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Facade of Love

Chapter 99
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Chapter 99 Fighting for a Chance for Me and Idris

I shook my head and spoke softly. “I won’t go back on the promise I made to you. I just

want to understand the reason why you want me and Idris to divorce.”

She cooled her expression, showing little patience, and said, “I’ve told you before. The

granddaughter–in–law of the Youngs must be pure and clean. Your father’s deception years

ago angered me greatly. If it weren’t for your relatively well–behaved conduct in the

Youngs over the past two years, I wouldn’t have let the matter go. Of course, that’s not

the only reason. Yvette, you know better than I do that the current Scott Corporation is of

no help to the Youngs. On the contrary, it might even burden the Youngs. Without your

father, it won’t be easy for you to keep it afloat. Idris‘ wife must add luster to the Youngs

and cannot become a burden. Besides, Iddy doesn’t have much affection for you. Do you

understand now?”

In essence, the Scott Corporation no longer offered any benefit to the Young Corporation.

Madam Young, a shrewd businesswoman, had clearly calculated everything.

After listening to her, I remained silent for a while before speaking calmly. “If I can clear

my name from the events five years ago and ensure that the Scott Corporation doesn’t

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become a burden to the Youngs, will you still force me to divorce Idris?”

She paused slightly while pouring tea, and glanced at me. There was a trace of surprise on

her aged face. “Are you implying you don’t want to divorce Iddy?”

I did not directly answer her question but instead said, “Grandma, this is what I found out

at the hospital today.”

I handed her the ultrasound report.

She frowned, taking the report with a puzzled look, and was visibly surprised upon reading

it. Then, a joy that she could not hide spread across her face, and. she asked me, “You’re


I nodded and said, “Yes, I’m already six weeks along. This child came as a surprise to me.

I’m not someone who breaks promises. The promise I made to has always been on my

mind. Since my father left, I’ve been considering occing Idris, but I didn’t expect to get

pregnant so suddenly. As an elder, 17 you, and I think, like me, you wouldn’t want the

child in my womb to

mplete family, right?”


report tightly, her face bed

She would not easily change her decision just because of a child.

After I finished speaking, she put down the report, her expression becoming much calmet.

Her murky eyes fixed on me as she asked, “What did you mean earlier when you said you

would clear your past from five years ago?”

I previously did not want to explain the events from five years ago before, thinking that

without evidence, people would assume I was making excuses. However, things were

different now. I had found clues, so there was no need to hide anything from Madam Young

I told her in detail about how I was abducted and sold years ago.

After hearing my story, she could not help being surprised. “You mean you were sold to

the border after being lured in by Moore?”

I nodded.

She became even more perplexed. “Why? Aren’t you biological sisters? Why would she do

that? What was her reason:

I pursed my l*ps and took a deep breath before saying, “Five years ago, I couldn’t

understand why she would do such a thing to me. But after my father passed, I realized

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why she did it. She’s not the Scotts‘ biological daughter. She was just a child my mother

adopted out of the kindness of her heart many years ago.”

Madam Young seemed stunned by one revelation after another, taking a long time before

she spoke again. There was disbelief in her voice. “You mean Moore. is not the biological

daughter of the Scotts?”

I nodded, knowing this fact was unknown to outsiders. Most people who knew had either

passed away or moved to other cities, so naturally, no one knew that Moore was not

biologically a Scott.

After a long silence, Madam Young sighed deeply and said, “In that case, what you said

earlier makes sense. It’s not uncommon for an adopted daughter to be jealous and want

to harm the biological one. Moore’s only seemingly fragile, but she actually has a rather

wicked heart. She’s capable of doing such things.”

did not respond to Madam Young’s assessment of Moore. There was no need to Judge her

character anymore.

After a long silence, Madam Young looked up at me and asked, “So, you were

five years ago, but why have you kept silent all these years? Why didn’t you explain the

past to anyone?”