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Falling for My Contractual Wife

Chapter 246
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"Louise is back," Justin said.

Grace was stunned. Her expression froze and she did not recover her senses for a long time. Justin continued, "I heard Brian is going to marry her this time." Grace blinked. Suddenly, a tear rolled down her cheek without warning.

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Justin hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe Grace's tears. "Don't cry. You're recovering now. You can't cry. You'll suffer if you don't heal properly." Grace knew Justin was right. She did not want to cry, but for sreason, her tears were like a flood that broke through the dam. She could not control them. Justin was flustered. He leaned over and hugged Grace. "Don't cry. I'm sorry. It's my fault. I shouldn't have told you this." Grace sobbed. "Justin, I hate myself. I'm so useless. My heart still hurts when I hear this news..." Justin patted Grace's back gently and said in a low voice, "It's okay. Take it slow. He has his life and you have your family in the future. Sooner or later, you'll forget him." Grace mumbled, "I don't want to cry... but I can't help myself." Justin kept wiping Grace's tears. "It's not your fault. It's normal to cry easily after giving birth because of the changes in hormone levels. You'll recover after resting." Grace sobbed and slowly stopped crying.

Justin patiently coaxed Grace and wiped away the tears on her face. He looked around the room and asked, "Grace, letbring you back to Capern City. Tina is young and doesn't have much experience in taking care of a pregnant woman. If you can't recover properly, you might be ill for the rest of your life." Grace was silent for a while before saying, "Alright, I'll listen to you." Since Louise had just returned, Brian would not have the energy to look for her. It would be good to go back to Capern City now.

When Tina heard Justin was going to bring Grace back to Capern City, she was also relieved. Justin had visited Grace a few times, so Tina had a good impression of him. In her eyes Justin was more reliable than Brian.. FindUMS ***** That afternoon, Grace returned to Capern City with the baby in Justin's car. Justin still put Grace and Austin in the apartment.

During this time, Justin had applied for leave to care for Grace at home. He was afraid Grace would be bored, so he installed a television in her room.

Grace sat on the bed and switched channels in boredom.

When she switched to the financial channel, the host's words sounded on the television. "Finally, can I ask you a few private questions, Mr. Brian?" On the television, a familiar face flashed past. Grace's fingers trembled as she returned to the financial channel.

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face Brian's cold face appeared on the television screen. He looked at the camera with a gentle smile as he announced, "Yes, I'm about to marry Miss Louise from Adkins Group. The wedding will probably be held after Christmas." The host continued to ask with a smile, "Mr. Brian, can you tellwhen you met Miss Adkins?" Brian lowered his gaze and said

gently, "I've known her since we were young. When we were young, shen saved my life on Myrtle Peak. From then on, I've decided that I must marry her."

"Wow! I didn't expect you to be so decisive in business, but so om persistent and loyal in relationships, Mr. Brian," the host said. Whatever the host said after that, Grace could no longer hear clearly.

Justin cin with chicken soup.

m When he saw what was on the television, his eyes darkened and he casually turned off the television. X