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Falling for My Contractual Wife

Chapter 264
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Grace went to get a thermometer to take Carson's temperature. It was 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit.

She said with a serious expression, "It's 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Do you want to turn into a fool?" Carson covered himself with the blanket. "It's not that exaggerated." "Stay at hand look after Austin. I'll go buy smedicine for you." Grace could not help but mutter, "Young people nowadays always pursue fashion instead of warmth in terms of clothing. Yesterday, you were drenched in the rain. It would be strange if you didn't have a fever." Carson rubbed his nose. "You're more naggy than Mom. How can Austin stand you in the future?" "You're still in the mood to talk. Looks like you haven't lost your mind from the fever." Carson felt his eyelids heavy, yet he still forced himself to hold on. "Push Austin to my room." Grace brought Austin to Carson's room, put on her mask and hat, and went out.

It was also raining today. Grace walked across the road with an umbrella and turned two corners. She found a pharmacy and bought medicine. When she cout, she bumped into someone. The medicine in her hand fell to the ground.

Grace bent down and was about to pick it up when a hand with a diamond ring on it reached out.

Grace's expression changed. She looked up and froze on the spot.

It was him! It was Brian! Was that his wedding ring with Louise? Did he buy it yesterday? "Sorry, your medicine." Brian's cold voice brought Grace back to her senses.

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Grace suddenly turned around and ran as if she had encountered a ferocious beast.

Brian frowned. "Your medicine!" Grace's figure quickly disappeared around the corner. Brian looked at the medicine in his hand, and a figure flashed through his mind.

He thought, 'The woman at the cinema that day looks like her.' For sreason, he had a strange feeling in his heart. He felt somewhat familiar with Grace.

Grace ran to another pharmacy, bought the medicine, and quickly returned to the apartment.

Carson had fallen asleep. Fortunately, Austin was lying quietly in the cart.

Grace quickly gave the fever medicine to Carson and asked him to take it and scold medicine. Carson's fever subsided less than an hour later. However, he had a fever again and didn't get better at night.

Grace did not dare to go out. It was so late, and she was worried about leaving Austin at home. After el.

thinking for a while, she called Justin to come.

Justin rushed over with the first aid kit hearing Grace's description of the symptoms.

"The inflammation is a little serious, so the cold medicine won't work. He has to be given an IV drip." Justin brought the IV with him. He worked until 11 pm before Carson's temperature returned to normal. Justin had also stayed there.

Austin had fallen asleep. Grace cooked snoodles for Justin.

Justin seemed to have thought of something as he ate. The corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Grace asked, "What's wrong?" "I suddenly thought of the twhen SEAR*ch the Find Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

we Seefer City, although short. I could eat day, and it's blissful." belongs to FindWC Justin stared at Grace. "Grace, do we still have such a chance?" Grace did not know how to answer him.

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Justin saw her troubled expression and smiled bitterly in his heart. "I'm satisfied to be able to eat the food you cook foroccasionally.

"If it weren't for Brian, would you be with me?" Will I?' Grace had also thought about that.

I will,' she said to herself.

However, she said firmly to Justin, "There are no ifs." Justin felt an indescribable pain in his heart. Was Grace not even willing to tell him a lie? "Grace, you are so cruel." Grace took a deep breath and looked out the window. It was still drizzling outside.

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