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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2007
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Harriet and Yulia were among the many who bombarded her with texts, all asking the spressing question: [When are you coming back?] She always replied with the sreassuring word: [Soon!] After putting down her phone, Estelle slipped into her clothes and left her room. Descending into the subterranean level twelve, she found Bernard cozily nestled on the sofa with his lady, their lips locked in an endless kiss, lost in flirtation. Upon Estelle’s entrance, they didn’t bother to cease their intimate display. Fulfilling her role as a dutiful housekeeper, Estelle averted her gaze, her head bowed as she began tidying the room, avoiding intruding on her employer's private moments. The underground was a dust-free sanctuary, leaving little for her to clean. Estelle made her way to the bedroom to gather the woman's discarded clothing. By then, Bernard and his companion had grabbed swine, ready to enjoy a leisurely afternoon fishing by the riverbank. Estelle moved on to the study to clean.

The computer was on, its screensaver displaying the Big Dipper against the vast night sky, with the constellation shining brightest of all. She stared at the image, suspecting that a man like Bernard wouldn't have chosen such a screensaver without reason. Was it perhaps a longing for the stars he couldn't see from his subterranean hideaway? Her instincts told her there was more to it. She seared the image of the Big Dipper into her memory, and while pretending to dust, she thoroughly searched the study once more. A voice echoed in her mind, Amiee’s voice: “Could the data be inside the mouse?” The first tEstelle had scanned the study with her invisible lenses, she'd detected an alarm within the mouse. They all assumed Bernard had installed it to prevent others from tampering with his computer - a logical precaution. But maybe, just maybe, Raiden was the type to hide things in plain sight, right inside that mouse. “How can we disable the alarm?” Estelle whispered. Amiee hacked into the computer's system, her voice grave: “We can’t. The alarm will trigger if anyone but Bernard's fingerprint touches the mouse.” Her conviction was clear: “The data is inside the alarm system.” Estelle smirked, “What if Bernard were taken out of the picture first?” “Could be worth a shot,” Amiee replied. Estelle’s thoughts raced. Not today, though. Bernard's condition was off - he might have an explosive device implanted by Raiden as leverage, to ensure his own safety. Killing him could set off the bomb or trigger a microwave weapon. Too risky. But now that she knew where the data was, she was one step closer. And there was something about that Big Dipper screensaver that gnawed at her. She needed to mull it over. (Image) She cast them a cool glance and turned away. Back at the villa, Estelle hastily sketched the Big Dipper from her memory and scrutinized it carefully. Something was off. She compared it against th nstellation on her phone and confirmed her suspicion: two stars in Bernard's version were slightly i x & place. Clearly, this was not an ordinary constellation chart. What did it represent? Updated at DramasWhat was the significance of those two displaced stars? Furrowing her brow, a spark of insight flashed through Estelle’s mind. She quickly pulled up the entire map of Tripe.