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Femdom Island

Chapter 225 The Root
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As the monstrous creature roared with fury, its massive form loomed over Nikol and Zenda, threatening to unleash its destructive power. Nikol's eyes burned with determination as he stepped forward, his heart pounding with a mixture of powerfulness and adrenaline.

"Nikol, be careful!" Zenda cried out, her voice laced with concern.

Nikol turned to face her, his face set with resolve. "Zenda, take the girls and get to safety. I'll handle this. We can't let it harm anyone else."

Zenda hesitated for a moment, torn between her instinct to protect Nikol and her responsibility to keep the girls safe. But seeing the determination in his eyes, she knew she had to trust in his abilities.

"Alright," she said, her voice quivering with worry. "But please, be careful, Nikol."

Nikol nodded, offering her a reassuring smile. "I will. Just get the girls to safety, and I'll join you soon."

With a final glance, Zenda quickly gathered the young girls, their wide eyes filled with a mix of fear and hope. She took their trembling hands, leading them away from the danger, her heart heavy with the thought of leaving Nikol behind.

Meanwhile, Nikol squared his shoulders and took a deep breath, his focus shifting to the daunting forest ahead as he attacked the monster causing it to be thrown back into the forest.

With each step he took, the rustling leaves and ominous shadows seemed to whisper their warnings, urging him to turn back. But he pressed on, his determination unwavering.

Entering the dense woods, Nikol's senses sharpened, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of the monstrous creature. He could hear the distant echoes of its enraged growls and the sound of crashing branches, guiding him deeper into the heart of the forest.

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The air grew heavy, and the atmosphere charged with anticipation. Nikol's heart raced, and he tightened his grip on his hand, ready for whatever lay ahead. As he pushed deeper into the forest, his ears caught the faint sound of movement.

With caution, Nikol followed the sound until he came upon a small clearing. There, amidst the tangled undergrowth, the monstrous creature thrashed about, still recovering from the impact of Nikol's attack.

A defiant smirk tugged at Nikol's lips as he approached the wounded beast.

"Let me see what made you like this," It was rather easy for him to tell that this monster was an orc, but the colour and the skin, everything looked a lot different from what the normal orcs should looks like.

The creature's eyes flashed with anger and pain, but it lacked the strength to mount a counterattack. Nikol raised his hand, determination gleaming in his eyes and quickly dealt a bow that left the monster unconscious, so he could freely touch it and see what was wrong with it.

He had a wild guess in his mind, but he kept telling don't let his thought be real this time, as it might be the worst thing he can expect and before even he could touch the heart of the monster, he felt it.

"Damn it! this is the last thing I want now, did his essence got absorbed into the earth? If that's the case, these monsters that get their new life might become nuisances,"

With a swift, decisive motion, Nikol struck the final blow, vanquishing the beast as he didn't have anything more he could do with it.

"Now this is dangerous, these beasts can harm me too, no wonder why my hand got burned from that tiny fire, even though they are only a little bit more powerful than they already were, same cannot be said for this condition,"

Breathing heavily, Nikol stood amidst the aftermath, his heart still racing from the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He knew his duty was not yet complete, but as he glanced back hearing another leaf rustling sound.

He expected to see the girls that came to help him, but instead, it was a huge group of monsters of different kinds.

He quickly assessed his surroundings, searching for any possible escape route. But to his dismay, the creatures had surrounded him, leaving him with nowhere to run.

His mind raced, desperately seeking a strategy to overcome this overwhelming challenge. He knew he couldn't afford to let his pride consume him.

"If I get attacked like before at the same time without even letting me heal, it's possible for them to kill me, might not be permanent death, but this body would die,"

With a deep breath, he steadied himself, preparing for the battle ahead, and he made sure not to be careless and make silly mistakes, that could cost his life.

As the monsters closed in, Nikol sprang into action. With each swing of his weapon, he struck down the ferocious beasts, relying on his combat skills and instincts. His movements were swift and precise, aiming to dispatch the creatures before they could overpower him.

The battle raged on, Nikol fighting valiantly against the odds. His body endured blows and scratches, but he refused to succumb to pain or exhaustion. Every strike he landed fueled his determination to protect himself and those who depended on him.

The monsters seemed never-ending, their roars reverberating through the air. Despite the chaos and danger, Nikol remained focused, his mind honed on the task at hand.

With every strike, Nikol adjusted his tactics, exploiting weaknesses and utilizing his surroundings to gain an advantage. He was a warrior of experience, having trained for countless years to become a formidable opponent. His skills couldn't even be on the same ground as the most powerful monster.

The only things these had to go for them were the pure raw power and the power of the Jormungand's essence, and they were deadly enough to put and decent challenge to Nikol even without the training.

His skill with the weapon he wielded was unmatched, as he seamlessly transitioned between offensive and defensive manoeuvres.

As time wore on, the number of monsters started to decrease and Nikol manage to take a good breath.

He made that the girls won't enter this place as this threat is not something they could handle, and for him, this incident was a little ironic, as they kept praising him for bringing them happiness earlier, but right now because of him, they were facing an even bigger problem.

As the last of the monsters fell to the ground, Nikol stood amidst the fallen foes, his body covered in dirt and sweat. Breathing heavily, he took a moment to assess the aftermath of the intense battle. The area was now littered with defeated creatures, their threat vanquished.

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Though victorious, Nikol knew he couldn't let his guard down. He wiped the sweat from his brow and listened intently for any sign of danger. But instead of the anticipated silence, a faint whimper caught his attention.

Turning toward the sound, Nikol's eyes widened with concern.

"This is-" He knew the sound very well but he couldn't pinpoint what it exactly was. It was a bizarre feeling, but Nikol knew this had something to do with the Jormungand's death.


"If I could give up these powers and live freely, I would have done that," Nikol muttered to himself bothered by the endless chain of problems, he was facing.

As Nikol was lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard footsteps approaching.

He turned around to find the girls he had been staying with standing before him, their faces filled with concern and curiosity. Their eyes darted around, taking in the sight of the lifeless bodies of corrupted monsters scattered across the area.

"What happened here, Nikol?" one of the girls asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Nikol sighed heavily, his gaze still fixed on the lifeless creatures.

"These monsters... they're corrupted," he explained, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and determination. "Something has twisted their essence, turning them into powerful abominations. It's related to the death of Jormungand, I'm sure of it."

He looked up at the girls, meeting their gaze one by one. "There's a place I need to go. It's a location I believe holds the answers to what's happening. I can't do this alone anymore. I need all of you by my side to witness this, so come with me."

The girls exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of concern and determination. After a moment of silent understanding, one of them stepped forward.

"Nikol, you've been through so much for us," she said, her voice unwavering. "We're not about to let you face this alone. Wherever you're going, we're coming with you."

The other girls nodded in agreement, their resolve firm. Nikol felt a surge of gratitude and determination well up within him.

"Thank you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I can't express how much it means to me to have all of you by my side. Together, we will uncover the truth behind these corrupted creatures and put an end to this chaos."

With their collective determination fueling them, Nikol and the girls set off towards the destination where Nikol killed Jormungand.