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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

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Estelle took his hand gently and pressed it against her forehead, “It’s okay, just dredging up sbad memories.” “From when you were little?” Jonathan bent down to embrace her, “It’s all in the past, all of it.

Whatever you've missed out on, I'll make it up to you, trust me!” Estelle nodded, “I know.” In her heart, he was everything! Jonathan brought over a slice of homemade birthday cake, and spoon-fed her a bite, “Try this. If you like it, I'll make it for you every year on your birthday!” Estelle naturally opened her mouth and bit into the birthday cake, her eyes regaining their sparkle, “Delicious!” Jonathan's handsface relaxed with a smile, his gaze full of adoration. When she wasn’t around, even giving her everything he had felt insufficient. But now, with her by his side, even a bite of cake felt like complete and utter fulfillment. On the way back, Jonathan took her on a detour through Citadel City. The city lights were especially bright that night, every sign transformed into birthday wishes, and the melody of ‘Happy Birthday’ echoed through the streets. Estelle sat in the car, recalling the extravagant birthday celebration Jonathan had thrown for her before, and couldn’t help but laugh, “I never thought my second over-the-top birthday would be in Citadel!” Jonathan held her hand, “My goal is for the whole world to celebrate my wife's birthday.” Estelle gave him a playful look, then leaned out the car window, basking in the cool breeze and the festive atmosphere outside. She didn’t need the well-wishes of many; his were more than enough. They arrived back at Zion around ten at night, the car stopping outside Jonathan's luxurious villa.

Estelle stepped out, surrounded by the shimmering lights. Sylvia cout, smiling, “Did you have fun?” Estelle returned the smile, “Yes, thank you!” She knew she couldn't have stayed out so long with Jonathan without Sylvia's help. “No worries, and happy birthday again!” Sylvia said warmly. Estelle nodded, turning to Jonathan, “I should head back now.” Jonathan nodded slightly, his gaze lingering on her in the glow of the night lights. Sylvia offered, “The moon is lovely tonight. Letwalk with you, I'd like to see you home.” Estelle pressed her lips together, “Okay!” She gave Jonathan one last look before walking away with Sylvia. The night Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books Updates...

draped Zion in a veil of mystery, beneath which danced beautiful, dangerous figures. A cool breeze swept by as Estelle gazed at the bustling city that never slept, her thoughts drifting far away. What would becof this place after tomorrow? “Is it ending?” Sylvia asked softly. Estelle was surprised by the girl’s perceptiveness and nodded slightly, whispering, “Tomorrow morning, Alvis will take you away.” Sylvia's fingers tensed, then relaxed, “Then you both, be careful!” “We will,” Estelle said firmiyER sit Dramasto read full content. (Image) “It’s fine, he won't betray me,” Estelle said confidently. “I know, Lambert seems to really care about you,” Sylvia teased with a playful lift of her eyebrow. Estelle felt a headache coming on at the mention of this, replying half- heartedly, “I'm leaving soon.” Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Estelle nodded, “We will!” “Go on in,” Sylvia tilted her head, waving goodbye with a youthful charm, beautiful and tender. Estelle waved back, then turned and walked towards the villa.