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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 59
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Chapter 59


Is it weird that I’m already accustomed to waking up feeling nothing? I guess it

is. I’ve been taken by Natalie and the guy named Aides. The last I remember was

Natalie injecting something into my n*eck.

I listened to my surroundings. Sonja’s heart rate monitor beeping wasn’t there.

Panic immediately coursed through my system. What did they do to Sonja? Or

was itthey did something to?

Did they kill her already?


‘Calm down, Millie,‘ I thought. ‘Focus on your surroundings. Use your other

senses. Panicking will get you nowhere.’

Once my mind calmed down, something felt different. There were no cuffs

around my wrist. Instead, there were warm fingers laced with mine.

Pinching my eyelids, I forced them to open, the fiuorescent lights on the ceiling

blinding me. Turning my head to the side felt like an impossible feat. It took all

my strength and lasted like a lifetbefore I finally made out the silhouette of

the man holding my hand. I would recognize him anywhere.


He sat on a chair beside my bed, his forehead resting on his arm, and soft

snores followed his shoulder’s rise and fall.

Is this real? I tried feeling his hands. It tooka while before I was finally able

to squeeze his hand and relish the roughness and warmth of his palms.

Slowly, Damian woke up. His disheveled hair framed his beautiful face. The

sface that had been in my dreams. I didn’t want to forget him. He was in my

thoughts every tI closed my eyes.

He blinked away the sleep in his

I blinked them away, too. If this eyes, smiling at me. Mist blurred my view of

him, and

real I could die from happiness.

was a dream, it was a very good dream. Damian felt so

e murmured, lifting ;

“Millicent,” a*s from the chair to cup my face. He bent overand k*ssed

my forehead.

I almost sighed in relief. It wasn’t a dream. F**k! He was really here.


Chapter 59

My tin captivity gavethe chance to ponder on everything that I am

grateful for, everything that I would regret if I didn’t make it out of there alive.

There’s a lot I wanted to say, but speaking was impossible when my mouth felt

as dry as the Sahara. Damian’s green eyes meandered over my face. Catching on

my dilemma, he let my hand go and reached for a glass of water on the bedside

table, offering the straw to my l*ps.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Slowly,” he uttered, watchingtake one sip at a tuntil my mouth was

parched no


“D–Damian…” I whispered, my tears streaming down my cheeks.

“I’m here. It’s okay.” He placed the water back on the table and sat on the edge

of the bed, his hand sliding behind my head until he was cradling half of my

b*dy. “It’s okay. You’re safe,” he whispered against my hair again and again.

The trembling of my b*dy intensified as the numbness faded away. I lifted my

hand and gripped his brawny one, burying my face in his chest.

“I thought I’d never see you again,” I murmured, pulling him with what little

strength I have closer to me.

“I’m so sorry,” Damian said, pulling away. He hooked a finger under my chin and

k*ssedtenderly. It was nothing passionate but a mere brush of his l*ps

against mine, yet it was enough to convincethat this wasn’t a dream. He’s

really here.

We stayed like that for a while. I didn’t want that moment to end, but as the

numbness completely disappeared, questions formed in my head.

“What… What happened?” I asked, looking up at Damian.

A dark bag circled his pretty green eyes. His hair was a mess, and his dress shirt

was crumpled like he hadn’t changed clothes for days.


“Natalie happened,” he murmured.

“She was the one who took me.”

Damian nodded, repositioning on the bed until I could lay my head on his chest.

He had an arm under my head, his hand played with my shoulder. “She was also

the one who saved you.”

“What do you mean?”

He blew out a heavy breath. “They were supposed to transfer you out of Roslin


Fragments of what happened after Natalie injectedin the n*eck started

coming back

Chapter 59

to me.


“What the f**k, Natalie?!” I hissed, moving my n*eck from side to side.

“That will shut you up,” she murmured, a wicked smile on her l*ps.

My eyes widened. Whatever she injectedwith was already fiowing fast

through my system as my heart pumped faster.

“What did you give me, Natalie?” I pulled on my cuffs, the metal digging into



She smirked, tossing the syringe under my bed. “Something to make you

compliant.” At that exact moment, the door opened.

“Are you done playing with her?” this guy must be Aides. I recognized his voice.

He was thinner than I expected, wearing a leather jacket, rugged jeans, and

boots. Tattoos covered his n*eck to his chin, a canvas of abstract art I can’t

recognize anymore.

I was slowly losing focus. My sight becblurry, and my eyelids were already


Aides stared at me, his eyes slanting. “Hey, you good?”

Natalie looked down at me. The wicked smile on her l*ps was replaced with

concern. What did she give me? I think I’m seeing things because she looked

genuinely concerned now.

I opened my mouth to answer Aides, but Natalie beatto it, hovering over my

b*dy. “Millie?” she cupped my face, slapping my cheeks as if wakingup.

“Look at me, Millie. Something’s wrong with her,” she looked back at Aides.

“I can f**king see that,” Aides shoved Natalie aside. She stumbled back, looking

over Aides‘ shoulder as he checked my vitals.

“Is she sick?” Aides asked, forcing my eyelids to open, doing what medics do to

ch*ck my vitals.

“I… I don’t know,” Natalie answered. Aides faced her. His shoulders tensed as

she loomed over her.

“Try to f**king remember, Natalie. Does she take skind of medication?”

“Not that I know of,” she murmured. Aides was in her face in an instant, gripping

her throat, pushing her against the wall.

I tried to speak and tell Aides what he wanted to know, but my b*dy felt

boneless. It’s

Chapter 59

like I was nothing but a pile of goocy.

“Aides-” Natalie held onto Aide’s wrist as he lifted her up, her feet pushed on

tiptoes from the fioor.

“If she dies, we’re both dead, so use your f**king head and try to remember if

she’s taking any medication!” He screamed in her face, his saliva drizzling at

Natalie’s face.

Natalie’s l*ps trembled, tears welling in her eyes. My view of her becblurry,

but I heard her say. “I think she’s taking insulin.”

Aides let her go. She dropped to her feet, couching.

Aides quickly walked towards the shelves on the far wall, checking bottle after

bottle. “Did we have insulin?”

“I don’t think so. All we have are medications for Sonja,” Natalie said, standing

on her feet now. “We better take her to the hospital.”

By that time, my eyes were already closed.

“We can’t take her to the hospital,” Aides groaned, agitated. “She’s our f**king

leverage. If we lose her, I won’t get Brian back!”

“If we don’t get her out of here, we’ll lose her, anyway!”

-End of fiashback-

found you

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“The cops found

and Natalie on the river banks,” Damian continued.

“Natalie gavesomething that madelose consciousness,” I said.

Damian hummed. “She gave you insulin.”

“What?” I looked up at Damian.

“She’s diabetic, and she gave you enough insulin to make you lose


“Why would she do that?” I can’t believe Natalie would save me. This was the

swoman who stole my fiance, the swoman who orchestrated my

kidnapping, and now she saved me?

No one would blme if I couldn’t believe this shit.

“To stop them from getting you out of the city, Millie.” Damian’s hold on me

tightened. “If they were able to move you out of the city, it would take days for

“Someone was helping Natalie. A guy she called Aides,” Damian didn’t look

surprised to


Chapter 59

hear that.

“Natalie already confessed. It’s Aidan Fletcher. Rome’s brother.” My entire b*dy

went stiff at the mention of that surname. “They’re going to use you as leverage

to blackmail


“Blackmail you?” I frowned.

Damian hummed a yes; a frown could be heard in his voice. “They’d askto

withdraw the case against Rome.”

I mulled over his discovery, still unable to believe everything would be this


“Where is Aidan now?”

With a shake of his head, Damian said. “The f**ker chickened out and let Natalie

take the fall. He thought you were dying, so he left Natalie with you when he

heard the sirens of the cops.”

I nibbled my lower l*p. “Why do I feel this story was too good to be true?”

Dad used to remindthat if something was too good to be true, it usually

wasn’t true. I’m glad that I wasn’t the only one feeling that way.

“It f**king is. Natalie’s story about you might have checked out, but Sonja’s

connection to her is still unclear. She said that it was Sonja who instructed

Rto hurt you. And when things went sideways, Sonja bailed on their deal.”

“So Aidan took his anger out on Sonja when Rwas arrested for assaulting

me?” I finished his story with a question.

Damian nodded. “That’s the story they are going for.”

“Something about this doesn’t feel right, Damian.”