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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2064
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Jonathan clasped Estelle’s hand, his voice laced with frosty sarcasm, “She’s my own wife! Who else should stand up for her if not me? You expect outsiders to do it?” The room fell silent, and then erupted into a cacophony of voices. The wife of the Lamont Group’s CEO? Not a mistress or a girlfriend, but his wife, Jonathan had said! A reporter gasped, “Mr. Lamont, what exactly do you mean? Can you clarify?” Jonathan lifted their interlocked hands, his eyes cold and determined, “Letmake this official for everyone here. KING, Estelle here, is my wife.

We married six years ago. So, all those whispering that KING is cozying up to the Lamont Group can zip it! And as for the slanderers who claim my wife threw a gfor five million dollars just to stir up trouble, do you really think so low of us? The Lamont Group and the CEO's wife?” The airport lounge went dead quiet for a solid five seconds before it burst into incredulous chatter. KING was the Lamont Group CEO's wife! And the world was oblivious! Ever the opportunists, journalists fired off more questions, “How do you explain her deliberate loss to COCO?” “Did KING marry into the Lamont family and then abandon the Macclain family that raised her?” “Mr.

Lamont, is it true that KING used your connections to get back at the Macclain family’s own daughter, Carmella?” “I'll answer your questions!” bellowed Old Mr. Jarvis, walking over with his entourage. His voice wasn’t loud, but the whole hall fell silent. Magdalen and Emily hurried over to Estelle, and the tembraced. Magdalen’s eyes glistened with joy, “Ella, I've missed you so much!” “I'm back,” Estelle said softly, patting her shoulder, then turned to Emily, “Did you wrap up your trip abroad?” Emily grinned, “I was supposed to be back the day before yesterday, but Charlie said to wait for your return, so we stayed an extra two days!” They had even skipped visiting the James family to see Kya, choosing instead to pick Estelle up first. Noticing Marina among them, standing beside Carson, Estelle waved. Estelle nodded in response, then made her way over to Old Mr. Jarvis and Old Mr. Quintin, “Grandpa, Mr. Quintin!” The crowd buzzed anew, “Grandpa?” “KING just called Old Mr. Jarvis ‘Grandpa’?” Old Mr. Jarvis looked at Estelle with a warm, affectionate smile, “It's good to have you back safe and sound!” “Gabriel cback with me!” Estelle turned to look at Gabriel. Old Mr. Jarvis glanced at Gabriel, his voice devoid of warmth, “I don’t care for him. It doesn’t matter towhether he’s here or not.” Gabriel, who was about to approach, stopped in his tracks, unsure whether to move forward or retreat under the old man’s disdainful gaze. “Old Mr. Jarvis!” the reporters seized the moment to ask, “KING calls you ‘Grandpa’? What does this mean? Can you explain?” Old Mr. Jarvis faced the crowd, his tone grave, “Estelle is unassuming, and | never wished to make a fuss. But speople have overstepped, slinging mud at her and losing their conscience in the process!” “Estelle has been raised by the Jarvis family since she was a child. She is the heiress to the Jarvis estate. Does she need the Macclain family to support her? That's a joke!” Old Mr. Jarvis’s statement resonated powerfully, leaving everyone's head buzzing. They all stared at Estelle, shocked yet incredulous. The Lamont Group CEO's wife, the Jarvis family heiress? So many titles were bestowed upon her! Old Mr. Jarvis continued, “Estelle has never received a thing from the Macclain family. They claim to have supported her? Let them cforward and we'll settle this face to face!” With Old Mr. Jarvis’s authority commanding the room, the phrase “face to face” silenced everyone. Everyone thought that KING’s return would be a plea for sympathy, but without a word from her, the revelation of her identities shattered all rumors and speculations. With Old Mr.

Jarvis’s prestige at stake, no one dared to question his word.