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Falling for My Contractual Wife

Chapter 230
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Brian saw that Grace refused to get into the car. Since she was pregnant, Brian could not force her. He could only chase after her and walk with her. They finally arrived at the market after walking for more than ten minutes.

Brian looked at her. "Aren't you tired?" Grace continued to ignore him. She went to the market and bought a lot of ingredients. Brian took the initiative to pay and rushed to carry the bags. Grace walked home, but this time, she walked slowly as if taking a stroll.

When Brian returned to the residential area with her, he saw Camren.

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This was the first tCamren had seen such a down-to-earth side of Brian. His jaw almost dropped.

Because Brian had not shaved for two days, there was stubble around his mouth and his hair was a little messy. He looked a little disheveled.

Camren hurriedly walked up to greet Brian. "Mr. Francis, Miss Sherman, it's been a while." Grace glanced at Camren. Although Camren did not offend her, she felt that he was unforgivable when she thought about how he helped Brian find out about her whereabouts. Therefore, Grace simply ignored him. Camren was a little embarrassed. "Mr. Francis, well..." Brian said to Camren in a heavy voice, "Go buysdaily necessities." "Alright, Mr. Francis." When Brian and Grace returned home, Camren followed them upstairs.

Brian carried the groceries into the kitchen and put them in the fridge. He walked out and asked, "What do you want to eat for lunch today?" Grace glanced at him. "Are you going to make it?" Brian raised his eyebrows. "On account that you're pregnant, I can do it." Grace sneered. "Mr. Brian is really magnanimous, helping another man take care of a pregnant woman." Brian frowned. "Don't forceto drag you to do an amniocentesis now." Later on, he accidentally saw online that amniocentesis was risky. Since the child would be born soon, he would wait.

His words managed to threaten Grace but also made Grace's expression even colder.

She went into the kitchen, took out the ingredients needed for lunch, and began to wash the vegetables.

Brian watched her work for a while before snatching the work from her. "Letdo it." Brian was indeed very good at food preparation. He knew how to do it at a glance.

Soon, he snatched all the work away.

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At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Grace took a look and saw that it was Camren She did not want to open the door, but she thought about how Brian could not be chased away. She could not let Brian go without brushing his teeth washing his face, or changing his clothes every day.

After hesitating for a while, she opened the door.

Camren smiled at Grace. "Miss Sherman, these are Mr. Francis's things." Grace glanced at them. At the thought that they were Brian's things, she didn't even want to touch them. She pointed at the cabwith her chin and gestured for Camren to put them inside Content

Camren stepped into the room and σ put the things down. Suddenly, he m heard a sound from the kitchen. He took two steps and leaned out to take a look. What he saw shocked him completely. He thought, 'Is Mr. Francis crazy? He's actually wearing an apron and cooking.' at Grace pursed her lips and looked at Camren. She smiled slightly and asked, Camren, Mr. Francis is ne cooking personally. Do you want to sit down and eat with us?" Camren smiled brightly. "Since Miss Sherman has invited me, I'll gladly oblige."

Brian had prepared all the ingredients in the kitchen. For a moment, he did e not know how to start. After sthought, he took out his phone and searched for recipes.

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