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Facade of Love

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56 A Little Quick

As the elevator doors slid open, Idris stepped inside, leaving m had indeed escaped.

question unanswered. Yet, his silence spoke volumes–Caleb

I pressed my l*ps together, my mind racing. I turned to him. “So, Benett was involved in

Caleb’s money laundering scheme? And he’s fled too?” He had just emerged from Scott

Corporation, presumably after a fruitless search for Benett. That was why he thought to

bring me to Sophia, hoping to extract some information.

He studied me, a hint of amusement lifti thought.”

lifting his eyebrows. His voice was low, almost a murmur. “You’re not as naive as I


Was that supposed to be a compliment? It felt oddly unsettling.

Ignoring his remark, I stepped out of the elevator as the doors opened again, heading

towards Sophia’s house. As I exited, I noticed Sophia’s door was slightly ajar.

Seeing this, Idris and I exchanged a glance, both silently acknowledging that something

might have happened to Sophia.

I rushed into Sophia’s house, scanning every corner, but found no one. I turned to Idris,

stating, “She and Benett must have left the country.”

Idris’s brow furrowed slightly, and after a moment, he shook his head. “That’s unlikely.”

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“Why can’t it be? She’s Benett’s wife. It’s unthinkable that Benett would leave the country

without her.” I trailed off, not finishing my thought.

Sophia had previously mumbled something about killing Benett, about stabbing him over

a dozen times. A man, no matter how much he loved his wife, might think twice about

taking her along if she harbored a subconscious desire to kill him

Seeing Idris silent, I pressed on. “If Benett isn’t taking her, where would she go? And

judging from the state of this room, it’s clear that Sophia must have left in a hurry.”

Idris scanned the room, his l*ps pressed together. “She was likely taken away by someone

Benett hired. She must know something about Benett, or he wouldn’t have thought of her

at a time like this.”

1 bit my l*p. “If Benett isn’t taking Sophia with him, where would he send her?”

Idris did not respond, but he left Sophia’s house, his l*ps still pressed together. I was about

to call the police, but Idris stopped me. “The police don’t know the truth. Even if we call

them, they won’t be able to do much right away”

“So what do we do?” I asked, feeling a headache coming on. “If Benett has malicious

intentions, if he wants to silence her permanently… wouldn’t that mean Sophia’s life is in


Idris shook his head, his striking eyebrows smoothing out as he looked at me. “He knows

the difference between murder and embezzlement better than anyone. He wouldn’t be

foolish enough to kill. He must have hidden Sophia somewhere,” he reasoned

His words sparked a realization in me. Indeed, if he had committed murder, it would be a

crime punishable by death. Even if he had the means to flee abroad, he would likely never

be able to return home, or he would face a lifetime behind bars.

With this in mind, I found my calm and followed Idris out of the residential complex.

As we stood by his car, he noticed my hesitation to get in. “What’s the matter?” he asked,

a crease forming between his brows. When we arrived, he had forced me to come with

him. Now that our business was concluded, I had no intention of continuing with him. I

pressed my l*ps together and said, “I’ll take a cab. You can go ahead.”

His handsome face hardened, a chill creeping into his gaze. “Yvette, are you intentionally

trying to distance yourself from me? ” he asked, not waiting for an answer.

I remained silent. Madam Young had only given me two months. I had not y

yet figured out how to use the nonexistent child in

Chapter 56 A Little Quick


my belly to force him into a divorce. The best course of action seemed to be to keep my

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distance from him, giving me time to


Noticing my silence, he strode over, pulled me into the car, his expression dark and

commanding. “The Scott Corporation matter isn’t something that good–for–nothing

Maxwell can help you with.”

His words caught me off guard, and I frowned. “Didn’t you say he was a genius?” I asked.

It hadn’t been long, and he was already calling him useless.

He buckled his seatbelt, casting me a cold glance. “What? Have you taken a liking to


I was about to argue, but after a moment’s thought, I decided to play along. “Why not?

You and Moore are bound to end up together. I should start thinking about my own future.

Besides, after spending these past few days with Mr. Sanchez, I’ve found him to be quite

decent. He’s someone I can rely on.”

“Yvette!” The man’s voice was strained, each syllable forced out as he abruptly hit the

brakes. His face was a storm cloud, his dark eyes simmering with a restrained fury. “You’re

carrying my child, and already you’re looking for someone else. A little quick, don’t you


Chapter 57 I Never Planned on Having This