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Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2839 Titan Mud Bass!
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Chapter 2839  Titan Mud Bass!

Lin Yuan looked at Keira seriously. "In the future, you will have the opportunity to lead the demon insects in expanding your territory. The demon insects will act as Sky City's sentries and will be active along the boundaries of Sky City's territory. As long as the demon insects continue to work for Sky City, Sky City will support you.

"You have been with me for some time. You know that I don't like to beat around the bush. But I will make you a promise: I will do all I can to help your demon insects become the reigning force in the East Universe. There are also demon insects in the East Universe. You can try to subsume them and take control of their female insects."

Lin Yuan was aware of Keira's dreams and ambitions.

As long as Keira performed well, Lin Yuan did not mind giving her the chance to make her dreams come true.

Keira was elated when she heard Lin Yuan's promise.

Others might not know how valuable his promises were, but she did.

Despite having spent such a long time by Lin Yuan's side, Keira had never seen him make a promise to anyone.

With his promise, the demon insects' future development would undoubtedly be excellent, to say the least!

Frankly, even if Lin Yuan did not make her such a promise and just allowed her to live in the Spirit Lock spatial zone, Keira was confident that she could grow her demon insects into the strongest branch in the East Universe.

Keira did not thank Lin Yuan. She knew that he did not like such shallow performances.

"Master, my demon insects will soon be able to grow to reach the hundreds of millions. Do you want me to engage in rapid expansion? The insect eggs I accumulated are ready to hatch at any time into demon insects with Class 1 Genetic Locks."

Lin Yuan did not respond to Keira immediately. Instead, he asked her, "Currently, how strong are the demon insects with Class 3 Genetic Locks?"

Lin Yuan rarely asked about the demon insects.

But now that he was asking about them, Keira began explaining seriously, "Master, the demon insects with Class 3 Genetic Locks are usually used as combat tools. When nurtured normally, their brain capabilities will be reduced to prevent them from becoming too intelligent and taking up too much energy.

"The energy will instead go toward strengthening their bodies and increasing their combat abilities. But if they're given intelligence, their brains can be specially nurtured.

"The demon insects whose brains are specially nurtured will have the intelligence of 12-year-old human children. They will be able to do much more than just follow orders!"

Lin Yuan gasped to himself at the strength of the demon insects.

It turned out that the demon insects with Class 3 Genetic Locks could also be nurtured to have special bodies.

Lin Yuan planned on placing demon insects in every village to help with the migration.

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This was the only option he had, as Sky City did not have sufficient reserve members to undertake this task.

All of the thousands of reserve members had their way of thinking and could not be deployed in the same course of action easily.

On the other hand, all the demon insects would work according to Keira's will.

Keira's will would come from Lin Yuan. Hence, Lin Yuan would have precise control over all the demon insects.

The King Blood Jackals indeed had many dependent species and were under Lin Yuan's control. But could the King Blood Jackals really guarantee that they would be able to keep all their dependent species in check?

If the King Blood Jackals' dependent species and servants were assigned to help with the migration, Lin Yuan would not be able to ensure that they never crossed the line or did anything for their selfish benefit.

The life forms living in the villages were all terrified and pitiful but were trying their best to survive. Lin Yuan did not want them to have to suffer any more.

If the King Blood Jackals' dependent species or servants truly caused any trouble, Lin Yuan would be unable to collect faith from the villages in the future. ʀᴇᴀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇsᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs ᴀᴛ Noᴠelꜰɪre.nᴇt

With the intelligence of the demon insects with Class 3 Genetic Locks, the demon insects would be able to accomplish this task perfectly.

"Keira, assign four demon insects with specially nurtured brains and 10,000 combat demon insects to every demon insect with a Class 3 Genetic Lock. This will constitute one team. Try to produce as many of these teams as possible."

After hearing Lin Yuan's request, Keira mulled for a moment before making a suggestion, "Master, I have many demon insects with Class 2 Genetic Locks now. Their brains don't need to be nurtured and have the intelligence of grown adults. They can also produce eggs of their own.

"I would rather gather all of these demon insects with Class 2 Genetic Locks and have them create teams. They will be able to produce demon insects with Class 3 Genetic Locks with strengthened brains, which will support the teams!"

Lin Yuan raised an eyebrow.

If the demon insects with Class 2 Genetic Locks could fulfill his requests, Keira's suggestion was undoubtedly a better plan.

Lin Yuan intended to tell Keira about the mission so she could relocate the villages to the area around the King Blood Jackals' territory.

Keira had done something similar in the main world. There were some issues, but the overall operation was still done relatively well.

Lin Yuan believed that Keira had to have learned lessons from last time and do an even better job this time!

If she could not even accomplish such a small task, she would be an incapable subordinate who did not deserve to be used by Lin Yuan!

Now that he had settled Keira, Lin Yuan walked out of the inner palace with Spring and Summer following behind him.

When the two female King Blood Jackals by the entrance of the inner palace saw Lin Yuan, they hurriedly fell to their knees in respect.

All of the King Blood Jackals knew that their queen Kani was now working under this black-haired and black-eyed young man. All the King Blood Jackals were thus this young man's servants.

Kani had just conducted a cleaning-out of the King Blood Jackals. Hence, the King Blood Jackals were all nervous and afraid. These two close aides were no exception.

When Lin Yuan walked back into the front of the palace, he saw that Kani was there alone.

Kani hurriedly walked forward and said to Lin Yuan in a friendly tone, "Master, are you interested in the King Blood Jackals' palace? It is the grandest structure in the entire territory. If you are interested in the palace, I will give it to you immediately so you can live here!"

Lin Yuan shook his head and said, "You are still the queen of the King Blood Jackals. Even after joining me, you must maintain your might and pride. You will continue living in this palace. Nothing in the King Blood Jackals' territory will change. There is a flat area 2,000 kilometers to the southeast. I will build a palace there."

At this point, Lin Yuan gave Kani a few of the Ethereal Jellyfish's tentacles.

"You should have already seen the giant whale in the sky. The palace on the giant whale's back is where I'll be staying most of the time. When you need to report anything to me, you can use the tentacle to travel to the palace in the sky immediately."

Once he was done speaking, Lin Yuan led Spring and Summer out of the King Blood Jackals' palace and back to Sky Sea's back.

Sky Sea returned to the flat space to the southeast.

Lin Yuan wanted to build that palace to make it easier for Listen to establish a network of communications as well as for Su Yiren and Luo Lan to manage the territory.

The 14 Poppy Fruits Su Yiren's sacred source lifeform controlled were skilled at delivering instructions. Su Yiren turned every one of them into outstanding characters.

However, there were only nine of the 14 Poppy Fruits left, and Su Yiren needed to fill the five spaces as the original five had died in the main world.

Liu Xi, who had been Su Yiren's favorite, died during the dead spirits crisis while trying to save Su Yiren. Even now, Su Yiren thought of Liu Xi often.

After spending so much time by Lin Yuan's side, Su Yiren's mindset had changed as well. With her original mindset, she would see the 14 Poppy Fruits as nothing more than tools she controlled through her sacred source lifeform.

She would have swapped out all the 14 Poppy Fruits once she arrived at the Sky Beyond the Clouds.

There were many intelligent species in the Sky Beyond the Clouds that were more suitable to being poppy fruits than humans were.

But now, Su Yiren had slowly grown emotionally attached and sentimental. She cherished the 14 Poppy Fruits who had accompanied her on her journey of growth.

Su Yiren had never been awkward or unsure. She was certain of her position every moment she spent by Lin Yuan's side.

Her martial force did not stand out in Sky City. There were plenty of people who were stronger than her in Sky City. Her value lay in strategy and management.

The nine Poppy Fruits who were left were better acquainted with her and could handle the tasks she gave them.

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If Lin Yuan only wanted to build a palace, he could do so in the vicinity of the King Blood Jackals' territory.

Lin Yuan had chosen this flat space because he wanted to release Silver Corona and allow it to grow its sea of Bone Lotus Flowers around the palace, turning it into a forbidden area. This would both nurture Silver Corona and protect Sky City.

Autumn and Winter delivered Summer to the Lonely River and organized the other species of the Lonely River before returning to Lin Yuan's side.

Autumn said, "Young Master, there is a species of lifeforms in the Lonely River called the Quagmire Sparrow Bass. They are severely oppressed. When the Quagmire Sparrow Bass breathe, they turn water elements into earth elements, causing bodies of water to become extremely turbid.

"Many aquatic lifeforms dislike such environments and see the Quagmire Sparrow Bass as the enemy of bodies of water. Hence, many of the Quagmire Sparrow Bass have been killed. When Winter and I were investigating the environment, we came across two Quagmire Sparrow Bass in the mud at the bottom of a river. Are you interested in them?"

Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

From what Autumn said, Lin Yuan only knew that the Quagmire Sparrow Bass had the ability to turn water elements to earth elements. If this ability was powerful enough to be used on a large scale, it could turn a body of water into a land mass.

But it was clear that the Quagmire Sparrow Bass did not have such power. Otherwise, they would be as helpless as they were in the Lonely River!

Winter knew that Autumn wanted to prove himself to Lin Yuan and was willing to give him such opportunities.

However, Autumn spoke without proper structure, despite knowing that Lord Saint had chosen not to recover the memories from his previous life. As such, Lin Yuan had no clue what the Quagmire Sparrow Bass signified.

Winter had given Autumn the opportunity. He could not do anything if Autumn chose not to make good use of the opportunity he was given.

"Young Master, the Quagmire Sparrow Bass had the bloodline of an ancient species known as the Titan Mud Bass. The Titan Mud Bass are capable of ruling over the river. The Titan Mud Bass are not only able to turn rivers into mud but can produce the same effect in seas. If they are surrounded by sand, they can also use the sand elements to boost their strength.

"The Titan Mud Bass' gelatin can also enable other earth-type lifeforms to mutate into mud-type. Young Master, your Source Sand is sand-type, meaning it is a mutation of earth elements. This abnormal and special type will be able to significantly trigger a lifeform's potential to derivate."

From what Autumn and Winter said, Lin Yuan realized that the Quagmire Sparrow Bass were worth nurturing.

As the Source Sand's master, Lin Yuan knew just how strong a mutated elemental ability could be.

"I'm sure that you must have brought the Quagmire Sparrow Bass back. Why don't we nurture them in one of the bodies of water on Sky Sea's back? When I have the time, I will examine and come up with a way to nurture them."

Spring chimed in. "Young Master, it's not difficult to nurture the Quagmire Sparrow Bass. They only need to be supplied with water and earth-elemental energy. The purity of energy doesn't have to be high. But the purer the elemental energy, the more their potential can be activated. You don't have to invest too much energy into the Quagmire Sparrow Bass.

"You can just leave them be. All that's needed is someone to check in on them occasionally so the water around them doesn't completely turn into sticky mud. Before the Quagmire Sparrow Bass' bloodline transforms, they can't live in mud.

"I'm sure that the number of Quagmire Sparrow Bass has dwindled not just because they were hunted by other species but also because they ended up in smaller streams and turned the water into thick mud, eventually suffocating themselves!"

In the past, Lin Yuan would have asked why none of the powerful species in the Sky Beyond the Clouds chose to nurture the Quagmire Sparrow Bass if they were truly this easy to nurture. Even if they had no intention to evolve them to the Titan Mud Bass, their gelatin would also be useful in battle.

After taking a trip through the Lonely River, Lin Yuan knew that pure elemental energy was just as valuable in the Sky Beyond the Clouds as pure spirit qi was.

The species and factions in the Sky Beyond the Clouds needed resources more badly than the factions in the main world did.

But in the main world, resources would lead to one being admired. On the other hand, in the Sky Beyond the Clouds, your background did not matter, but once you produced resources that did not befit your status, it would immediately attract other experts to come after you.