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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2113
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Old Mr. Jarvis sighed, the weight of the world seemingly on his shoulders, "I'm thinking of heading back to Crescent City tomorrow!" Estelle looked up in surprise, "You're not waiting for Vivian?" Old Mr. Jarvis shook his head, a hint of resignation in his voice, "It seems like Vivian won't be able to make it back for a while." Estelle was puzzled, “Isn't Vivian really fond of her daughter? Now that she knows her daughter's been found, why isn't she rushing back?" A painting exhibition, no matter how significant, surely couldn't trump the importance of one's own daughter. "You're out of the loop!" Old Mr. Jarvis set down his chess piece with a decisive clack and spoke gravely, "Years back, Old Mr. Quintin thought he had a lead on Nana too. He'd urgently tell Vivian each time, but every identification turned out wrong. So Vivian's lost faith in Old Mr. Quintin; she probably thinks it's another one of his wild goose chases." Estelle nodded in understanding, "That explains it!" Gabriel chimed in from the side, his tone earnest, “This tit's different, Old Mr. Quintin truly sees Evelyn as his granddaughter!" Estelle, her fingers idly playing with a chess piece, mused, "Maybe you and Gabriel should stay a few more days." Gabriel gave Estelle a meaningful look, “You're worried about Evelyn, aren't you?" "It's not that I don't trust the situation, but I feel more at ease with both of you around," Estelle said with a smile. "And with the holidays a month away, there's no hurry to leave." Old Mr. Jarvis considered for a moment then nodded, "Then we'll stay a bit longer. It would be perfect if we could wait for Vivian's return." "Sounds good," Estelle agreed.

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Just as they finished their game, Evelyn and Old Mr. Quintin joined them. Evelyn's face was bright with excitement, "Estelle, you're here!" Estelle stood up, "How are you settling in?" "I'm quite comfortable. Grandpa's study is full of paintings. I loved to paint when I was a kid, but my foster parents said we couldn't afford art lessons." Evelyn's tone carried a hint of past regret.

Old Mr. Quintin reassured her, "Don't worry, dear. That's all in the past. From now on, I'll teach you myself!" Evelyn nodded vigorously, her eyes shining, "Thank you, Grandpa!" Old Mr. Quintin laughed heartily, looking at Estelle, "Why don't you take Nana out for a bit? Show her around Jewel City. She can't stay cooped up here with an old man like me." "I'd love to!" Estelle turned to Evelyn, "Any place you'd like to go?" Evelyn replied, “I don't know J City well, so wherever you suggest!" Old Mr. Quintin added, "Gab should go too. He can drive and keep an eye on you both." Gabriel smirked, "Old Mr. Quintin, do you have skind of misconception about my dear Estelle?" Did she really need his protection? Old Mr. Quintin winked at him, "Just go, will you? Can't I give you an order anymore?" Evelyn whispered, "If Gabriel's busy, we shouldn't trouble him." "No bother at all; I'll take you!" Gabriel chuckled, then announced, "You two wait here. I'll bring the car around." "Thanks, Gabriel!" Evelyn beamed a grateful smile.

As they were about to leave, Old Mr.

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aside to Quintin pulled Estelle struct sclothes and her, "Buy Nana somed jewelry. I trust your taste. Just ctofor the expenses." "Master," Estelle began, then hesitated.

Old Mr. Quintin raised his hand to stop her, "I know what you're about to say. No worries. I've taken quitela liking to the girl. She's adorable and lovable. Even if she turns out not to be my biological granddaughter, I'd be proud to call her my honorary granddaughter." Since Old Mr. Quintin had put it that way, Estelle didn't press the issue and nodded, "Understood." "Don't rush back. Take her out, show her around. Look after her for me," Old Mr. Quintin said affectionately.

"Will do!" Gabriel pulled up in the car, and Evelyn called out to Estelle, "Let's go!"

After bidding farewell to Old Mr.

Jarvis and Old Mr. Quintin, Estellen joined Evelyn in the car and they drove off into the bustling heart of J City.