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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2049
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Linda’s deep blue eyes narrowed as she fixed Lambert with a glare that could chill a glass of bourbon. “I heard

you brought a woman into the castle. We're about to get engaged, and | must say, the news doesn’t sit well with

me!” She was aware that he had his dalliances, but that was all out there, beyond the castle walls. Bringing

someone hwas a direct affront to her. She adored the castle and had dreams of their wedding taking place

within its storied halls. No other woman was to set foot as a resident in this castle before she officially moved in.

“We haven't engaged yet,” Lambert retorted with a scoff. “You have no right to meddle in my affairs just yet!”

Jealousy flared across Linda's face. “Do you fancy that woman?” Lambert nodded without hesitation. “Yes, | love

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her dearly.” Linda's chest heaved with barely contained fury. “Is she beautiful? | want to meet her!” “Don’t you

dare disturb her,” Lambert replied with a glacial tone. “I will speak with my father about calling off the

engagement. Who | have by my side is none of your business. You may leave now.” Linda gaped at him,

incredulity and scorn mingling in her voice. “I heard she’s from C Country. You're going to marry her? Would your

father even approve?” “It’swho's marrying her, not my father. Why would | need his approval?” Lambert's

gaze was icy as he looked at Linda. “You can leave now.” With that, Lambert turned his back and walked away,

his indifference clear as day. Out of humiliation and anger, Linda's delicate features flushed a deep shade of red.

She was the prized daughter of the Holder family, unaccustomed to such slights. She turned to a servant nearby.

“Where is that woman?” The servant replied, “Heard she’s injured and staying on the castle’s third floor.” “I want

to see her. I'll personally drive her out!” Linda declared, anger lacing her words. The servant advised, “Miss

Linda, perhaps you should take a step back to move forward. Provoking Mr. Brennan won't do you any favors in

joining the Brennan family.” Linda frowned, puzzled. “Take a step back to move forward? What's that?” The

servant thought for a moment. “If you want to drive her away, pretend to befriend her first.

Then, find a way to make her leave.” Linda's frown deepened; the concept was foreign to her. If she pretended to

like this woman, how on earth would she manage to get rid of her? The servant suggested, “Why not host a

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dinner party tonight? Invite her. Make her feel so out of place that she’ll want to leave Mr. Brennan on her own

accord.” Linda's face lit up. “That's an excellent idea! | brought plenty of gowns with me. Tell the butler | want a

banquet prepared for tonight.” The servant watched Linda's eagerness, sensing that she might have forgotten

the true purpose behind the banquet. “Of course, Miss Linda,” the servant replied with due respect. Visit

englishto read full content. (Image) The servant maintained a polite smile. “As you wish.” Estelle had

slept the afternoon away and was gently roused by Jonathan as evening approached. Visit englishto

read full content. (Image) Estelle’s eyes were groggy, but her expression was peaceful. “No, didn’t dream a

thing.” Jonathan's eyes softened as he tenderly kissed her chin. “Not even a dream about me?” Estelle smiled,

her eyes half-closed. “With you being so fierce? That would have been a nightmare.” Jonathan's brow furrowed,

and he kissed her, this twith a hint of playful aggression. After a moment, Estelle, panting slightly, looked

toward the window. “Is it getting dark already?” . (Image)