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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2088
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“Stick by me, just like the old times, as friends, but no more givingthe cold shoulder, okay?” Norah's voice broke with emotion. “We'll see how it goes, and if you still don’t fall for me, I'll back off.” The finality in her voice was palpable. Xavier didn’t respond immediately, mulling over her words. Finally, he nodded slowly, “Alright, we can do that.” A tentative smile blossomed on Norah's tear-stained face, touching something deep within Xavier's heart. She chuckled at herself for feeling a flicker of hope and for being so easily pleased. Xavier hadn't even agreed to anything significant yet her heart was already bubbling with joy. Quickly wiping away her tears, she stretched out her arms, a mix of awkwardness and boldness in her voice, “Can | hug you?” “No—" Before Xavier could finish, Norah lunged forward and wrapped her arms around him, pressing tightly against his chest. To be this close to him, she had mustered all her strength and courage! Xavier intended to push her away, but his left arm was injured and couldn't lift, and his right hand seemed to lose its strength, especially as he heard her muffled sobs against his chest. It was like thousands of ants biting his heart, a tingling mix of pain and numbness. Eventually, Norah's crying ceased, but her grip tightened. Since she'd gone this far, she might as well see it through. Let her hold on a little longer; it was the least he could do to make it up to her. Even if Xavier had never seen Norah as anything more than a friend, the softness of her body against his and the delicate scent that filled his nostrils made it impossible to ignore the sensation of her embrace. He frowned, “Are you done hugging me?” “Not yet!” Norah whined. “I had a terrible night's sleep, my head is killing me.” Xavier was speechless. Norah hiccuped, then asked, “How bad is your injury? Where does it hurt?” “You're actually leaning right on it!” Norah jerked back, her eyes wide with shock. Xavier chuckled, “Thought you were braver!” “It’s not the same!” Norah exclaimed, concerned. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Without waiting for an answer, she reached for his shirt. Underneath, his chest was bruised, with a wound in the center that was healing but still looked severe. Norah clapped a hand over her mouth. Xavier quickly pulled his shirt down, “It’s nearly healed.” She stared at him, bewildered, “Did it hurt just now?” “Not at all!” Xavier replied. “Lettake another look!” “There's no need!” “I insist!” Norah wasn’t taking no for an answer, and she peered anxiously at his wound, then looked up at him. “Should we go to the hospital?” “We can’t go to the hospital. It’s a gunshot wound, and hospitals have to report those.” “What about medication? Is there a risk of infection?” Norah was getting frantic.

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“It’s fine!” Xavier thought she would be scared, but seeing her full of worry softened something in him. His voice lowered, “Rest is all | need.” “Then I'll cby after work to check your wound every day! Don’t expect people like Zachary to do it; they're hopeless at caregiving!” Norah declared, leaving no room for objection. “And don’t even think about refusing. | can clear it with Estelle; she’ll agree.” Xavier watched her, his expression inscrutable, “Why go through all this, Norah?” A lady of her standing, doing such menial tasks. “It’s what | want!” Norah stood her ground, her determination even stronger than Xavier's. “And you are quitting smoking. Not a single cigarette!” Xavier was speechless. Norah fetched the antiseptic, lightly dipped a cotton swab, and gently applied it to his wound. Her touch was delicate, her focus unyielding, and her lively eyes were filled with compassion. After she finished, without a second thought, she leaned in and gently blew on the wound to ease the sting.

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