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Falling for the Contract Bride

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35 Rather Dull

Mu Zhi almost sprayed her wine onto everyone’s faces when she heard the question.

Fortunately, she was in time to control herself and refrain from doing so. But she still had a coughing fit

from getting choked.

Lu Jinye was kind enough to hand Mu Zhi a glass of water. He told her to drink some water, but… It

didn’t seem to stop everyone from waiting for her answer.

Mu Zhi felt that Lu Jinye was faking it. Why didn’t he even try to help her in this dire situation?

“What is my punishment if I choose not to answer? I can drink.”

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Mu Zhi had already volunteered for punishment during the first round. After all, she could not bring

herself to talk about her first night with Lu Jinye.

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Nevertheless, Xu Se had completely expected that Mu Zhi would come to this solution, so he slid her

wine glass towards himself composedly and said, “We actually chose the random gameplay of drumming

while passing flowers because we were afraid that Jinye would outsmart all of us. Do you really think that

we caught you just because we wanted you to have a glass of wine?”

Mu Zhi was even more mortified.

“How about another question?”

Although she seemed to be speaking to Xu Se, she was actually looking at Lu Jinye. She hoped that Lu

Jinye could speak up for her.

But she did not expect Lu Jinye to pick up his wine glass, take a sip, and say, “That’s a good question!”

A! Good! Question!

Mu Zhi wanted to bite off her own tongue at that instant! How was this a good question?!

She could let him go if he had kept mum. But he was encouraging others to dig further into their

privacy… But since he was eager to play, she shall oblige.


Mu Zhi coughed slightly and cleared her throat. As if contemplating, she slowly said, “The first time…

Was rather dull.”

Mu Zhi deliberately looked at Lu Jinye when she said that.

During their first bedroom act, the both of them indeed performed less positions, but that was because

she wasn’t at ease. Moreover, she was too tired that day, so had she slept through just after the first and

only act of the night. When she woke up the next day, Lu Jinye had already gone to work.

Mu Zhi glanced at Lu Jinye silently. He didn’t seem to be bothered. He merely picked up his wine and

said quietly, “Then, in the future, I shall rely on my wife’s creativity.”

That aroused a sudden row of laughter.

Mu Zhi instantly turned scarlet, and gave Lu Jinye a fierce look. However, Lu Jinye seemed cool as


Everyone went on for the second round of the game.

Oddly, Lu Jinye never got caught in the game, whereas Mu Zhi got caught almost every time!

She went through all kinds of embarrassing moments. How was this able to make them understand each

other better? This was obviously just making everyone understand her better.

The questions also started become more diverse.

“Which body part of Lu Jinye do you derive pleasure from the most?” They asked erratically.

Mu Zhi replied, “Face, because he is handsome.”

“When does Lu Jinye tug your heart the most?”

Mu Zhi replied, “When he gives me money.”

“If there is a chance for you to cheat on him, will you choose to do so?”

Mu Zhi watched Lu Jinye for a long time and replied, “No.”

“Do you love Lu Jinye?”

The last question was asked by Liang Yunzhan’s wife. Mu Zhi had become more laid-back as she had

had more wine, but she was at a loss of words when the question came out of the blue. She looked at Lu

Jinye hesitantly.

Suddenly, Shen Mobo said from aside, “Well, this game doesn’t seem to be interesting anymore. Let’s go

have something to eat instead.”

Thenceforward, Shen Mobo led everyone to the outdoor restaurant.

Everyone let Mu Zhi and Lu Jinye stroll along behind.

Mu Zhi was still a little embarrassed to face Lu Jinye after all those questions.

Therefore, she quickly slipped away with the excuse that she needed to use the bathroom.

When Mu Zhi came out from the bathroom, she met Xu Se at the sink when she was washing her hands.

He had also just relieved himself.

Mu Zhi subconsciously nodded at Xu Se, and then moved aside. Xu Se asked her many weird questions

during the game earlier, intentionally making fun of her.

Mu Zhi was still uncomfortable having met him in private.

However, Xu Se leaned towards Mu Zhi on purpose when she was washing her hands. He wiped his

hands with a piece of paper towel, and said embarrassedly, “Mu Zhi, I’m sorry. We actually wanted to

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make fun of Jinye, but we didn’t expect that you’d be selected for so many rounds. I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok.”

Mu Zhi shook her head.

She was about to leave, but Xu Se promptly caught up with her and said, “To show the sincerity of my

apology, I will tell you something about Jinye. Deal?”

Mu Zhi turned her head and glanced at Xu Se.

Xu Se declared, “Although Jinye looks very rebellious, he is actually the most principled person among

us. You are the first woman he has ever officially acknowledged.”

Mu Zhi couldn’t help but frown… Xu Se didn’t look like he was joking.

“What do you really mean? You mean he had had other women whom he hadn’t acknowledged?”

Mu Zhi twisted his words.

“It was a one-night stand, but Jinye doesn’t know who that woman was.”

When Xu Se finished his words, he spotted the others at the grilling pit from a distance. He hurriedly

went over, while Mu Zhi remained put at the same spot for a long time.

Crap. She suddenly realized that she didn’t know Lu Jinye at all. Lu Jinye actually hadn’t slept with every

single woman that she was responsible to send away before?

That means…

Mu Zhi was still engrossed in her thoughts when she saw Lu Jinye waving towards her. So she hurried

over and joined the barbecue team.

The wine that Shen Mobo brought out this time was excellent. Lu Jinye, as well as Mu Zhi, had a whole

glass to themselves.

Mu Zhi did not have a drinking habit. Perhaps it was the reason she felt hot and uncomfortable right after.

When she told Shen Mobo that she felt uncomfortable, he took Mu Zhi with him to her room to rest.

Right after Shen Mobo left after seeing her to her room, she quickly went into the bathroom and took a

shower. However she could still feel the heat in her body. It could not be suppressed.

When she was lying weakly on the bed, she suddenly received a call.

The man’s deep voice sounded pleasant on the phone, but Mu Zhi didn’t know who it was. She was

already nearing unconsciousness.

She could only more or less make out what he said, telling her that she had left something behind, and

he wanted to send it to her room, so she agreed.

Then she heard the door open and saw the man.

At that instant, she suddenly thirsted for the man’s warmth.