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Fated to my Enemy by Diane Doherty

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Book Two Chapter Twelve

Alpha Blake

| walked into the living room to find my mate playing with our daughter on the floor. There were toys everywhere

and Evie was standing, trying to walk. | leaned against the door frand watched as she tried to walk from the

couch to her mother sitting cross-legged a few feet away.

“You can do it, baby girl,” she cheered her on.

“Dada.” she squealed when she saw me. | looked at Ryley and she was looking at me. Tears filled my eyes. This

was the first tEvie calledanything other than mama.

“That's right. Princess. | walked over to her and scooped her up. | tickled her chin with my beard and she giggled

a squeal.

“Were you trying to walk without me?” | pulled back and pouted but all she did was pull on my beard with her

tiny little fingers.

| turned to find Ryley cleaning up the toys. | walked over to her, still holding on to Evie. | needed to fix this. Ryley

should be involved in this but I'm so fearful she will end up back in the council's claws. She has been through

enough with the council and with almost dying. | want her hand safe.

| wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into my side.

“Mama.” Evie babbled.

“Yes, Blake,” she placed her hand on my chest and tried to push me


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“Baby, stop,” | pulled her closer and rested my forehead against hers. She sighed but stopped fighting me.

“I don’t want you involved in this. | almost lost you to the council once. You and Evie. I'm not risking you and our

unborn child. | need you to stay here and protect our babies.”

“And what about our boys and pack? I’m their Luna, | shouldn't be hiding away while they fight this war with the

council. This is my fight just as much as it is yours,” she exclaimed.

“The boys have their wolves. | know they can take care of themselves. And | will take care of the pack. Your job is

to grow our baby and to take care of this one,” Evie leaned over and kissed her mother.

“I love you, my baby girl,” Ryley kissed her back.

“Then, if I'm to stay here then | want to know what's going on. If | follow all your rules, then | need to know the

plan. | have to be involved in this Blake. They tookfrom you and heldagainst my will. They threatened

our daughter. | will not sit back and let them get away with it.” she demanded. | knew | was going to have to

compromise or she would just learn everything from Aspen.

“I will involve you in the planning, but you will stay on the sidelines. | mean it, Ryley. | don’t care if I'm dying. You

will stay here and protect. our kids.” Tears filled her eyes and | pulled her close.

“Nothing is going to happen to me, baby,” | reassured her, kissing her forehead. Her body began to tremble

before she broke down into s obs. | led her over to the couch and sat down. Evie was in my lap and Ryley was

pulled against my side.

“I'm sorry, baby. Nothing is going to happen to me.” | held both my girls while Ryley cried on my shoulder. F uck.

| didn’t mean to upset. her.



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“Why would you say that?” She choked as she pulled back to look at me. “You know | can’t live without you,” she

cried. | pulled her back against me. Evie had her head snuggled into one side of my chest, while her mother had

the other side. | kissed both of them on the top of their heads.

“I didn’t mean to make you cry, baby, and nothing is going to happen to me. But | need you here, protecting our

babies.” She nodded her head. “Okay?”

“Okay,” she whispered and | held her tighter.

“Thank you,” | mumbled, kissing her head again.

“Have you eaten?”

“Aspen makea grilled cheese before he left,” she sniffled. | knew that wasn’t enough. She was growing our

baby and taking care of another.

“That's not enough. I'll have one of the warriors run out to get us something. What do you feel like?” | asked her.

“A cheeseburger and fries,” she snuggled her cheek into

my chest.

“Sounds good, baby. Find us something to watch and we can have a movie night.” Evie started to suck on my

shirt and | knew she wanted. her mother.

“Chere, baby girl, before you suck a hole in Daddy's shirt.” She took her fromand she immediately

started to suck her chest. | grabbed a few pillows while she got Evie latched. After she was comfortable and our

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daughter was nursing, | handed her the remote,

“I'm going to go talk with Connor and get our food. I'll be right back,” I told her, kissing her forehead. She

grabbed onto my shirt before | could pull away and pulleddown, Her lips met mine.





“Never, ever, Baby.” | pecked her lips. | kissed Evie’s head before | left the house to find my ga mma.

“Connor.” | called out. He was standing in the driveway talking to another warrior when | exited the house. |

walked down the steps of the porch and he methalfway.

“How is everything?” he asked me.

“Better. | need you to send one of the warriors to pick up food for us. Also. Aiden is going to be helping you. He

was talking with Luca earlier. | don’t want him in the field so he volunteered to help you.” | explained.

“Good. He hasn't cto seeyet, but we will cup with a schedule to watch over Ryley and Evie.

Nothing is going to happen to them.” he assured me. | thanked him and gave him our food order before going

back into the house. He'll bring it in when it arrives.

| walked into the living room to find my mate and daughter sleeping. | smiled as | covered them both with a

blanket. | kissed both of them before shutting off the TV. | pulled out my phone and headed into the kitchen to

get swork done.
