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Facade of Love

Chapter 471
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I really did not want to say a word to Lucas, so I simply pretended that I was mute.

After the auction ended, the string of pearls which had gone for millions ultimately ended up in my hands. They were beautiful and undoubtedly expensive.

As Lucas had spent so much money, he was inevitably called to the auction stage to explain why he was willing to spend millions on a string of pearls worth only hundreds of thousands.

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" The host was probably the most curious. He casually asked Lucas, "Mr. Lucas, we noticed a beautiful lady sitting beside you earlier. May I ask if you spent such a fortune just to make her smile?" Laughter and applause erupted from the audience. Lucas glanced in my direction, which madeuncomfortable. I turned my gaze to Idris instead, who was sitting not far away with a cold demeanor.

Lucas' voice cfrom the stage. "Well, it was indeed a lavish expenditure. It was all for the sake of winning her smile." Applause and laughter filled the room once again. I did not like it at all and worried that Lucas would take advantage of this opportunity to blather on stage. I stood up and left the auction hall with everyone's eyes still on me.

As soon as I stepped outside, someone suddenly grabbed my wrist. Thinking Lucas was following me, I felt irritated and asked, "Are you done..." However, when I saw Idris' familiar face, I froze. "You..." "Cwith me!" Before I could ask what was going on, he had already pulledout of the auction building. His car was parked outside, and he pushedinside.

We sped away.

Inside the car, I had not fully regained my senses just yet. I glanced at Idris, who was driving. "Idris, where are you taking me?" He remained silent. His face was pale, and he was clearly in a bad mood.

Thinking about what had just happened at the auction, I bit my lip and refrained from asking further questions.

The sky had already darkened when we arrived at a newly developed residential area on the outskirts of the city. I had seen this neighborhood before when passing by. It was a newly built housing estate in the city center, likely recently completed and ready for occupancy.

Idris parked the car in the underground parking lot of the complex, turned off the engine, and got out of the car. Then, he opened my door.

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He looked atand said in a low and restrained voice, "Get out of the car." I furrowed my brows slightly. "Why did you bringhere?" Though I was curious, I still got out et of the car. He then took my hand and ledinto the elevator. After pressing a button, I realized that was very familiar with this place. I had no idea why he broughthere, and since he was not saying anything, there was nothing I could do. Ding! The elevator doors opened, and Idris pulledout. This building had two elevators and only one apartment on each floor, likely a spacious one.

Indeed, as I entered the house and took a quick look around, I saw it was an elegantly decorated duplex apartment. I had no idea why Idris had suddenly broughthere.

Unable to resist, I finally asked, "Idris, what are you..." "You'll live here from now on," he interrupted, pullinginto the living room.

I furrowed my brows. "I have a place to live." He looked at me, his brow furrowing deeply. "You mean Lucas's place?" What was up with this guy? I pursed my lips and did not respond, which could be taken as tacit agreement.

He suddenly chuckled, inexplicably asking, "When do you plan to leave?" I was surprised at how he knew we were planning to leave. However, upon careful consideration, it was quite expected. Lucas had once again appeared so boldly, yet the police had not made a move. figured that at this point, there was เอ็น ว still nothing they could do to him, so they had no choice but to let him leave. It seemed like it had always been ne like this for many years. They knew full well that Lucas and his group had blood on their hands and were incredibly brazen. Even so, they could not touch them because even if they arrested them, Lucas and his group had countless ways to defend themselves. They had money and mysterious connections with politicians from various countries. Any disturbance they caused would stir up a storm. Hence, the police in the country, who held a limited amount of power, were powerless against them and could even be counter- attacked.

This was also why, even though Kobe had provided a lot of evidence against Kenneth, the police did not immediately go after them at the border. Not to mention, Lucas could still enter the country so boldly.

The world was inherently gray, far from being simply black and white.

Looking at Idris, I pursed my lips and sighed softly. I said, "I don't know." He held my wrist and looked atwith a serious expression on his face. "What's your reason for leaving with him this time?" Feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny, I averted my gaze and stood up. "If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving now." As I tried to stand, I was suddenly pulled back forcefully. I fell onto the sofa, and before I had tto react, Idris already hadin his arms. He buried his head in the crook of my neck, and for a moment, I could feel the pain of his teeth on my neck.