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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 69
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Chapter 69


Through the drive back to Summerfield Acre, I rehearsed how I’d apologize to

Millicent for my tardiness. It was the only thing I could do not to go ballistic,

step on the gas, and force my car to a hundred miles per hour. I wanted to make

it back in tin one piece, not in pieces.

It was fifteen minutes past nine when I parked in front of The Villa. I jogged

around to Robert’s cabin, the soft music coming from the restaurant sailing

through the air.

I don’t know what I was expecting. A lot of scenarios played in my head where

I’d be banging on the cabin door for Millicent to open up, an image of Robert

tellinghis daughter didn’t want to speak toagain, but not this.

I stopped in my tracks, ch*st heaving, as I appraised Millicent sitting on the top

step of the cabin’s porch. Dressed in a white crop top, jeans, and an oversized

varsity jacket with a huge M on the left chest, Millicent looked like she had just

gotten out of a style magazine. Long blond hair cascading down her shoulder

and a baseball cap resting on her left knee, she could wear the simplest clothes

and still take my breath away.

Drawing her gaze from staring into nothingness, she perched when she saw me

round the corner of The Villa.

She waited for me.

That’s a good sign, right?

Yep, I nodded to myself, ‘it is.

I’m taking every positive sign I could get and make things right.

Regaining my composure, I walked in her direction, her eyes watching my every


“Hey.. Sorry, I’m late,” I said, standing before her.

Her eyes were puffy with sleep. Or was she crying? I’m not sure. I hope it’s the





Chapter 69


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Without saying a word, she scooted to the side, invitingto sit beside her.

The peaches in her perfenvelopedas soon as I entered her personal

space. I swallowed hard, ignoring the blood rushing in my head and my heart

pounding in

my ears.

This was the first tshe allowedto be close to her without a fight. A ball

of uneasiness formed in my throat. There were only two reasons a woman would

want to have ‘the talk. It’s either they’re ready to fix things or break things for


The lump in my throat drastically grew. I gulped it down, willing my racing

thoughts to calm the fuck down. point in overthinking things. If here’s 1 Millicent

was going to break things for good, I’m not backing down without a fight.

I’ll fight for her, for us.

Shoving my worries aside, I sat beside her. The muscles in my entire b*dy were a

bunch of tension wires being pulled on the opposing side. The longer the

silence stretched, the stronger the tension grew. I was a ticking tbomb

about to blow up with one fiick.

Being this close to her brings back a thousand memories of us when things

were still as simple as black and white, back when a contract was still binding

us. I knew the rules, and my only aim was to not break them. Things become

complicated when my objectives change when I want our fake relationship to be


“Please, don’t be mad,” I bumped Millicent’s shoulder with mine, hoping it

would ease the strain between us.

She peeked at me, smiling sadly. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at myself for

getting dressed for this date.” Letting out a humorless laugh, she shook her

head. “I didn’t actually agree to this last night. In fact, I didn’t agree until it was

almost seven p.m.”

I’m such a f**king idiot. I should’ve called her. But like she said, I wasn’t sure

she’d even lettake her out. I was hoping, but I knew my chances with her

were low.

“I got everything planned. Ana even helpedprepare everything, but

something happened when we were in town to buy fiowers,” I said, coming


She hugged her knees and rested her cheek on it, her eyes focused solely on

me. Two beautiful smoky quartz catching the light of the porch, glowing with





10:39 Wed, 13 Mar BG

Chapter 69

uncertainty. My knees turned to jelly under her probing gaze.



Was she always this intense? When did she gain this kind of hold on me? One

look, and she could bringto my knees.

My instinct toldto pull Millicent in my arms and tell her what I truly felt. But

given the magnitude of my past mistakes, I knew a simple apology wouldn’t fix

this. I searched my brain for where to even begin apologizing.

Peering up at the starry sky, I pinched my eyes shut, then looked forward to

where Millicent was gazing earlier. There was nothing in the distance but

silhouettes of an endless line of grape fields. Right now, this was our

relationship, nothing but a mere silhouette in the dimness of the night. But I

know it’s there, and a beautiful picture will manifest again when the sun comes


Millicent’s eyes were still focused on me, searching my face. “Is she okay?”

“Yeah… yeah,” I assured her. “She’s safe. But it turns out there’s more to Gian’s

and Ana’s relationship.”

“Gian and Ana have a relationship?”

“Yeah. Family stuff. Seems like they go way back and their family arranged for

them to be married. They’re trying to buy stby running for now. But

Ana’s dad sent men to take her home. Good thing Gian was here. That’s why I



“That’s crazy. Forcing someone to marry another. I can’t believe arranged

marriage was still a thing.” Millicent sat up taller, stretching her jean–clad legs

forward. She picked up her baseball cap and played with the visor.

“We don’t know their story. Look at us,” I chuckled, an attempt to ease the knots

on my shoulder. “Who’d believe in things like fake relationships just to get rid of

our exes?”

Millicent giggled. It was music to my ears. closed my eyes, savoring this


I f**king missed her. I missed talking to her. I miss us.

“It feels like everything just happened yesterday.” She stared forward, biting her

lower l*p, her mind gears working.

“Feels like a lifetto me. I miss having you around,” I said honestly. I couldn’t




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Chapter 69

help it. Maybe putting my feelings out will helpwin Millicent back.

“I miss you too…” she mumbled.

Shocked, my heart suddenly stopped beating. Hell, my entire world ceased

moving. I wanted to freeze this moment as Millicent turned to look at me, a

small smile on her l*ps. “So you were serious about the date?”

“What?” I blinked at her and shifted in my seat until I was facing her.

I can’t believe this was happening. There were only a few instances in which life

had takenby surprise, and this definitely made the top of my list. “I’m

serious about this date. If it wasn’t a life or death situation, I wouldn’t miss this

for the world.”

“Too bad it’s already late,” she heaved a breath.

“Think, fucker!‘

Blowing a sigh, I stood and jumped from the steps, standing before her.

Millicent’s eyes were wide, glowing under the glowing lights as she looked up at

me, blinking.

This was now or never.

Holding my palms out for her, I said, “I set the tI’d pick you up, but I didn’t

state the duration of this date. And Robert didn’t actually givea curfew.”

Eyes alight with curiosity and excitement, she raised an eyebrow. “What are you


“Will you go out on a date with me, Millicent?” I put on the brightest smile I

could muster, my hope kindling anew.

“You know what?” She stood, then descended the steps, setting her hand in

mine. “Sure. I’d love to go on a date with you, Damian.”

Tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, I bit the insides of my cheeks and

suppressed the urge to swing my fist in the air and scream ‘hell yeah!‘ at the top

of my lungs. This felt better than closing a million–dollar deal for Black

Enterprise. I’ve won a lottery, and Millicent was my prize. I just need to make

sure things go well from this point onward so that I can encash my winnings.


