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Fated to my Enemy by Diane Doherty

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Book Two Chapter Ten

Alpha Blake

“For f uck sake,” | growled after Ryley stormed into the house.

“Well that didn’t go well,” Connor approached me.

“Where the hell is Luca?” | demanded and he put his hands up in surrender.

“Packhouse organizing patrol. | would ask you how your taway was, but you seem a little grumpy.” | pinched

the bridge of my nose.

“She’s pregnant.” | linked him.

“No f ucken way,” he exclaimed. | looked at him before shushing him.

“Not a word,” | commanded. He pushed his lips in line.

“I won't but you know she’s right and Luca is going to tell you the sthing, Blake.”

“If I wanted your da mn opinion, | would have asked for it,” | retorted. before marching off towards the pack

house. F uck, that woman is going to be the death of me.

| stormed into the packhouse, and up to my office where | found Luca. He was in there talking with Aiden.

“Get out.” | commanded.

“Blake, what's wrong?” Luca exclaimed.

“What's wrong is that Ryley is already pis sed off and his involvement.

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will only pis s her off more.” | yelled, pacing my office.

“Blake, slow down. Why is Luna pis sed?” Luca questioned.

| grumbled as | stopped pacing and looked at them. Luca was standing behind my desk while Aiden was sitting in

a chair in front.

“She thinks she should be here and | said no.” Luca pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Don’t f ucking givethat, Luca. You know why she can’t be here. The council is after her and our daughter.

They are both staying in that go dda mn house until the council is destroyed.”

“Blake, calm down. | know you are worried but Ryley can handle herself. She would never let the council get her

or your daughter.” Aiden assured.

“Ryley is pregnant. Aiden. | won't let the council get her again. They are coming afterbecause I'm stopping

the payments from this pack. They chere two days ago accusingof hiding another Luna wolf and they

wanted to test Evie. Now, if you get hurt. Ryley will never forgive herself. So, no you are not involved in this.” |

told him.

“Then | will be here, protecting our Luna and your daughter. Blake. | will work alongside Connor. | don’t need to

go sneaking around to be useful. There aren’t too many of us that you trust completely.” He said.

"Aspen is staying hand so is Landon. I'm not sending them back to training until after the council has been


“Blake, what the f uck do you think is happening here?” Luca asked.

“I have no idea, Luca, but I'm not sending the boys back there. The council has people everywhere. | would

rather be safe than sorry.”

“So is Channing also staying home?” Aiden questioned. | shook my

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“I need a team to protect him at school. He's at a human school, but | know the council is still watching him. |

need a bigger team there.” | explained. There was a knock on the office door before Aspen stepped inside.

“Mom is not happy with you, so | would bring chocolate home,” he smirked and I glared at him.

“This is not a tfor jokes, Aspen. This threat is very real,” | snapped.

“And you don’t think mom can handle herself. If it cdown to you. or her protecting me, | would want her. She

may be pregnant and hormonal but she would kill anyone who would dare threaten her family. Us. And you are

the only one who doesn’t see it. She should be here and you holding her back will only make her resent you,” he

retorted before slamming the door behind him as he left my office.

“It would seem you are very good at pis sing people off today, Alpha,” Aiden shook his head.

“For f uck sake,” | grumbled as | walked over to my chair and flopped. down. Luca took the chair beside Aiden.

“Why don’t you tellwhat | need to know, since | can’t do anything right today.”

“As far as we know, the council hasn't stepped foot back into the pack. Also, we have informants all around the

pack and no new wolves have shown up. I'm not sure why they decided to show up when they did, but the pack

hasn't done anything wrong. According to the Luna wolf law, they are not allowed to test any female wolf they

suspect to be at Luna wolf who is under the age of eighteen. That is the law they wrote.” Luca said.

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“They showed up to prove they could. They knew | would never


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consent to that or give up any Luna wolf in my pack.” | rubbed my temples to try to rid myself of the slow

pounding in my skull.

“Blake, we will take them down. We have the resources to storm in right now and take them down. They are the

ones who should be watching their backs. You stopping any money from our pack will crip ple them. So, they

have two choices, try to take you out, or surrender.” My Beta explained.

“They could use my family against me, Luca. They know | would surrender to their terms if they got hold of any

of them. They know they are my weakness.”

“And the pack will keep them safe, Blake. No one is walking into the pack without us knowing about it. And | have

no doubt Ryley would. take anyone out who dared enter your house. We will protect them. Now, go get some

chocolate for your pregnant Luna, and apologize for being a caveman. Tomorrow, we can go over patrol

scheduling and start getting the warriors ready for what's coming” There was a reason Luca was my beta and

this was why.

“I'll cup with a schedule with Connor. Either his team or mine. will be at the house at all times. Blake, we will

keep them safe.” Aiden assured me. | sighed, knowing | had the hardest job between the three of us.

“Then | better go handle my Luna.”

