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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2019
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The harrowing night had finally passed. Exhausted, Estelle slumped into the remnants of an old couch. Sniper told her to take a breather, while Wolf, stripping off his own jacket, draped it over her and gently patted her head. Despite the crimson stains on his face, his grin was bright against the dim light. “Get sshut-eye. We'll wake you when dawn breaks.” Estelle drifted into sleep swiftly, not sure for how long, until voices began to pull her from her slumber. “Stella!” “Tto wake up!” “We gotta move out!” In the haze of her dreams, Estelle protested. “Don’t leave!” Her eyes flickered open to blurs of Wolf, Shadow, their silhouettes huddled around her, coaxing her awake. “Snap out of it, we've got a new gig!” “We need to hustle over there!” “Stella, can you hack it?” Estelle fought to clear the fog in her mind, but the world remained a blur. She could hear Wolf and the others calling out, their voices urging her on. With a forceful attempt, she finally broke through the haze, eyes wide open. “Estelle!” Lambert stared at her in shock. Estelle’s gaze shot up to the ceiling, whispering faintly, “Wolf.” “What?” Lambert leaned in closer. “What are you muttering about? Who shouldn't leave? Who's Wolf?” She turned to face Lambert, urgency in her voice. “They're not dead. They're waiting for me!” Lambert's concern deepened. He reached out to touch her face, but Estelle’s hand shot up, grabbing his wrist and with a swift Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books Updates...

motion, flinging him onto the bed. “Ouch!” Lambert winced, his back throbbing. “Sweetheart, that was rough!” Somewhat more awake by tossing Lambert aside, Estelle sat up, staring blankly at him. Lambert didn’t rise; he just lay on her bed, a melancholic expression on his face. “My back hurts, my waist too. Did you mistakefor the enemy?” Estelle’s head ached. Glancing outside, she saw daylight had broken. She felt as weary as if she had been through a nightlong battle. “I'm sorry, | was out of it.” Lambert sat up, feigning ease with a laugh. “No worries. How could | be mad at you?” “What tis it?” Estelle asked. “Almost seven.” Estelle nodded. “I need a shower and a change of clothes. You get ready too. We're leaving Zion before noon.” Lambert's eyes narrowed slightly. “Why must | leave Zion?” Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) “Mhm!” Estelle nodded. Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Estelle chuckled. “I'll be down soon.” “See? You should smile more often; it suits you.” Lambert joked and waved goodbye, then turned and left the room.
