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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2002
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Seeing her father also curious, Sallie's eyes darted mischievously, and she huffed, “I guessed!” “If you can get a hold of Estelle, give her a ring, tell her to lay low for a while, don’t rush back to J City. Let the storm pass,” Leonie sighed, worry etching her features. “As for us, we're definitely on the Crawley family’s hit list now. Just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope Dad doesn’t cut us off like he did with Estelle!” Hans chimed in, “Don’t worry, you've gotand Sallie!” Sallie added, “Mom, Dad, you have to stand firm with Estelle. Trust me, our decision today was the right one.” Leonie knew Sallie idolized Estelle but didn’t take her words to heart, merely pondering, “I should give Mr. Foster a call, fill him in on the situation.” Stanley stood up, “I'll do it!” Once the Macclain family left the Crawley estate, they immediately called Cliff to report. Cliff sneered, “Ungrateful lot!” “They're probably scared of Jonathan's retaliation!” “Jonathan?” Cliff said. “I'm actually hoping he gets involved.

Let's see if he can keep Estelle safe!” Whether Estelle could even make it back from her trip was questionable, and her so-called protector, Gab, wasn’t in a much better position. Cliff was eager to see how Jonathan would turn the tide! If he dared claim Estelle as his wife, the entire Lamont family would be under scrutiny! Cliff was curious to see if Jonathan had the guts for that! He ordered, “Get our online troops to sway public opinion.

Cement Estelle’s reputation as a sellout, someone who betrays her own for foreign favor. Steer the narrative that way!” “Understood!” the man replied. When Carson got the call from Stanley, he nodded calmly, “Alright, got it.” Stanley apologized, “We've done all we can. Let Estelle stay out of the spotlight until this blows over. Eventually, the online buzz will die down, and people will forget.” “Mhm,” Carson responded, ending the call. So it was the Crawley family behind this. No surprise there! The last tJonah sent the Crawley family a ‘gift’, Cliff was kept busy for a while, but due to business ties, he was bailed out by his connections. But now, Cliff was courting disaster again. And this time, he might not be targeting Estelle alone! As Carson was mulling things over, his phone rang. It was Marina, “Stanley’s Twitter storm has been suppressed, and the crowd seems to be buying the Bennett's story. What should we do?” “I know. Stanley just filledin. It’s the Crawley family, in cahoots with the Macclains, trying to take advantage of Estelle’s absence to get back at Antonia,” Carson said with a frosty voice. “The Crawley family again?” Marina gasped, suddenly everything clicked. It was all premeditated. “Don’t worry about it. I'll try to reach out to Jonah again, see when he can return,” Carson said. “Alright!” (Image) (Image) (Image) “Still, | owe you one. I'll take you out for a meal sometime,” Marina laughed. Content of Dramas“Sounds good!” “Then you go ahead and contact Mr. Lamont. Estelle’s situation is the priority right now.” “Okay, hanging up now.” Carson ended the > immediately dialed Jonathan. After five rings, the call was answered, and Carson's spirits lifted, “Jonah!”