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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

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Carson dialed up Stanley personally, and naturally, Stanley couldn’t refuse. He and his

wife Leonie promptly accepted the invitation. By the time Carson and Marina arrived at

the private dining room, the Macclains were already there along with their daughter, Sallie

Macclain. After the introductions, Carson cut straight to the chase, “We’re here about

Estelle. She’s being dragged through the mud, and even the Macclain family has been

bad-mouthing her. You must know about this. Estelle isn’t in J City, and we hope you can

stand up for her!” Sallie immediately said, “We’ll do anything for her. Just say the word,

and we’re on it!” Recently, Sallie had been on a reality show akin to Next Top Model,

gaining some fame. Because of the debacle with KING and its connection to Snowy

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Studios, she was facing resistance within the industry and had been staying home. She

had tried to support KING online, but her efforts were drowned out by the irrational fury of

the netizens. “Is it really like the announcement Bennett released?” Marina asked. Sallie

shook her head vehemently, “Of course not. Estelle is my sister-in-law’s biological

daughter!” Marina’s eyes widened in disbelief, “Then why are they doing this?” Leonie

chimed in, “It’s a long story. Estelle was switched at birth and raised elsewhere. Even after

coming back to us, she never got close to my sister-in-law!” Marina was still in shock,

unable to grasp, “Even if they’re not close, she’s still her biological daughter. How could

she treat Estelle this way?” Sallie scoffed, “Must be some kind of spell on her brain!”

Carson and Marina exchanged a look, both finding it absurd that Estelle’s own parents

were the ones slandering her. Leonie sneered, “Having such parents is truly bizarre. They

act as if they have a vendetta

against Estelle, wishing she’d just disappear!” Carson spoke calmly, “If that’s the case,

Mrs. Macclain, could you perhaps issue a statement to clarify the truth?” Leonie glanced at

Stanley, hesitating for a moment. Sallie had a sudden realization, “Right, we can tell the

truth to the netizens, expose my aunt’s lies!” She turned eagerly to Leonie, “Mom, you

and dad should release it now, right away!” Leonie gave her daughter a look, signaling her

to be quiet. Sallie looked back at her mother, confused and a bit upset, “Mom, what do

you mean? Don’t you want to help Estelle? I thought you said you loved her like your own

daughter, or was that just talk?” Leonie wished she could seal her outspoken daughter’s

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lips. Carson raised an eyebrow, “Is there something you’re hesitant about, Mrs. Macclain?

If there are any conditions, feel free to state them. I’ll do my best to fulfill them.” Leonie

asked, “The Lamonts usually step in for Estelle. Why the silence this time?” “Mr. Lamont is

abroad,” Carson explained. “Oh, I see,” Leonie said as if things clicked into place. Carson’s

expression turned stern, “What are you implying, Mrs. Macclain? That you won’t help?”

“Mom!” Sallie called out, her voice tinged with urgency. “We’ll help,” Stanley suddenly

interjected. (Image) Marina’s face lit up with hope, “Thank you, thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome,” Leonie smiled. “Mrs. Macclain, you make an announcement, and I’ll

push it to be the hot topic immediately,” Carson said. Updated at Drąmanovеls.cоm

“Good!” With the plan set, everyone dispersed to take action.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!