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Falling for the Contract Bride

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29 Let’s Go for a Round After Running in To My Husband

Mu Zhi thought that her smile was natural. But Xiao Qingqing’s eyes flashed with panic.

She stared at Mu Zhi for a few seconds before registering what she had said. “Thank you.”

She turned to look at Lu Jinye, “Jinye, your undereye circles are so dark. We have two more hours

before we arrive. Do you want to go sleep a bit?”

“I can stay with Miss Mu. Cramps are normal for women. I’ll take care of her.”

Mu Zhi did not know if she was doing it on purpose, but she wasn’t happy with Xiao Qingqing belittling

her pain.

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Her facial expression showed little about how she felt but she replied saying, “I’m fine now. I just need

some medicine to stop the cramps and I’ll be okay to go to work.”

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Lu Jinye’s watchful gaze searched her.

Lu Jinye finally relented after Mu Zhi nodded at him. “Then I’ll have some breakfast before heading to the



Mu Zhi nodded. Xiao Qingqing who saw Lu Jinye walk out, hurried to follow him.

Mu Zhi wanted to reach out to stop her but on second thought, she decided not to.

No matter what anyone said… They were truly in love. She was just a wife in name. She decided that

she would not intrude into their matters any longer.

However, everything Xiao Qingqing did made Mu Zhi feel that she was filled with uneasiness.

Didn’t she say that what they had was true love? Then why didn’t she have any faith in their relationship?

Xiao Qingqing finally caught up to him just as they exited the hospital building. The weather was

overcast, and it was drizzling slightly. It was cold and gloomy.

Xiao Qingqing sneezed. Lu Jinye took off his coat and wrapped it around her.

She finally smiled even though she still felt uncomfortable inside. She asked him indifferently, “Has Miss

Mu always suffered from bad cramps?”

What she really wanted to know was if he had always doted on her like this?!

Lu Jinye turned to look at Xiao Qingqing. Her eyes wavered, revealing how worried she actually was.

He gently replied her, “I wasn’t aware that she had bad cramps.”

Xiao Qingqing was relieved, albeit still slightly unhappy.

The relationship she had with Lu Jinye used to be the envy of many. She had always thought that no one

could possibly replace her.

But… Mu Zhi… Felt like a threat to her.

In fact, she had found out about Mu Zhi’s and Lu Jinye arrangement only after they had gotten married.

But she did not care about that.

In fact, she did not mind even if Lu Jinye went about having relations with other women.

In her opinion, it was normal for men to keep a few women at his side to satisfy his needs.

Even though she knew the contents of their contract and she had heard from people that there was no

love between Lu Jinye and Mu Zhi, she couldn’t help but worry.

Xiao Qingqing held Lu Jinye’s hand as they walked to the car.

When they got onto the car, Xiao Qingqing coquettishly enticed him, “Jinye, will you be keeping me

company tonight?”

She asked.

Lu Jinye naturally let go of Xiao Qingqing’s hand to drive.

“I have a meeting and will be late.”

“I’ll wait for you at the company.”

Xiao Qingqing blinked as she tried to convince him.

Lu Jinye glanced at her. Seeing how hard she was trying to convince him, his heart softened.

In the end, he nodded.

“Love you, Jinye.”

Xiao Qingqing came close and kissed him.

After Lu Jinye sent her home, he headed back to the office.

These couple of days, Lu Jinye had not been to the office. When he got there… He felt like something

was amiss.

On the other hand, as soon as Xiao Qingqing and Lu Jinye had left, Mu Zhi got started on getting

discharged. She went home and got ready to head to work.

When she reached the company, she noticed that the security guards were all looking at her curiously.

Mu Zhi realized at that moment that she might not be able to continue working here.

The effects of Lu Yunxi exposing the recording were happening before her eyes. Now everyone in the

company knew of her relationship with Lu Jinye.

But no one knew that she was in fact, Mrs. Lu! And everyday she would have to suffer the looks of

people who think that she was the slut who seduced Lu Jinye!

She contemplated and decided not to enter the building.

Mu Zhi went straight back home and rested for the day. She had a delicious lunch and when night finally

came, she looked at the time to realize that Lu Jinye had not come home. She changed into some

joggers and headed back to the office.

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She carefully snuck her way into the office. Thankfully no one was working overtime.

She made her way to Lu Jinye’s office floor and noticed that his office lights were on. She did not go in to

let him know she was here, but instead she went to the secretary office next to it. She sorted out the

materials that needed organizing and then set aside some documents that Lu Jinye needed to look


Incidentally, she also wrote her letter of resignation.

The episode between her and Lu Jinye had caused a storm. She had no choice but to resign. Thankfully

it happened just a few days before she had to report to the hospital.

Mu Zhi readied all the documents, stood up with them and turned to enter Lu Jinye’s office.

She assumed that at such a late hour, Lu Jinye would be by himself in the office. She walked in without


Only to find Xiao Qingqing wearing a clingy, long dress leaning into Lu Jinye to kiss him.


She had such bad timing.

Lu Jinye and Xiao Qingqing were just about to cuddle… Aggressively.

“Erm… Excuse me. I’ll see myself out.”

Mu Zhi lowered her head with embarrassment. She turned to walk back out.

But Lu Jinye stopped her, “There’s no need. Leave the documents here.”

Mu Zhi felt awkward beyond belief. Xiao Qingqing was looking at her with such displeasure.

“These all need your signature.”

Mu Zhi explained.

Lu Jinye verified the documents and signed.

Mu Zhi watched him sign the documents before placing the resignation letter she had prepared at the

top. She hesitated before saying, “This needs your signature as well… It’s my letter of resignation.”

Lu Jinye frowned at the letter.

“That is… With the current situation, I don’t think I need to stay…”

Mu Zhi was ready to explain herself further. But before she had even said anything, Lu Jinye raised his

pen and signed it.

Obviously, Mu Zhi had been overthinking it.