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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 42
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Chapter 42


Damian’s touch and k*ss were both gentle and possessive. It was a perfect

combination of playful and tender like he was afraid to break me, yet he

couldn’t wait to ravish me. I like it. I like it very much.

This was different from what we had in New York. For me, at least. Accepting

what I felt for Damian madesee things from a different angle. Our

relationship had an expiration date. This was the only way I could have him, and

I intend to make the most of it.

Earlier, when Damian left radiating with anger, Gian toldI was out of my

mind to even fake things with him. My friend pointed out that my history with

Damian was nothing compared to what I had with Hunter. There was one thing

sure about. this deal. I’ll end up with a broken heart.

Stu pid? Maybe. But knowing I only had limited twith the man I love

heightened every emotion coursing through my b*dy. Excitement. Lust. Desire,


Curiosity will be the death of me, but I want to know what it’s like to be with


In the fiurry of nipping and biting. I took the courage, opened my mouth, darting

my tongue out, and traced Damian’s l*ps. He growled, his finger digging into my

butt cheeks.

I was only getting the hang of his k*sses when he pulled away, dark eyes pinning

me, settingdown on the couch, his brawny arms cagingdown.

“This situation familiar to you?” he murmured, burying his face in the junction

of my n*eck and shoulder, his teeth scraping my skin. I moaned, my back

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arching off the couch, my stiff n*pples grazing his chest, begging for his


Did he asksomething? I blinked up at the starry sky, remembering the


“My apartment in New York.” I moaned, yelping when he gripped my hips and

yankeddown until my a ss was hanging off the couch. He chuckled darkly. I

should have been scared of his predatory gaze, but it thrilledto my core.

Gian was right. I was out of my mind…

Damian settled between my parted legs, resting his calloused hands on top of

my knee. Then, with such slowness that madedizzy, his hands slid up my

thighs until they disappeared under my nightgown. With each inch his hands

covered, my heartbeat skyrocketed. I feared it would burst out of my ch*st until

Damian paused, all traces of playfulness leaving his face.

“You’re f ucking bare, Millicent,” he rasped, his molars grounding as his fingers

dug into the junction of my legs and hips where my panties should have been

resting. “You wanted this,” he murmured, mulling over this discovery.

An army of ants crawled under my skin as I watched his gaze darkened, turning

feral while he licked his l*ps. He was a hungry beast, and I was his meal.

“Yes, Damian.” He wasn’t asking, but I felt the need to respond. I want him to

know I am a hundred percent sure of what we’re doing.

An animalistic sound rumbled from his chest. In the blink of an eye, he reached

up and ripped my nightgown in the middle, exposing my b*dy to his scrutiny.

The dimmed light on the balcony did nothing to stop Damian’s eyes from taking


RFletcher suddenly crossed my mind. I knew it wasn’t him who was looking

down at my b*dy, so I fought the urge to cover my n*kedness.

Being perceptive, Damian saw the slight tremble of my l*ps catching a whiff of

my hesitation

“That f ucker doesn’t get the privilege of getting between us, baby Damian

cupped my face and pulledfor a torrid k*ss until my lungs begged for air. “I

will erase everything he did to you”


Chapter 12

I nodded, trusting hinr completely, burying my fingers in his hair, and pulled him

for another k*ss.

I want to forget, and Damian was a willing accomplice to my mission.

It’s Damian who’s touching me. These words played like a mantra in my head

until I lost myself in his touch.

Gently, Damian guided the straps of my dress down my shoulder. He tossed the

shredded fabric over his shoulder and pushed my legs apart, spreading them

wide, exposingcompletely.

The cool air blasted my pu ssy as a new gush of my excitement rushed down my


Damian lifts his knuckles up to his mouth, biting down on it.

Holy f uck.

Eyes wide. I watched, mesmerized, as Damian grabbed my trembling hands,

lifting them up towards my breast.

“Showwhat makes you feel good,” he groaned.


Panting, I swallowed hard and pinched my n*pples, toying with them like I

would when I was alone. Though my hands were shaking, I plucked and pulled

my pebbled buds, moaning as a dizzying sensation washed over me. It was the

way Damian watched me, devouringwith his gaze.

Smirking, he lowered his face between my legs, eyes still glued on mine.

“Oh sh it,” I whimpered at the first stripe his tongue drew on my slit, sending my

head back against the backrest of the couch, my toes pointing towards the cold

fioor. “Damian.”

His hands pushed my thighs further apart, his tongue plundered my p ussy like

a miner searching for gold. He pushed and pulled, licked and slurped, invading

and exploring relentlessly until I was moaning and whimpering his nlike a

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I love the way his fingers dig on the inside of my thighs. They would surely leave

marks there, but I’d gladly bear his marks like a prize. I love the feel of his

mouth on me. My head tossed side to side. Hips bucking as my fingers moved

against my n*pples, pinching and tugging.

From the first tDamian touched me, I knew he was different. This man had

skills. His expert hands knew where to touch me, and now his tongue… G od. I

can’t even put into words the skills he’s bestowing upon me. He’s sending me

skyrocketing towards the finale without mercy. And the noise he’s making, he

sounds like a man tasting his first meal after a long period of starvation. His

grumble of pleasure vibrated through my entire b*dy. I was coming. There was

no controlling this anymore. Though I wanted this moment to last, I couldn’t

hold it in. I chard. Fast. Black dots danced on the back of eyelids, and my

world spun.

It was a beautiful ending that hadseeing galaxies whirling around me.

He didn’t stop until I was shuddering in pleasure. My b*dy collapsed on the

couch; his nwas the only thing running through my dizzy head.

Damian lifted his face, studying me. I lay sprawled on the couch legs spread

wide, wanton and riding the waves of his intoxicating touch.

He exceeded my expectations, and I could barely remember my name.

I barely comprehend what happened next. Damian gatheredin his arms and

walked us inside the room, layingon the bed. He disappeared on the

ensuite and cout with a damp towel. I blinked up at him, frowning.

“What about you?” I pushed up on my elbows, sitting up straight.

“I’m drunk,” he murmured, sliding the towel on the inside of my thighs. I bit my

l*p when he patted my well-ravished pu ssy. I was still sensitive. “When I take

you, I want to be sober.”

“Oh,” my mouth parted.
