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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 89
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Chapter 89

As for Lucille, it was always her own wishful thinking.

Lucille said coldly, “As a tutor, just do your job and keep your distance from your employer. Don’t even

fantasize about things you shouldn’t be thinking. Jonathan won’t like you.”

Estelle asked, “Does he like you then?”

A flash of sadness appeared in Lucille’s eyes, but she composed herself and said, “He doesn’t like


Estelle raised an eyebrow. So deep down Lucille knew.

Lucille continued, “He doesn’t like me, and he won’t like you either. The person in his heart is…

“Ms. Macclain.”

A servant suddenly interrupted Lucille and politely said, “Young Master said you like desserts. We

made a cake in the kitchen. What flavor would you like?”

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Lucille’s face turned sour instantly.

Estelle smiled lightly and said, “Chocolate mousse, thank you.”

“Alright.” The servant respectfully replied.

Estelle ignored Lucille, brushed past her, and left the bathroom.

Lucille looked at Estelle’s back coldly, as her hatred grew stronger.

She had lost before because she was not good enough compared to that woman. But now, she

couldn’t possibly lose to a poor tutor!

During dinner, the servant brought the cake made for Estelle. It was six inches in size.

Estelle saw Henson looking over and asked him, “Do you want half?”

Henson immediately shook his head, “Only girls would like this kind of stuff.”

Lucille elegantly ate her cheese salmon with a knife and fork while listening to Henson’s comment. She

laughed lightly and said, “Henson, not all girls love cake. Only those who haven’t seen much of the

world would like it because they’ve never tasted real delicacies. Having a slice of cake would make

them feel happy.”

After saying this, she even smiled at Estelle, “Im just talking about the facts, no offend to Ms. Macclain.

Don’t take it to heart.”

Estelle lifted her spoon, looked up, and said calmly, I won’t. After all, I’m just indulging in a little

momentary satisfaction, I can’t control what others say”

Lucille’s face darkened, realizing that Estelle was mocking her for only knowing how to provoke with

words. Before she could retort, Jonathan chimed in asking Estelle, “Can you finish the cake?”

Estelle turned her head. “It is a pretty big cake”

Jonathan said, “Then share half of it with me

Henson also butted in, “The cake looks good, I suddenly feel like eating some too.”

Estelle’s eyes sparkled, and she smiled warmly at the servant, “Excuse me, can you please bring two

more plates and cut the cake into three pieces?”

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The servant respectfully acknowledged the request and took the cake away to cut it.

The atmosphere at the dining table became subtle. Lucille’s hand holding the knife and fork trembled

slightly. Feelings of grievance, anger, and embarrassment surged, making it difficult for her to maintain

the fake smile on her face.

Jonathan and Henson were obviously siding with Estelle.

She was being isolated and bullied by the three of them. She should have gotten up and left right away.

But she didn’t have the guts to do that. She would rather be despised by Jonathan than risk leaving like


She was afraid that once she left out of spite, she wouldn’t be allowed to come back!

She swallowed the salmon in her mouth, her eyes filled with resentment as she looked at Estelle,

wishing she could that pretty face of hers with the knife!

After the meal was over, Estelle excused herself to leave

Fearful that Jonathan might personally walk Estelle out, Lucille quickly said to him, “Jonathan, I have

something to talk to you about”

Jonathan replied coldly. “What is it?”

“It’s important” Lucille emphasized