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Falling for the Contract Bride

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39 He Held Mu Xiaomu

Lu Junnian’s words left her even more confused. She looked at him. Her eyes blinking as her mind

desperately tried to remember what had happened last night.

But no matter how hard she tried, she could not remember anything. It was all a blur.

It was like waking up from a dream. At the moment of waking the memory of the dream was clear, but

when she tried to recall it, she realized she could not remember anything at all.

Mu Zhi drew her brows together in frustration.

Watching her, Lu Junnian’s handsome face was stern. He observed her intently for a long time but did

not say a word.

Finally he sighed and said, “Leave Lu Jinye.”

Mu Zhi thought that he had something important to tell her. However, when that was all, she wanted to

laugh but resisted it.

“Whether I leave him or not is none of your business. But what happened that you need to save me last


Mu Zhi was determined to find out what had happened.

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“Your mother’s surgical trial is one week from now. But presently, your mother’s condition has somewhat


At a mention of work, his demeanor became normal again.

Hearing the news, a flash of sadness crossed her face but she immediately controlled herself. She

turned to Lu Junnian and said, “If there is nothing else, can I leave now? I would like to see my mother.”

Lu Junnian nodded and stepped aside from the door. When Mu Zhi opened the door and was about to

run out, she saw Bai Shao standing right outside. She gave a nod and left quickly.

When Mu Zhi was out of sight, Bai Shao let out a sigh, looked at Lu Junnian in the eye and said, “You


With that he smiled in good humor and left.

Mu Zhi went to see her mother at the ward. As her previous visit, her mother was still unconscious, but

this time her life vitals had weakened. Mu Zhi observed her mother for a long time and her heart became

more and more troubled.

When it felt too much for her, she left. She wanted to leave the hospital immediately but when she

walked to the entrance, there was a man in a well-pressed suit waiting for her.

Mu Zhi looked at him uncertainly and soon realized that he is Zhang Quan, Lu Jinye’s driver.

“What’s the matter?”

Mu Zhi promptly put away her dismay and asked as she stood before Zhang Quan.

Zhang Quan greeted Mu Zhi with a nod and said, “Madam, this morning Mr. Lu found his car missing and

sent me to look for it. We found the car crashed at the guardrail halfway down the mountain and the

security guard at Banya Mount Chateau confirmed that you had driven the car away last night.”

Mu Zhi frowned. She had no recollection at any of the things he said.

Zhang Quan continued, “Mr. Lu was worried about you and had people trace your whereabouts. When

you were found to be in this hospital, he immediately sent me here to check on you.”

So… The driver was here to make sure that she was safe.

Mu Zhi couldn’t help but smile, “You can go back and inform Jinye that I am fine, I am not hurt.”

At her words, Zhang Quan was visibly relieved and he said, “If it is not too much trouble, can you give

the chairman a call? I believe this is better as he is very worried about you.”


Mu Zhi agreed but right after she did, a voice came from behind her, “Worried?”

It was Lu Junnian.

“If he is worried, why don’t he come here himself?”

“He can’t even get off Miss Xiao’s bed, and he’s worried about other people? This is laughable.”

Mu Zhi could only glare at Lu Junnian. She did not know how to reply to his sarcastic remarks.

Then she turned to Zhang Quan, “You should go back first. I will call Jinye later.”

Zhang Quan looked at Lu Junnian thoughtfully for a while, then without a word, he left.

When Zhang Quan had left, Mu Zhi too wanted to leave the hospital immediately.

But behind her Lu Junnian was not done talking to her. He looked at her with utmost seriousness and

said, “Divorce him.”

“Even if I am divorced, I will still not be with you,” Mu Zhi replied.

With that, she walked away quickly in her high heels.

When she had walked out and got into a cab, she gave Lu Jinye a call but he did not answer.

She assumed that he was busy so she did not call again.

That night, Lu Jinye still had not returned to his home. He did not even send a text to inform her that he

was not coming back.

In the past, he would always text her if he was not coming home. And since there wasn’t any text

message from him, she thought that he would be back and waited until she had fallen asleep. When she

woke up, she realized that he still had not returned.

At this moment, Mu Zhi’s phone vibrated with a reminder, ‘Today is Mu Xiaomu’s school performance.’

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Mu Zhi quickly set aside her concerns about Lu Jinye and went to get ready.

Mu Zhi put on an elegant and natural makeup. She looked friendly with the makeup. It would endear her

to children.

After putting on her makeup, Mu Zhi called Mu Xiaomu’s nanny. The nanny informed her that she had

brought Mu Xiaomu to the Children’s Activity Centre, so Mu Zhi quickly hailed a cab to go there.

When Mu Zhi reached the Children’s Activity Centre, she saw Mu Xiaomu at some distance from her. As

she was about to go to her, Mu Xiaomu disappeared into a washroom.

As there were some distance apart, and since Mu Xiaomu knew how to use the washroom by herself,

Mu Zhi was not worried.

However she did not know that Mu Xiaomu wanted very much to perform her dance well. So, as she

walked, she was thinking about the movements for her dance, reminding herself what not forget, as well

as practicing her smile. She did not realize that she was walking towards the male washroom.

Lu Jinye was glaring at Lu Yunxi as he walked towards the male washroom. Annoyance was evident in

his voice as he said, “Next time, don’t bother getting me to attend events like this. I do not like children.”

Lu Yunxi kept on grinning with complete disregard to Lu Jinye’s annoyance, “Shouldn’t you at least show

your support? I have finally gotten myself a respectable work, organizing this citywide children talent

competition. You should at least attend!”

“And previously, none of my events could attract any children, but when I let my staff put your photograph

in our promotional materials, listing you as a judge for the event, the mothers went wild and registered

their children straightaway!”

“Since I have printed that you will be judging, and have distributed them, if you don’t appear then it would

mean that I was lying isn’t it, brother?”

“Next time, don’t include me in them.”

Lu Jinye turned around and saw a little girl in a white dress, mumbling and walking distractedly toward

the male washroom.

In mere seconds, he dashed over and held Mu Xiaomu up just as she was about to step in.