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Facade of Love

Chapter 467
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I stumbled back, facing him with a defiant grin. "What's the matter?" He was fuming, his eyes shooting daggers. "You..." However, he could not find the words.

I wore a mocking smile, watching him with composed detachment.

Embarrassment and rage must have been gnawing at him because, for the first time, I saw that heartless man look flustered. He could not bring himself to yell at me, much less touch me. Instead, he shota venomous glare before stumbling out of the bedroom.

As his figure vanished through the doorway, my smirk slowly disappeared. Yeah, Lucas had changed his tune with me. He would not end me, he would protect me, but he would not letstay in Lake City, living in perfect harmony with Idris anymore.

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My quest for vengeance hinged on that newfound difference in his feelings toward me.

The idea of a devil catching feelings... I let out a low laugh at the sheer irony of it.

I had sunk to a new low, using someone else's fondness to avenge the heroes who had died.

That night, I actually managed to sleep soundly, which was a cruel twist of fate considering I was in Lucas's house. No longer did I have to worry about him barging in unexpectedly. In a strange twist, the best sleep I had gotten since coming back was under his roof.

Sleep was a great energy booster. The April weather in Lake City had been pleasant, not too hot, and the rain had taken a break, leaving the air refreshingly crisp.

Descending the stairs, I noticed the table was full of food that actually looked tempting. The living room was empty, and I did not bother to look around. I figured my days there were numbered anyway.

I nibbled on a few things with hardly any appetite before settling into a chair by the window with a book.

Lucas walked in just as I was basking in the soft sunlight. His shadow fell over me, and I opened my eyes just enough to see him standing there. I knew it was him without looking. "You're in my light," I told him.

The guy facingwas not from any fancy background, he just leaned in close, his face zooming into mine. I freaked out for a few seconds, but when I saw he was not about to do anything else, I just bit my lip and gave him a calm, detached look. "Lucas..." I started.

"Yvette, you nailed it. I really do like you," he admitted, his breath warm on my face, and I had to fight not to squirm.

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His blunt confession frozefor a second.

I did not say anything, just watched him, curious about what he would say next.

He did not say a word, just edged closer. When I figured out his game, I put my hand on his chest and looked him in the eye. "Like me?" He cocked an eyebrow, staying quiet, but his message was loud and clear: Yes.

I let out a small, playful smile. "Okay, then. Marry me." He froze, clearly blindsided by my bold move. His dark eyes narrowed as he studied me, and then he challenged me, "Yvette, are you for real?" I laughed mockingly, keeping my gaze locked on his. "What's the matter? Scared? Afraid of what Yara or Kenneth might think?" He just stared atwith narrowed eyes, not moving an inch. After what felt like forever, he blurted out, "Yvette, are you trying to off me?" I cupped his face, my smile icy. "Why would I? I just want to be your wife." He shovedback suddenly, uffing a cynical laugh. "Yvette, you hink I'd buy that? You're only sticking around because you're cared spill the Youngs' nassecrets. And you're probably plotting o takeout, get revenge for thos eroes' you're so fond of right?" I slumped back in my chair, not bothering to answer. He had guessed it exactly.

He watched me, his face all serious, as he grabbed my chin firmly. "I'll give you a shot at me, but let's see if you've got what it takes." He had barely finished his sentence when he suddenly leaned in close, his head against my neck. A quick sting, and before I could even push him away, he was already on his feet, Stepping back to put space between us. I was not having it. My brows knitted together, and I shot him a glare. "Have you lost your mind?" He just flashed a cheeky grin, touched his lips thoughtfully, and chuckled. "Con, I'm taking you somewhere special." "Where to?" "You'll see." I was still trying to wrap my head around the 'opportunity' he had mentioned earlier. Shaking off the confusion, I did not questioncit further and followed him out of the Villa. In the car, he zipped us straight to the city center and parked at a shopping mall. I gave him a puzzled look. "What are we shopping for?" He shota look and simply said, "Get out." Great, cryptic as ever.

I was miffed but trailed after him into the mall anyway.

He steeredinto a chic women's clothing store, where a salesperson greeted us with a practiced smile. He pointed atand told her, "Pick out something nice for her."