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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2098
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At dinner time, Sophia bounded down the stairs, full of energy. Catching sight of Jason, her face lit up with a surprised greeting, “Jason, when did you get back?” Jason didn’t feel like engaging with her and gave her a brief glance before heading toward the dining room. “Why are you ignoring me?” Sophia chased after him. “I just couldn't wait and cback from B City early, that’s all. | missed Estelle!” Jason walked briskly, still without uttering a word. “What's the matter with you?” she persisted, blocking his path and cocking her head to the side.

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“You're not still mad because | crashed in your bed for a bit, are you?” His eyes, hidden behind glasses, seemed cool and indifferent. “I'm just trying to avoid catching your cold, okay?” “I'll give it to you on purpose!” Sophia glared at him. “So you can be sick with me. We'll share our ups and downs together!” Jason stared at her for a moment then reached out to touch her forehead. “You still have a fever?” She dodged slightly, “My fever broke ages ago!” When Jason noticed her evasion, as if she didn’t want his touch, a shadow fell over his heart and a nameless anger surged within him. He left with a stern face and quick strides. “Is he seriously upset?” Sophia muttered under her breath. “He must be cranky from a bad sleep or something. That's the only reason he'd be so irritable!” After dinner, Jason and Gabriel were chatting outside when Sophia cout with a tray of warm soup. “The kitchen whipped this up. Here, have sto ward off colds!” Jason let out a scoff. “The sick person offering cold prevention advice—that’s pretty ironic, isn’t it?” Sophia glared back at him. “Jason, what did | do to you, really? If you've got something to say, just say it!” He took a cup of the warm soup, sipped it, and turned his gaze to the snowy view outside, not in the mood to explain. Gabriel stood up, “I'll leave you two to chat. I'm going back to watch the old folks play chess.” “No need!” “Gab, don’t go!” Both Jason and Sophia spoke at the stime, then they exchanged a quick look before Jason turned away again. “You guys talk. He's not fond of me, and I've got nothing to say to him!” Sophia said with a laugh, taking her tray back inside. Gabriel took a big gulp of warm soup and winced. “That's spicy!” Jason said calmly, “We've been at each other's throats since we were kids. Sorry you had to see that.” “No worries. Constant bickering that doesn’t break you apart means,” Gabriel said, Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books Updates...

grinning, “you must really care about each other!” A pi hit Jason's heart, and a wave of bitterness washed over him. He really was acting odd today, probably ph lack of rest. At nine o'clock, Estelle and Jonathan returned upstairs. As they climbed the stairs, Jonathan swept Estelle into his arms. Upon opening the door and stepping inside, he set her down on the hall table, and before even turning on the light, they were locked in an embrace, kissing passionately. After a while, Jonathan propped himself against the table, tenderly kissing the corner of her lips, and asked in a low voice, “Did you miss this place?” “Mhm!” Estelle’s eyes shone brightly in the darkness. “We'll stay here for a while, then head to Villa del Sol after the wedding.” “That sounds wonderful!” She was so sweetly compliant, it made Jonathan's heart melt. He carried her to the bedroom. After showering, Estelle curled up on the couch scrolling through her phone, while Jonathan, fresh from his own shower, brought her spills. She swallowed them and then, after a brief pause, held out her hand to Jonathan. “Water!” Jason looked at her intently and slowly began to speak.

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