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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2052
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The Holders were known for their striking good looks, and Linda, the petite princess of the family, was no exception. Dressed in a shimmering gown, she glowed with an added brilliance. Evelyn gasped in admiration, “Wow, you look stunning!” Amiee, with a sly smile curling her lips, glanced out the window, her thoughts unreadable. Linda, holding up her dress hem, strutted over with the pride of a peacock. “Welcto my dinner party, everyone!” Sylvia offered a gentle smile. “Thank you for your generous hospitality, Miss Linda!” Linda tilted her chin up a notch. “And where might Estelle be? Has she not arrived yet? Is she still choosing her dress? If she needs one, | could lend her a gown!” Amiee cast a sharp glance in Linda’s direction. Sylvia's smile remained, but her voice softened even more. “That's very kind of you, but there’s no need. Estelle wouldn't fit into your gowns; she’s not as petite!” Evelyn burst into laughter at Sylvia's remark. Even Josiah, who had been fuming, couldn't help but show a full set of molars with his grin. Linda’s face darkened. “Are you mocking me?” “Not in the slightest,” Sylvia replied innocently. “I'm merely stating a fact—Estelle truly wouldn't fit into your gowns!” With that, Linda stormed off with a huff. Evelyn covertly gave Sylvia a thumbs up. “Well played!” “Not everyone can hold a candle to Estelle!” Sylvia said with a laugh. Evelyn snorted. “I actually complimented Linda earlier. | must have been blind!” As they exchanged pleasantries, Linda sat seething at the head of the table, convinced they were gossiping about her, which only fueled her anger. She called over a servant. “Why hasn't Estelle shown up yet?” She was eager to outshine that woman and leave her and her friends embarrassed to stay at the manor. Glancing at the heels on her feet, she ordered her maid, “Finda taller pair of shoes!” “But, Miss Linda, these are already quite high!” the maid protested. They were nearly four inches tall! “Just do as you're told and don’t question me!” Linda snapped. The maid bowed and quickly fetched an even taller pair of heels. When Linda stood in them, she wobbled uncontrollably. “Really, these are too high!” the maid cautioned, steadying her. “They're perfect,” Linda insisted, satisfied with her added height as she returned to the dining hall. Outside, the castle lights illuminated, casting a radiant glow through the grand floor-to-ceiling windows.

Seeing no sign of Estelle, Linda grew more convinced that her rival was too ashamed to appear. “Well, if she’s too scared to show up, let's not wait any longer. Let the feast begin—" Linda was cut off as the doors to the dining hall opened.

Jonathan entered, arm-in-arm with Estelle. Estelle wore a simple maxi dress, no makeup, her face a shade paler than usual, which only made her large, bright eyes and delicate features stand out more. Just by standing there, she seemed to make the room’s dazzling lights merely [I to her presence. And the man at her side, tall and striking, exuded a cold, noble aura that drew everyone's eyes. Together, they complemented each other perfectly as they made their way slowly into the room, bringing a hushed awe to the assembly. Lambert watched from the sidelines, his brown eyes darkening with depth and a touch of brooding. Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Lambert's gaze was fixed solely on Estelle. As Linda approached Estelle, she stumbled, the heels too tall, the dress hem too long, and she fell to the ground. The room fell silent. Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Lambert's handsface was thunderous. Taking a deep breath, he ignored the disheveled Linda and approached Estelle. “Is your wound alright?” Visit Dramasto read full content.
