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Falling for My Contractual Wife

Chapter 150
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Chapter 150 In the afternoon, after submitting the manuscript, Grace suddenly received a call from home.

This time, it was not Daisy, but her father, Frederick.

Her intuition told her that something must have happened. Frederick rarely called her.

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She picked up the phone and answered the call.

“Grace.” Frederick hesitated.

“Dad, what’s wrong? If there’s anything, just say it.” There was a cry on the other end of the line. Suddenly, she heard a sharp voice. “Hurry up and call her back. Are you going to watch Carson die?” Frederick gritted his teeth and asked, “Do you still have any money? Your brother's illness has worsened. He needs chemotherapy immediately.” Grace's fingers trembled. “I'll be right there.” She anticipated an extended stay, knowing she couldn't return for a few days. So, st. packed two sets of fresh clothes and a drawing tablet before heading to the hospital.

In the hospital, Carson lay on the hospital bed wearing an oxygen mask. The doctor refrained from administering chemotherapy as Carson hadn't settled the required fees.

Grace looked at his pale face, and tears suddenly fell.

When Daisy saw Grace rushing over, he immediately rushed up. “Grace. Hurry up and pay your brother's fees. Hurry up.” Grace did not dare to delay for a moment. She ran to the payment counter and paid the money before Carson was pushed into the chemotherapy room.

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Chapter 150 094% 11:40 Grace cto the attending doctor and asked politely, “Hello, doctor. How is my brother's condition now?” The doctor looked at her and frowned slightly. “Are you his biological sister?” Grace nodded. “I am.” The doctor's eyes were filled with doubt. “Then your bone marrow can be matched with your brother's transplant.” “I think I did this once when | was young. | said it didn’t match.” Grace glanced at Daisy. “Mom, did | do it once when | was young?” Daisy's eyes flashed and he quickly lowered his eyes. “Doctor, her bone marrow has been matched before. It really doesn’t match.” The doctor frowned and inclined his head slightly.

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“What should my brother do now?” “Based on the current situation, he can only undergo chemotherapy first and wait for the right bone marrow.

However, the chances are very, very small. You have to be mentally prepared.” When Daisy heard this, he grabbed the doctor's arm anxiously. “Doctor, you have to think of something.

My son is still so young.” Grace pulled her back and said coldly, “Mom, can you calm down first?” Daisy stopped sobbing. At this moment, she did not dare to go against Grace. After all, she knew that Grace definitely still had money.

“Then, doctor, how many times will he have to undergo chemotherapy this time? Will this happen again in the future?” “The chemotherapy needs to be administered at least four to six times. Going forward, advise him to reduce his workload and prioritize rest. Let's focus on medication management now. If a similar situation arises, we will proceed with additional rounds of chemotherapy.” 2/3 Emergency calls only Mu Chapter 150 Grace clenched her fists and said in a deep voice, “I understand. Thank you, doctor.” Daisy and Grace walked out of the doctor's office together.

Carson had already cout of chemotherapy and was pushed into the ward.

094% 11:40 Frederick stood in the ward and looked at him, asking if he was feeling unwell. Carson looked at Grace with a pale face and shook his head.

Daisy asked him with concern if he wanted to eat anything. Carson had no appetite and only drank two mouthfuls of hot water.

Daisy looked at Grace and forced a smile. “Grace, the doctor said that your brother needs chemotherapy five or six times. Let’s go and pay the remaining chemotherapy fees first.” Carson frowned and called out to her, “Mom.”