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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 44
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Chapter 44


While getting dressed, I thought of how things between Millicent and I shifted

from platonic to this volatile attraction. It could either makeor break me.

Millicent was important to my family; if I am not careful, I would lose more than

I am willing to risk. And despite all the risk involved, I still wouldn’t change a

thing about last night, the smile permanently etched on my face reveals how

this upgrade in our relationship pleased me.

I didn’t want to ruin the excellent start of my day by crossing paths with

Candice, so I took my sweet tgetting ready for work.

She’s my sister, and I would always love her even though we didn’t see eye to

eye on things, but she had been a pain in my a ss. I would never hear the end of

it if Millicent had already told her what happened between us.

Girls and their gossip. Tellall about it.

When I was sure the girls were gone, I headed to the kitchen and made coffee.

Riggs walked in while I was filling my mug with coffee. I frowned. I told him to

drive Millicent to the city and stay with her until she’s back. “Why are you not

with Millicent?”

“Gianni Molina picked them up.” He rubbed the back of his n*eck.

Riggs was a big guy, full-bearded with army-cut hair. His dark gray tee looked

about to reap on the seams from containing his tanker b*dy. He would pass for

a wrestling star, and if this were another situation, the sight of him unable to

meet my eyes would’ve madelaugh, but his news just ruined my entire day.

“Why the f uck didn’t you tellsooner?”

“They just left, Riggs explained.

I clenched my fist, molars grating.

Something about Gianni Molina unsettles me. Sure, I hated how he looked at

Millicent, it was like he wanted to take her hand keep her to himself, and

yes, I hated the guy for being close to her, but it was the way he looked at me

last night. He was clearly taunting me. As if he knew something I didn’t, and I

hated not knowing who I was up against.

“Geteverything you can get on Gianni Molina.” I took a sip of my coffee just

to get busy. My hands were itching to land

strike on the island.

“Here’s what I have so far.” Riggs pulled out his phone, and an encrypted file

fiashed on my screen.

I perused the file. He knew Millicent and Candice since college, and the three of

them stuck together until he began working for their family business about two

years ago. Oceanlink Shipping. My l*ps pursed. So he was from old money.

Oceanlink Shipping is one of the oldest companies in Sicily. They’ve already

penetrated the import and export in almost all


“He’s clean,” Riggs murmured, coming around the island, helping himself to a

cup of coffee.

“Too f ucking clean.”

“I already have Mon’s guy on him,” Riggs sat across from me, plucking the cloche

from the island. Under it was a plate of English breakfast. Riggs looked at me

questioningly. “You gonna eat this?”

I shook my head, and he gobbled up the food like he hadn’t eaten in days.

“How did it go?” Danny asked from the driver’s seat, waiting patiently for my



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Chapter 43

She gnawed on her lower l*p, “Except that I do.”

“I’m not taking any chances, Millicent.”

She knowing arguing would be futile. “I have to get ready.”

I looped an arm around her waist. “We have time.”

Her eyes lit up. “We don’t. Candice would know what we’re doing in here. She

was breathless.

I reluctantly stepped, eyes feasting on her b*dy. “She knows not to meddle with

my business.”

I couldn’t help but pull Millicent for a scorching k*ss, groaning at her sweet

taste. She moaned, tossing her arms around my n*eck, rubbing her b*dy against


F ucking hell. She felt so good. I playfully bit her lower l*p and let her go. “Go

now while I’m letting you.”

Her giggle as she stepped into that white dress was music to my ears.




Chapter 44


While getting dressed, I thought of how things between Millicent and I shifted

from platonic to this volatile attraction. It could either makeor break me.

Millicent was important to my family; if I am not careful, I would lose more than

I am willing to risk. And despite all the risk involved, I still wouldn’t change a

thing about last night; the smile permanently etched on my face reveals how

this upgrade in our relationship pleased me.

I didn’t want to ruin the excellent start of my day by crossing paths with

Candice, so I took my sweet tgetting ready for work

She’s my sister, and I would always love her even though we didn’t see eye to

eye on things, but she had been a pain in my a ss. I would never hear the end of

it if Millicent had already told her what happened between us.

Girls and their gossip. Tellall about it.

When I was sure the girls were gone, I headed to the kitchen and made coffee.

Riggs walked in while I was filling my mug with coffee. I frowned. I told him to

drive Millicent to the city and stay with her until she’s back. “Why are you not

with Millicent?”

“Gianni Molina picked them up.” He rubbed the back of his n*eck

Riggs was a big guy, full-bearded with army-cut hair. His dark gray tee looked

about to reap on the seams from containing his tanker b*dy. He would pass for

a wrestling star, and if this were another situation, the sight of him unable to

meet my eyes would’ve madelaugh, but his news just ruined my entire day.

“Why the f uck didn’t you tellsooner?”

“They just left.” Riggs explained.

1 clenched my fist, molars grating.

Something about Gianni Molina unsettles me. Sure, I hated how he looked at

Millicent; it was like he wanted to take her hand keep her to himself, and

yes. I hated the guy for being close to her, but it was the way he looked at me

last night. He was clearly taunting me. As if he knew something I didn’t, and I

hated not knowing who I was up against.

“Geteverything you can get on Gianni Molina.” I took a sip of my coffee just

to get busy. My hands were itching to land a strike on the island.

“Here’s what I have so far.” Riggs pulled out his phone, and an encrypted file

fiashed on my screen.

I perused the file. He knew Millicent and Candice since college, and the three of

them stuck together until he began working for their family business about two

years ago. Oceanlink Shipping. My l*ps pursed. So he was from old money.

Oceanlink Shipping is one of the oldest companies in Sicily. They’ve already

penetrated the import and export in almost all


“He’s clean,” Riggs murmured, coming around the island, helping himself to a

cup of coffee.

“Too f ucking clean.”

“I already have Mon’s guy on him,” Riggs sat across from me, plucking the cloche

from the island. Under it was a plate of English breakfast. Riggs looked at me

questioningly. “You gonna eat this?”

I shook my head, and he gobbled up the food like he hadn’t eaten in days.

“How did it go?” Danny asked from the driver’s seat, waiting patiently for my



Chapter 44

“Things started off, but it ended well,” I said, knuckles pressed on my l*ps,

elbows resting on the open windows of the jeep.

“What do you mean it started off?” Since I dragged him out of California, Danny

knew my plan of surprising Millicent. Apart from overseeing the turnover of the

Belmont Hotel to Silverio, we were in California for a crucial matter concerning

Millicent as well.

I told him about Gianni and what Riggs had found out.

“You worried about the stories surrounding Oceanlink Shipping” Danny asked.

For the longest time, I handled every security matter for Black Holdings. I

partnered up with people like Mon and a lot more. And in the long run, I

ventured into a private security business as well, opening up a small security

company focusing on providing protection for individuals.

It opened my mind to the dangerous part of the world. Drugs, human trafficking,

gun smuggling, gun for hire. Although my company was small, with only thirty

men under my payroll, specializing in personal security, I had to be armed with

knowledge to provide the proper protection for my clients.

of the

And the family behind Oceanlink was one of the most dangerous families in

Sicily. They were said to be one part Sicilian mafia. I didn’t know enough details

about them, but most infiuential people avoid confrontations with them.

“A bit. But Gianni was a Molina, and the Oceanlink is run by the Romano family?”

“Last I checked, yeah…” Danny murmured, parking the car in front of Black


“Riggs already has Mon’s guy digging on Gianni Molina,” I said, sliding out of the


In the office. Mon was already waiting for us in one of the conference rooms.

Mon, a retired marine, was still in good shape at fifty-five.

“I didn’t expect you to chere personally,” I said, shaking his hand and

gesturing for him to remain seated.

Apart from making sure all cameras and security at Belmont were already in

place, I asked Mon to investigate RFletcher. What Millicent said to Hunter

when he took her statement made perfect sense. In her line of business,

crossing paths with someone like Rwas highly unlikely. Someone paid him

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to hurt her, and I want to get to the bottom of this; Mon showing up in Roslin

City personally proves that this matter is crucial.

“I haven’t been to Roslin City,” Mon murmured, “so I took the chance of seeing it

while doing business.”

I chuckled and settled on my seat across from Mon. “Hitting two birds with one

stone, I see.”

“You knowtoo well,” he replied, accepting the coffee Stella, the fioor

secretary, brought in

“I have another job for you,” I informed him.

“Jon told me,” Mon said, dropping a cube of sugar in his cup, gently stirring it.

Once Stella left, Mon’s jovial front quickly shifted to a business note. “And I

wanted to deliver what we found out about this RFletcher in person.”

I tried to keep a straight face, hoping that my initial assumptions were wrong.

Mon handed over a manila envelope. I looked inside, and my jaw fiuttered when

I saw what was inside.

“That was taken in California,” Mon said as I handed the pictures to Danny.

“You know, I was betting Millie’s ex was trying to sabotage your relationship,”

Danny cursed. “I can’t believe it was yours. You both have insane exes.”

“There’s more,” Mon frowned as I fi*pped through more pictures of Rand

Sonja together. “Rwas also responsible for triggering the fire alarm at the

Belmont Hotel.”

“Did you find out when they started working together?” I asked, trying to keep

my head on the game. All the cells in my b*dy wanted to fiy back to California

and confront Sonja for trying to hurt Millicent. I can’t believe she would go this

low just to get back at me.


09:28 Sat, Feb

Chapter 44

“From our investigation, they met here in Roslin City,” Mon said, pointing out the

picture at the bottom of the file. It was taken from a children’s park. The

photograph was blurry, but it was enough forto recognize Sonja and Rome.

“But this won’t be enough to incriminate Sonja for being the mastermind of the

attacks on Millicent,” Danny said.

“It’s not.” Mon murmured solemnly. Silence swelled inside the conference room.

“Well, now that I’ve finished my business here, I want to enjoy my little vacation

in your city”

“Thank you for putting these pieces together,” I stood and walked Mon towards

the door.

Before I could twist the k nob, Mon paused and stared atwith determined

eyes. “If there’s anything you need, anything at all, Damian. I will be here all


There was an underlying danger in his tone. Only the people close to Mon would

catch the shift in his tone. Mon hated violence, especially when it cto

children and women. It doesn’t take a genius to read between the lines.

“111 keep in touch. I said, patting his shoulder. “Thank you!

“What do you want to do?” Danny asked once I closed the door.

I have to speak with Sonja,” I said, my jaw fiuttering in anger. “Prepare the jet.”

Danny pulled out his phone, frowning.


We don’t need to use the jet” He showedthe photo on his phone. It was

Sonja dragging a suitcase out of Roslin City International Airport.