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Falling for My Contractual Wife

Chapter 240
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Brian was downhearted, but he masked it perfectly on his face, He looked at the woman and smiled lovingly. "Louise, let's go." Louise nodded shyly and walked out of the house with him.

After getting into the car, Louise turned her head to look at Brian, noticing that he seemed somewhat weary, with dark circles under his eyes.

She touched his face. "Have you been having a difficult tlately? Your dark circles are so deep." Brian turned to look at her with gloomy eyes.

Louise furrowed her brows as tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. "I know my departure made things difficult for you, but it was hard fortoo. It may seem like I'm punishing you, but only I know that I'm tormenting myself..." As Louise spoke, she clutched her chest in pain.

Brian frowned slightly and turned around to pull her into his embrace.

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Louise wrapped her arms around his waist and expressed her longing for him. "Do you know? I missed you every day when I was overseas. There were so many times I wanted to call you, but I refrained from doing so. Brian, can you understand my suffering?" Listening to her choked-up voice full of grievances, Brian's heart ached. He felt that he had let her down.

What have I done in the past four months? Louise was thinking aboutday and night while I was caught up with Grace all day, and nearly forgot about Louise. Louise is so kind. How could I do such a thing to her? It's still unknown whether the child in Grace's belly is mine or not. How could I have focused all my attention on Grace and ignored Louise?' The more Brian thought about it, the more he felt that he deserved to die. Thus, he hugged Louise tightly in remorse.

Louise sensed the change in Brian's attitude and heaved a sigh of relief. During the meal, she had felt that he was somewhat distracted as if he wasn't particularly surprised or happy about her return.

But now it seemed that he still cared about her after all.

Then, Brian sent Louise back to the Adkins' residence.

Louise got out of the car reluctantly. Leaning against the car door, she held Brian's waist and was unwilling to let go.

Brian also hugged her and stayed there with her in silence.

After a while, Brian said, "Alright, it's getting late. You haven't had a good rest since you cback, right? Hurry up and get ssleep. Otherwise, you'll end up with dark circles like me." Brian pinched the woman's nose affectionately.

Louise smiled at him and kissed him lightly on the lips while hooking her arms around his neck.

She did not deepen the kiss, hoping that Brian would take the lead to express his longing for her with a passionate French kiss.

But he didn't.

Louise felt a little disappointed, but she hid her emotions well. She lowered her eyes and said, "I'm going back. Drive safely." "Okay." Brian watched her walk into the house before getting into the caret After driving a distance, he took out his phone and called Camren.

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"Stop contacting Grace for now," said Brian.

***** At the Adkins' residence.

Ava and Shannon were sitting on the sofa and watching television. When vei Louise returned, Ava glanced her. A hint of annoyance flashed across her eyes.

Louise was all smiles. "Have you eaten? Ava, Mom." Hearing Louise's hypocritical voice, Ava was greatly disgusted.

"She's my mom, not yours. Who are you trying to fool with that phony kindness? The content is on e novelenglish.net! Shannon nudged Ava. "Don't be rude."

Shannon smiled and said to Louise, "Since you're back, why don't you go upstairs and rest? X