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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 1968
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How much easier it would have been if Raiden had just finished Estelle off when he had the chance.

But he missed the chance – and she had slipped away! He knew that if you gave Estelle even the

slimmest shot at freedom, she’d take it and run with it! Now, disguised as a maid, was she plotting her

stealthy revenge against Raiden? Did she have secrets about her that he wasn’t privy to? If he could

uncover them, perhaps he could swiftly send her to meet her maker! A vengeful glint in his eye, Zack

glanced at the elevator and noticed Estelle had descended to the lobby. Without a second thought, he

hopped into the adjacent lift. Once downstairs, he saw Estelle, carrying a box of late-night snacks, get

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into a car. Where was she off to? Zack wasted no time. He jumped into another car and tailed her. The

roads of Zion were a maze in the dead of night, trees casting long shadows under the faint glow of the

street lamps. Zack followed at a safe distance until the car turned into an upscale residential area. He

parked his car along the curb, watching Estelle, with her box of midnight munchies, enter one of the

villas. He got out and stood in the shadows, recognizing the villa as belonging to Alvis. Was Estelle

really just there to deliver some late-night snacks, or was there another agenda at play? Zack’s

curiosity, now spiked with excitement, kept him waiting in the shadows. No sign of Estelle leaving only

made him more certain that whatever she was up to with Alvis was clandestine. Did she know Alvis?

What was their real purpose in Zion? He lingered a bit longer and then carefully scoped out the area

before nimbly vaulting over the wall. As he looked up, he caught the silhouette of a man and woman

embracing in a kiss behind a curtain on the second floor. His heart skipped a beat, his gaze intensifying

with the thrill of discovery. Estelle and Alvis’ big secret was

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within his grasp! He surmised that Estelle must have seduced Alvis, probably looking to use him

against Raiden. The shadow play ceased, suggesting they had retreated further into the room, possibly

to the bed. Zack darted to the villa’s base, leaping and scaling the wall with agile movements until he

reached a window. Clinging to the sill with one hand, he pulled out his phone with the other, ready to

capture the compromising evidence. Raiden would surely want to eliminate Estelle if he knew she was

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a threat. And what about Jonathan? How would he react to seeing a photo of Estelle’s betrayal? Zack

was practically quivering with anticipation, envisioning how he wouldn’t even have to lift a finger –

Estelle’s fate would be sealed. As he flipped onto the balcony and into the room, the lights suddenly

flashed on, and a woman’s scream pierced the air. Zack’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of the

man in the golden fox mask. Alvis held a gun steady, his gaze cold and forbidding. Zack’s face drained

of color as he raised his hands in surrender, “Mr. Alvis, please don’t shoot, I—” (Image) (Image) Below,

Zack lay in the garden, his life ebbing away, eyes wide with terror as blood bubbled from his lips. New

chapter avаilable oո Drаmаs.com A shadow approached. Zack turned, straining to speak, “Mr.

Alvis!” Jonathan stood over him, his voice devoid of warmth, “Curious to know who’s hand you’re dying

by today?” In Zack’s fading gaze, a moment of clarity seemed to strike – a realization. (Image)