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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2029
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Memories from a distant past surged from the depths of Estelle’s heart, and she remembered the two days and nights they spent buried in an underground lab. She had been injured, and as tslipped away, her consciousness began to fade. On that final night, Jonathan held her tight in his arms, and when she could no longer swallow, he melted chocolate on his lips and fed it to her, murmuring the words that seemed to echo through time. “Stay strong, Estelle. I'll be with you, always.” Years had passed since then, but hearing those words again, although her state of mind had entirely changed, still gave her immeasurable strength! That power helped her break through the darkness and the demons in her mind, waking up tand again, bravely facing reality. She never blamed fate; on the contrary, she felt that God treated her very favorably. After enduring many hardships, she also received many surprises! And Jonathan, he was an extraordinary gift from above! Estelle bowed her head slightly, her clear eyes filled with tenderness and resilience, her lips unconsciously curving into a smile as she grasped Jonathan's broad palm firmly. He cleared the path of thorns ahead, and she followed closely in his steps. At that moment, she suddenly wanted to be that little girl again, just to follow him. Where there were thorns, Jonathan led the way. Where the ground was smooth, they walked side by side, hands clasped together, never parting. The sun was setting, casting deepening shadows in the forest. Birdsong echoed through the trees, adding a chilling solitude to the atmosphere. Helicopters constantly flew overhead, sbelonging to Jonathan's people, others to Raiden’s. Both parties were searching for the two of them. As tmoved on, the magnetic field in the forest shifted, and Jonathan could no longer pinpoint his location with his men. And now wasn't the tfor contact; Raiden’s people were watching closely. Raiden, ignoring the commands of Triceratops, disregarding the years and the fortunes spent on developing cobalt bombs, was determined to have a showdown with Estelle in Zion! Estelle looked up at the circling helicopters, her gaze distant. “What's wrong?” Jonathan sensed Estelle’s change in expression and squeezed her hand. Estelle shook her head and said, “It's nothing!” After half an hour, they encountered Zion's guards. Jonathan and Estelle, in perfect sync, protected each other's blind spots, striking left and right, swiftly dispatching a dozen assailants. However, the gunfire drew more people, and the sound of footsteps approached from all directions. By the sound of it, there were hundreds.

Jonathan handed Estelle a gun with the most ammo, “Don’t get distracted. Use all your abilities to protect yourself. Protecting yourself means protecting me, understand?” Estelle nodded. “You too!” “Alright.” Jonathan bent down and kissed her forehead, his voice husky, “I love you, my darling!” Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Visit Dramasto read full contpy. (Image) Visit Dramasto read full content.

(Image) As these figures entered their line of sight, Jonathan's expression becserious. The guards had brought hunting dogs! Estelle had always been afraid of dogs! He turned his head sharply towards where Estelle was hidden.