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Falling for the Contract Bride

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43 I Want to Know More About You

Jian Xiaoning panicked. She looked towards the exit. Thankfully, Mu Zhi was not there.

“Be good Xiaomu. Don’t go around looking for daddies for your mommy.”

Jian Xiaoning phrased her sentence to deliberately mislead Lu Jinye. It implied that she was Xiaomu’s


Jian Xiaoning nodded apologetically at Lu Jinye and hastily carried Mu Xiaomu towards the exit.

She quickly left to avoid any suspicions Lu Jinye may have.

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Mu Zhi who used a stomachache as an excuse to leave earlier was circling the venue. After many laps,

she finally saw Jian Xiaoning speed walking out with Mu Xiaomu in her arms.

She checked for Lu Jinye’s presence and had a quick word with Jian Xiaoning before leaving with Mu


Mu Xiaomu on the other hand, was looking at Mu Zhi and smiling from ear to ear.

“Mommy, I’ve found a new daddy.”

“What daddy?”

Mu Zhi frowned as she glanced at Mu Xiaomu. Her attention split between Mu Xiaomu and surveying the

environment around them.

“It’s that mister.”

“Lu Jinye! Lu Jinye!”

Jian Xiaoning warned her, “The new daddy that Xiaomu is talking about is Lu Jinye. I had to bring her out

in a hurry.”

Jian Xiaoning did not want to trouble Mu Zhi any further… The less she said, the better.

Mu Xiaomu was old enough to catch onto what they were talking about if they said too much.

Mu Zhi understood and nodded back. She had Jian Xiaoning leave with Mu Xiaomu.

She let out a sigh of relief when they were finally out of sight. What a fright that was!

Just when she started looking around, behind her came a man’s voice, “What are you looking for?”

Mu Zhi quickly turned around to see Lu Jinye standing behind her. How long had he been there?

Mu Zhi’s mind was in a mess but she kept all her emotions off her face. She smiled instead. “Honey,

you’re here.”

“What’s wrong? What were you looking at?”

Lu Jinye looked at the direction she was looking at. If he squinted, he might still be able to make out Mu

Xiaomu trying to turn back to look at them.

“Nothing much. I was just looking at Mu Xiaomu.”

“You really like children, huh?”

Lu Jinye studied Mu Zhi. Previously, whenever he and Mu Zhi would talk about kids, it would always be

in a joking manner. He did not know that Mu Zhi liked kids. Besides, they rarely came across kids in their

line of work.

“Yes, children are so adorable.”

Mu Zhi turned away from Mu Xiaomu’s retreating figure. She hooked her arm onto Lu Jinye’s and gently

smiled up at him. “Honey, let’s go.”

Lu Jinye lowered his gaze to meet hers. His gaze wavered slightly. This woman… How was he supposed

to define their marriage?

Mu Zhi was an intelligent woman. These few years together, she played the role of the perfect wife; she

was an excellent secretary… But after all the time they’ve spent together, Lu Jinye realized that he did

not know her.

For instance, even though she liked kids, she had no intention of bearing one for him.


Lu Jinye looked at the time. It was almost noon. He started the car while asking, “Where do you want to

go for lunch?”

“I’m fine with anywhere. What about you, honey? Do you have anywhere particular in mind?”

Mu Zhi was used to being Lu Jinye’s secretary, which was why she would always clarify his needs before

giving him options.

Lu Jinye frowned and thought about it before saying, “Find some place you’d like to eat. Particularly,

somewhere you’ve eaten at before and have liked. I would like to get to know you more.”

Mu Zhi looked up restaurants in the area. “Honey, there’s a place nearby that makes really good Korean

bibimbap. How about we try that?”

“It’s really affordable but delicious!”

Mu Zhi suggested. But feeling that something was off, she hurried added, “Or we can go to wherever you

feel like going?”


Lu Jinye softly agreed, “Let’s go to the one that you’ve suggested. Lead the way.”

The children’s activity center was located at a main road surrounded by publishing houses and canteens.

It was the 1st June, Parents Day, and the canteens were filled with people. To get to the place Mu Zhi

mentioned, they had to turn at two intersections and go a little ways further.

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With Mu Zhi navigating, they reached the entrance to an older part of town.

Mu Zhi looked around and made sure it was the right place before releasing her seatbelt. “Honey, if we

park here, we don’t need to pay for parking. We need to go through the small alley next to it.”

Mu Zhi pointed at the small alley on the right.

Lu Jinye silently followed Mu Zhi out of the car. He followed behind Mu Zhi as they made their way

through the alley.

It was quite a narrow alley. Only one person could pass at a time. One would have to follow behind. Mu

Zhi had to lead the way therefore she went ahead. Lu Jinye, who was following her, stared at her back as

they walked.

Today, Mu Zhi was wearing a brighter colored sweater and sneakers. It was a big difference from her

usual work attire and made her look more youthful and cheerful.

Her footsteps quickened. Maybe she just really wanted some bibimbap.

Lu Jinye had never walked behind Mu Zhi like this before. Today would be the first. She seemed so

distant from him.

“Honey, we’ve reached! It’s so close. And the store sign looks so old!”

Mu Zhi excitedly pointed it out to Lu Jinye. Lu Jinye exited the alley and looked around at the street they

found themselves in. While his face was expressionless, inside, he felt a little strange…

From the winding street they were at, they walked through a small alley and arrived at a food street. At

the end of the food street was a medical university.

Seeing as Mu Zhi was able to find her way around easily, it meant that she was very familiar with the

surrounding area.

There were two possibilities. The first was that she went to school here. The other was that this was her

lover’s school when they were in university.

Mu Zhi had a one track mind. She was only thinking about her bibimbap and did not notice Lu Jinye

studying her. She pulled Lu Jinye into the restaurant.

It was lunch time, and the small restaurant was filled with students. Lu Jinye and Mu Zhi’s arrival had

many female students turning to look at them.

“Sir, can we order two signature bibimbaps?”

Mu Zhi was famished. And she must really be out of it to forget to hide her past. It was a ghost, her past

self, that brought him here.

This was not a place she should have brought Lu Jinye…