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Fated To The Alpha (Ezra, Katya)

Chapter 270
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Fated To The Alpha Chapter 270

A moan escaped, and my shoulders ached, yet I pushed back against his hot, fiery mouth, devouring me. His

fingers dug into my ass cheeks, forcing them apart, yet the feeling of euphoria that rushed through me made my

mind blank.

I couldn’t care less about what he was doing, as long as he didn’t stop. His hands slid down the backs of my thighs,

pushing my legs further apart as he tilted his face to a different angle, his tongue slipping inside me as he lapped at

the juices escaping me, making my legs tremble. My breathing turned to pants as his hot tongue moved back to my


He sucked on it, swirling his tongue around the swollen bud, making me cry out. His hands squeezing my thighs are

the only thing keeping me upright, my legs shaking terribly when I feel my stomach tighten, my hips rock against

his mouth, chasing the building sensation. My toes curl, digging into the floor as I reach my climax and shatter.

My legs go weak, and his grip tightens as he forces me to remain upright, his tongue relentless as I ride out, the

waves of my orgasm that ripples through me, leaving me breathless. He stood with one last flick of his tongue, and

my knees buckled beneath me when he gripped my wrists, yanking me upright. His hand wraps around my throat,

his chest presses against my back as he tugs me against him, his other hand pressed flat to my stomach.

He nips at my mark before his tongue trails up the side of my neck to behind my 10 % ear. He flicks my ear with his

tug before tugging it with his teeth. His hand on my stomach moves to cup my oversensitive pussy, his fingers

teasing. The cold draft from the broken windows was welcomed. My skin flushed and burned, and his teasing

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fingers drove me insane.

The cool air is pleasant as it caresses my heated skin. Kyan growls, sliding two fingers in me, pumping them in and

out of me slowly while his lips nipped and licked my skin before he abruptly pulled his finger out and turned me to

face him. Kyan chuckled, earning a growl from me when he shoves me backward on the bed.


He crawls on the bed between my legs, his arm going under my waist as he lifts me further up the bed toward the

bed head. His lips cover mine, and he forces his tongue between my lips, tasting every inch of my mouth before

laughing again, making me giggle. ” What? ” I laughed. He shakes his head. ” Nothing I will tell you later, ” he says,

shoving me on my back. I squirm, my shoulders aching more now that I lay on my back.

I tugged on my wrists, which were rub together painfully. Kyan’s hand goes under my back to my wrists, and I feel

him undo them. I sigh, rolling my shoulders, only for him to grab my wrists again. I glare at him, and he chuckles,

sitting on his knees. He grips my hips, dragging me closer to him and pulling my legs over the top of his thighs

before reaching into the top drawer of Jonah’s bedside table. He pulls out a rolled – up silver tie and a black one.

” Kye? ” I wanted to touch him, but clearly, he had other plans as he tied my wrists with the silver one before

looping the black one through them and securing my wrists to the headboard. ” There is something wrong with you,

” I tell him, and he smirks before palming my breast. His finger swirls around my areola, making my nipple harden

under his touch when he pinches, rolling it between his fingers, making me hiss.

” No, there is something wrong with you for agreeing to something you have no idea about, just because you saw it

in a movie, ” he laughs. ” You better not spank me again, so help me, god, I will, ” he twists my nipple, making me

cry out. ” You’ll what, Ella? ” he growled before dipping his head and sucking on the nipple he just assaulted.

My back arches, loving the feel of his tongue on my body when he sits up. His hand runs over my thigh, his eyes

between my legs while the other strokes his hardened length. Kyan ran the tip between my wet folds before

smirking. He grips my hips, dragging my ass higher up in his lap. Kyan grabbed the back of my left knee,


forcing it to my chest before leaning forward, so the back of my knee pressed against his shoulder. He leans down

and presses his lips to mine. I answered his kiss instantly as he settled his weight against me, hooking my other leg

around his waist. His erection pressing against my slit, and I roll my hips, coating his length in my arousal.

Kyan groans before his hand moves between our bodies, and he adjusts himself, the tip of him pressing against my

entrance, and I gasp, pulling my lips away, looking at the rather odd position I was in. Kyan kisses my knee before

pressing his lips softly against mine before he shoves in with one hard thrust, making my lips part as pain rippled

through me.

His cock smashes into my cervix painfully. He stills, giving me time to adjust to his size, nipping and licking at my

lips, his pelvis flush against me. He pulls out slowly and groans, pressing his forehead against mine before gently

pushing back in ; Kyan moves slowly, letting me adjust to the position and him.


I go to wrap my arms around his neck, forgetting they are tied above my head when he kisses me. His tongue

invades my mouth and tangles with mine, and I rock my hips against him, desire flaring violently when he pulls out,

ramming back in, making me gasp with the brutal momentum. My walls flutter around his cock, squeezing him as

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he builds up friction.

Kyan growls, plunging in harder, impaling me on his cock, his cock hitting against my cervix painfully, but the pain is

overridden by the sensation that pools í n my stomach from the friction. My airy cries of pleasure fill the room. I

push my restrained hands against the headboard, pushing against Kyan as he pounded into me.

Warmth courses through me when my stomach tightens, my inner walls clenching. I moaned loudly as I reached

the precipice and was shoved over violently, Kyan slams into me harder, and I cry out, my pussy pulsating when he

stills, warmth fills my stomach, his cock twitching inside me, and warm ropes of his release bathe my insides. Kyan

groans and my leg slips off his shoulder as he drops his weight on me, and we both try to catch our breath.

Kyan kisses my jaw, his hand palming and kneading my breast softly. When I tug on my hands, he reaches above

my head. Claws slip out of his fingertips, slicing through the tie holding my wrists together, and I wrap my arms

around his neck.

He smiles when I tug his lips to mine and kiss him gently, my tongue tracing his bottom lip before he growls, nipping

at it ; I laugh, and Kyan pecks my lips.

” I love you, ” He whispers. ” I love you more, ” I tell him before yawning. Kyan pecks my cheek before pulling out

of me, and I stretch before rolling onto my stomach. Kyan laughs, and I turn my face to him on the pillow and raise

an eyebrow at him. ” What is so funny? ” I ask. ” Jonah is? ” he laughed while getting up. Furrowing my brows, I

stare at him, wondering what he is talking about; Jonah felt fine through the bond.


” What is funny about Jonah? ” ” He gets to lay in your wet spot, ” Kyan laughs. I sit up, looking at Jonah’s side of the

bed. ” Kyan! ” I hissed, but he just laughed while sauntering off to the bathroom.