phone directly.

On the other end of the line, Diana was stunned that Mia dared to hang up on her!

Before she could come to her senses, Levi, who was next to her, asked her anxiously, “How is it?”

“This wicked girl! She actually hung up on me!” Diana still couldn’t believe it. Although Mia had a strong

aura when she came to them to sign the loan receipt last time, Diana still didn’t think that she was

really tough and didn’t expect that she would dare to hang up the phone!

Levi interrupted her impatiently. “Are you stupid? She is our creditor now. Can you use your brain?”

As he spoke, he took out his phone and was about to call her in person but was stopped by Diana.

“You don’t have to call her! I know where she is!”

She had heard the airport announcement from the background

just now. Mia must be at the airport!

“Then let’s go!” Levi couldn’t care about anything else and quickly pulled Diana to drive to the airport.

Mia didn’t expect that a less-than-a-second phone call would expose her position.

She looked down at the two kids and said, “We still have to wait for our luggage. Do you want to cat ice


Ben and Anna looked at each other excitedly and nodded.

Mia took them to the nearest dessert shop to buy ice cream. As soon as they went out, they saw a

figure screaming and rushing

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“Mia White!”

In the quiet airport, the voice of Diana attracted many people’s attention.

Mia also looked gloomy, quickly sent the two children back to the store, and comforted them softly,

“Wait a minute. Mom will

be back soon.”

“But…” Anna was so worried about Diana that her eyes turned


Mia was not afraid of Diana at all and said calmly, “It doesn’t matter. She just has a loud voice. Don’t


Ben held Mia’s hand tightly, raised his head, and asked with concern, “Is that so? Are you sure you’re


Seeing that the children were so scared, Mia asked the waiter to accompany them. Then she pushed

the door open and went out.

Diana almost rushed in. When she saw Mia, she shouted, “How dare you!”

“How did you know I was here?” Mia looked at Diana and Levi coldly and asked.